I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1686: State of the strong!

In the face of this kind of threat that seems to have no momentum at all, but looks like a pleading for surrender, Chen Beixuan not only does not feel provoked, but rather a little funny, at the same time, he also sighs about Raven's popularity!

Unexpectedly, these subordinates of Raven were obviously afraid that they would die, but for Raven's sake, to maintain Raven's safety, they were able to resist the fear in their hearts and threatened themselves out loud.

Even if it hadn’t been for Ruiwen to use means to force these loyal subordinates away from the center of the battle, Chen Beixuan had no doubt that the swordsmen of these swordsmen groups would die without hesitation even if they knew they were going to die. Rushing up to besiege themselves, the purpose is to create the slightest possible opportunity for their leader, Raven, the blade of exile, even if this hope is very slim, it is almost the same as no!

Chen Beixuan nodded appreciatively at Raven. Regardless of Raven’s strength, at least he can get the sincere maintenance of his subordinates, even at all costs for this, and even his life is enough to prove Raven’s excellence. !

Such a swordsman deserves his respect!

Chen Beixuan stood there quietly, although his breath was not attracted, it was like a deep sea, like an unfathomable sea, and a vast starry sky, completely blocking Raven’s growing momentum in front of him, without any sense of lag. Feeling Raven’s powerful fighting spirit, Chen Beixuan nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile:

"Without mentioning anything else, just with this powerful and unyielding fighting spirit, if you grow up, there will be no more than one palm that can beat you on Valoran Continent! Come on, let me see, Are you qualified to let me really put it in my eyes!"

Whether it is Chen Beixuan or Raven, there may be a gap in strength, but in terms of temperament and fighting spirit, they are almost exactly the same. They are the kind of unwilling existence. Therefore, with Chen Beixuan’s opening, it can almost be foreseen. Raven's reaction to her.

Since Chen Beixuan started to invite battle, how could Raven, who was more arrogant in his heart than those ancient aristocrats want to come, even though he often laughed at the common people, disagreed with this kind of request that was right to her?

Speaking gently:

"Okay, I have this idea too. I want to see Raven, who is obviously a powerful magician, and how the swordsmanship is so stunning and shocking the heroes of the world! As for what you think of me? In my opinion, I am who I am, Blade of Exile, Raven, the rest is not important at all."

This is the state of a truly confident strong man.

After that, Raven gripped the hilt of the big rune sword with both hands and moved forward calmly, facing Chen Beixuan without worrying about the other party’s sneak attack. A strong man like Chen Beixuan would not disdain to take the first shot. He would definitely do it. Choosing to wait for Raven to take action before starting to counterattack, this is also the only chance for Raven to win after thinking hard!

Taking this opportunity, Raven dragged the huge rune sword to draw a deep ravine on the ground, and even on the edge of the ravine, he could feel the sharp sharp sword aura!

Step by step, Raven continued to condense his own aura and quickly filled his aura to the top level. Twenty steps before Chen Beixuan, this terrifying and powerful aura finally reached the peak!

With the retreat of the Swordsman Team of the Noxian Swordsman Group, a huge blank space appeared on the entire battlefield. This is the only thing the Swordsman Group members can provide for their leader and their spiritual beliefs. Convenient, this battlefield vacated specifically for the battle between Raven and Chen Beixuan is the last way for them to express their respect. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 1686's State of the Strong!) Reading record, next time you open the bookshelf, you can see it! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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