I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1586: Good luck coming from all worlds!

"Anyway, it's already worse than others, and it's no big deal if it's worse. Is it possible that bad luck is really coming, and you can't be killed directly?"

"Recharge!" Chen Beixuan gritted his teeth, "First consume 20 points of air luck and recharge 2 points of system credit!"

"Ding, the recharge is successful, it consumes 20 points of gas luck for the user, successfully recharges 2 points of the system credit, and the user's existing system balance is 2 points! Will you continue to recharge?"


At the moment when Chen Beixuan chose to recharge, he felt a mysterious force lightly passing through his body and soul, as if taking away a trace of existence that was extremely important to him, and he opened his mouth. In the end, I chose to give up. Now that I have chosen the road, don't regret it!


At the same time, far in the depths of the Great Wilderness, in the village of the villain, Chu Yi, who was lying on a wicker chair under the big willow tree, basking in the sun, smiled and felt a trace of the force of luck that was almost impossible to find. The law of cause and effect was drawn by him, and he was easily collected into his body. Although this trace of air luck was very small, it undoubtedly proved that Chu Yi's approach was completely without any problems.

For Chu Yi and the villain’s village, once this experiment is successful, there will be so-called protagonists in all heavens and all worlds who use their own heavens and all worlds to dominate the system, and exchange the so-called system quota through the value of air transport. At that time, he could be able to sit in the house and bring luck to the world! Without any effort, you can harvest the power of luck from the heavens and the world!


Looking at the solitary "2" dots behind the two conspicuous handwritings in the column of the holographic projection light screen belonging to his own status, Chen Beixuan was very painful, only two o'clock, it was really black, and his luck was just right now. There are only 59 points left, which is already a failure. I don't know what bad luck will be brought by that time!

If the two-point system quota won’t work, I’m afraid, maybe I can only go to the roadside to beg, maybe I’ll be kicked a few times by the urban management uncle, and be chased by wild dogs on the side of the road. , And may even be captured by the asylum to do some indescribable activities, anyway, my life is hard to be guaranteed!

Thinking of the possibility of facing such a terrifying encounter, Chen Beixuan's heart almost collapsed, his scalp numb, his heart was throbbing, and he blurted out almost without thinking, "Can I exchange my luck again?"

"Ding, no! In order to encourage users to continue to be strong and plunder their luck, the system does not have this reversal function!"


Perhaps the retreat in the bottom of my heart was completely blocked, and Chen Beixuan exhaled a long breath. Since there is no way back, then, I can only pray that the 2-point system quota that was exchanged will be effective, but Don't ask a question. It takes a 10 point system quota. If that's the case, I'm afraid I will really be a beggar. It is estimated that at that time, my parents will be implicated because of this!

At the thought of what might happen, Chen Beixuan shuddered fiercely, he won't, definitely won't!

"Be sure to succeed, don’t let me down, all your wealth is here, the **** of the system, you must work harder, grandpa, you are my pro-uncle, don’t be greedy, answer the question, I think 1 point of the system quota is enough. Enough, ah no, it’s quite a bit too much, or is it possible to be 0.1 point?"Wanjie Log in, I have hundreds of millions of disciples, the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717.html I have hundreds of millions of disciples to read the full text of the login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (the first thousand five hundred and eighty-six chapters are coming!) to read the record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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