In the vast continent, the people of the world stand, and the gods come out. The strong are used to destroy the stars. The emperor can fill the sea with a grain of sand, the dead wood can turn the spring, and the mountains and the sea can talk about laughter.

The three kingdoms of the world are divided into the world. In the kingdom of God, there are 3,000 vassal states under 3,000 sects and 3,000 families.

This is an era when heaven is pressing the soul and the earth is swallowing blood.

The weak have nothing to say! The dead can only complain about hell! Only the strong can become myself, the person I look forward to!

Xuanzongmen has nine peaks, Xiaolinfeng, Houshan, Qingshuihe, and waterfalls.

The 14-year-old Chen Beixuan holds a three-legged red sword, and the three swords are very sharp. They rolled a water dragon and danced around. high speed.


The breeze is moving, hunting and screaming, but the gentle face is so strong, the sweat and the river are intertwined, they can't tell each other.

"I don't want to be bullied for a lifetime!" Chen Beixuan took the sword from the **** and pierced the waterfall with a speed and sharp tip, but his body was swept by the powerful impact of the waterfall and hit the rock near the clear water.

"Oh..." Chen Beixuan rushed out of his blood, and said without a breath. It sprayed directly, and purple blood poured into the stream, spread quickly, and dyed it into clear stream water.

"Brother Wang, look at it, that stupid and hard training, let's play and play with him." A subtle voice came from the foot of the mountain, Chen Beixuan couldn't help being surprised, and quickly retreated.

"Stupid and embarrassing. I have played enough in the past few years. On his day, I was really too lazy to manage. Li, brother, you must play with him. If you have enough, we should leave, Xiao Linfeng soon It was disbanded. If Xiao Linfeng is punished, we will feel embarrassed! "Brother Wang is Qi Tianfeng, a disciple of Wang Qin, and he is willing to bully Xiao Linfeng and others on weekdays.

Chen Beixuan's talent is very poor, so if Lin Xuan hadn't adopted it since he was a child, it would be impossible to join Xuanzong!

"What do you want to do? Why sneak into the hills of Xiaolinfeng? Are you afraid of being known by the law enforcement elders?" Chu Mo asked the police, he was very alert and worried. He is often bullied on weekdays. Then he could not go to bed for three or five days, so he was inexplicably afraid of the disciples of the other main peaks. After all, he is only fourteen years old.

"This idiot still doesn't know. Is this the back mountain of Xiaolinfeng? One month later, it doesn't belong to Xiaolinfeng. If you change your surname, you must be kicked out of the mountain gate. Even your wasteful peak must be demoted to a little old man. Let's enter now How is Xiao Linfeng?" Wang Qin said with a smile.

"Fart! You can't humiliate my master!" Chu Mo is not afraid of others humiliating himself, how to fight, and can't die, but others can't humiliate the master, because the master has raised him for ten years, like a father!

When Wang Qin humiliated Lin Xuan, Chu Mo moved away from the sword, and the sword pointed at the three powerful brothers.

"Hey, dare to draw a sword for my brother, do you want to die?" At this time, Wang Qin, his younger brother Li Yufeng and a young man named Chen Yu were walking on the rock, and they soon looked around Chu Mo He looked at him contemptuously, he shook his palm and left Chen Beixuan.

Chen Beixuan is too poor and talented. After years of hard work, it is possible to realize a martial arts mirror. Compared with the other three powerful martial arts squadrons, the gap is too big, and there is no time to raise the sword. Red Li Jian in his hand was taken away.


Chen Hao's strong body is extremely powerful. Although he is a six-day restoration of martial arts mirror, even the most powerful person in the seven days dare not fight him. He raised his ankle and turned Chen Beixuan into the pool. . The latest chapter address of I Have Hundreds of Disciples in One World Login: htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples to read the full text of Wanjie Login: /I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: .htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples to read on my mobile phone: /In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1858 Hunting!) Reading History , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! I like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples" please recommend to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! (

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