I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1479: Break into the palace!

In the capital of Yuan Dynasty, a group of people suddenly appeared. These people were heroes such as Chen Beixuan, Zhang Wuji, Yang Xiao and so on.

"The teacher really knows how to shrink the ground?"

"I was in the majority in an instant!"

"There is such a divine thing in the matter!"

Yang Xiao Yin Tian was waiting for someone to talk. Chen Beixuan just used the method of shrinking the ground, and they entered the Yuan Capital in an instant. A **** like Chen Beixuan can't wait too long, he just wants his apprentice to grow up quickly, and nothing else matters.

"I have my own means, Chen Beixuan!" Chen Beixuan said. He did everything in his life arbitrarily and smartly, just now he was just trying his hand.

The heroes are all worshipping, and Teacher Chen Beixuan is not martial arts, but supernatural powers.

"The inside is the palace of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, you enter and kill him, if you can't do it yourself, Chen Beixuan will do it!" Chen Beixuan said.

"I will try my best to kill the Dog Emperor!" Zhang Wuji, Yang Xiao and others said.

These martial arts heroes are all masters of a generation, and they fly into the palace. The world is chaotic, and the Yuan Dynasty is not peaceful, and the palace is complete and strict, but it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to find an expert like Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Wuji and others gradually entered the depths of the palace.

"One hundred feet west, Yuan Emperor's palace!" Chen Beixuan said in secret.

Zhang Wuji led someone to the emperor's palace.

From time to time in the outer palace, there were strange voices. The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is doing that exciting thing. These days, there have been reports from all over the world, saying that Jiangshan lost half, he is also very angry, using his concubines to get angry.

The main hall is surrounded by soldiers, and there are about three thousand people inside and outside. The three generals at the gate of the temple are all martial arts masters of the generation. Only the masters of the Ruyang Palace were written on the Yitian plane. In fact, there were masters in the Palace of the Dayuan Emperor, and the methods were better than those of Ah Da and others.

The three generals in front of the temple are the Great Monk Dutian from Shaolin, the Great Monk Tiemu of the Western Regions, and the first Mongolian warrior Gorba.

The Great Monk Dutian was a descendant of Dutian, that is to say, he was a generation of Sandu, and his martial arts cultivation was still higher than that of Sandu, and he was very hardworking. He died ten years ago and joined the Yuan army. As for why, there is only the word wine, just because of this.

The Great Monk Tiemu of the Western Regions is very good, his whole body is poisoned, he has practiced evil skills, he could be invincible in the world, but he can't solve the poison, because of this, he can only rely on the Yuan Emperor, only the Yuan Emperor Can give him an endless variety of precious medicines.

Mongolia's first warrior, Gorba, was a powerful and incomparable man. He majored in foreign magic arts, and his skill was far superior to those of Kongwen and others.

These three are powerful warriors. They join the Yuan army and become warriors in front of the palace. These three magic skills are too high, but they rarely walk around the rivers and lakes. They only have one task, which is to protect the Great Yuan Emperor.

After the three generals, there are ten great kings. The ten great kings are masters in Mongolian religion. Since the beginning of Mongolia, Mongolian religion has been with the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. He is the national teacher of the Yuan emperor and the protector. The ten great masters can work together to fight against Shaolin Wudang and other sects. They just follow the Great Yuan Emperor and do not move around the rivers and lakes, so people in the rivers and lakes do not know.

Chen Beixuan glanced at it, and naturally saw the power of these people.

"Yes, it's another good experience for my apprentice!" Chen Beixuan thought in his heart. He also needs to let Zhang Wuji exercise so that he can enter the illusion of the grandmaster, and only after he can enter the heavens. The newest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in One World Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717. htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples to read the full text of Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717 /I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/111717 .htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples to read on my mobile phone: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (1479 Zhang broke into the palace!) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! I like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples" please recommend to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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