I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1544: Kill this thief!

The monks asked. Most of these monks believed that Xuzhu was the culprit.

"Chen Beixuan taught, a few quarters of an hour!" Xu Zhu said.

Everyone didn't believe it, Void was the highest generation of Void characters in the temple, and it was impossible for Void to learn martial arts within a few quarters of an hour to kill Void.

"Stop talking nonsense again!"

"Stealing his martial arts secretly and hurting my Shaolin disciple will definitely kill you!"

"Come on, what school sent you here?"

The monks had already taken out their long sticks and prepared to kill the bamboo.

"The little monk is not afraid of death, but the little monk is called Yu Shaolin with all his heart, not from his sect!" Xuzhu is very interesting. He is not afraid of death, but he can't be stigmatized. He was not sent by someone else. He was loyal to Shaolin. , This can’t be said by others.

So, the next thing is interesting, all the monks are swearing at the thief of Xuzhu's outer door, and Xuzhu is dissatisfied in every way. In this way, the death of the void has become an irrelevant thing.

Chen Beixuan watched invisibly, knowing that it would be better to add a fire.

"Xu Zhu, you were sent by Xiaoyao to kill the abbot!" Chen Beixuan murmured among the crowd. At this time everyone's attention was on Xu Zhu, and no one paid attention to who said this sentence.

Xu Zhu shouted: "The little monk was not sent by someone else, and the little monk will not hurt the abbot!"

"So you have the ability to hurt the abbot?" Chen Beixuan asked again among the crowd.

"No, the little monk only uses Shaolin martial arts!" Xu Zhu really couldn't stand it anymore. He wanted to pay for Senior Brother Xukong, but he was going to die innocently. He missed and killed Senior Brother Xukong. It was not intentional, nor was it sent by other sects. Thief.

Chen Beixuan laughed. This apprentice is too stupid. Nie Feng still has the side of a unicorn monster. Bu Jingyun is even more ruthless. Yang Guoxie is so good that he wants to accept a stupid apprentice this time. Chen Beixuan thinks about himself. Laughed.

The monks were brought into rhythm by Chen Beixuan, shouting that Xu Zhu was an outside thief. Zhizheng exclaimed, "You use that palm technique, let us see it!"

Xu Zhu seriously said: "The little monk dare not use it!"

"Let you use it, you can use it!" Zhizhen said, hitting Xu Zhu with a palm.

Zhizhen's palm used the Shaolin Vigorous Vajra palm. His cultivation is not high, but this palm can also have nearly a hundred kilograms of power. Normally, the virtual bamboo cannot be stopped.

Xu Zhu had just eaten Shen Dan, and he didn't know the power of Tianshan Six Sun Palm, so he used Yang Ge Tian to use it.


The two collided with palm strength, Zhizhen stepped back a few steps, vomited a mouthful of blood, shook it, and fell to the ground.

"Thief!" Wisdom said angrily. After he finished speaking, a mouthful of blood came out, looking hopeless.

Xu Zhu was shocked. He didn't know the power of Tianshan Six Sun Palm, and he didn't expect to make progress so quickly. This time he was shocked and could no longer speak.

"He's murdered again!" "Everyone, let's kill this culprit!" "If this man goes out alive, he will hurt my Shaolin reputation!" The monks shouted together and attacked Xu Zhu.

Xu Zhu's nature is very good, he only used a successful force and didn't want to hurt the fellow teachers. He thought he was dead at this time, but he also thought he was not a culprit. If he died at this time, he would not be able to explain clearly. Chen Beixuan even smiled in his heart. This is really an interesting apprentice. He even recognized that he was beaten without full effort.

"Xu Zhu, do you want to live?" Chen Beixuan's consciousness entered the space of Xu Zhu's mindI have The address of the latest chapter of hundreds of millions of disciples: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717.htmlWanjie Login I have hundreds of millions of disciples to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/10,000 I have hundreds of millions of disciples txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this time (chapter 1544 killed the thief!) to read the record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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