I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 309: , Lei Ting Zu Fu! ! Let's go for a whole wave!


Lin Dong felt the terrible pressure behind him suddenly released from behind, he knew that Chen Beixuan had returned with his spiritual thoughts!


The power of space instantly turned into an indestructible barrier, blocking Lin Dong!


Hundreds of vitality horses suddenly blasted on the space barrier, and the terrifying vitality madly attacked the space barrier!

"Have you played enough! It's me!"

Chen Beixuan waved his hand to remove the space barrier, and the spiritual energy all over his body rose into the sky, turning into a terrible sword light, illuminating the entire thunder world!

"Who has such a powerful sword light!"

The Lord of the Temple of Flames, Moruo looked at the dignified expression in the Thunder Realm that soared to the sky, even he couldn't issue such a powerful attack!


Chen Beixuan let out a soft drink, and dropped his fingers on the people who had attacked before. In an instant, the huge sword light split into hundreds, and fell on everyone!


The sword light was directed towards, cutting off all the power, and suddenly cut through the space with an aura of destruction!

The terrible sword energy shattered the entire space in an instant, and everyone fell into the endless space!

Chen Beixuan's eyes condensed, and the law of space suddenly flowed out from his fingertips, and the originally broken space was suddenly healed!

Everything is as if they have never appeared before, everyone is completely obliterated!

"Well, I have found it, we should go!"

Chen Beixuan patted Lin Dong, who was shocked. He couldn't figure it out. These are just basic operations, so what's so surprising!

"Master, where are we going?"

Lin Dong really didn't know exactly where Chen Beixuan was going to take him. This place was deadly enough, so he wouldn't have to take him to a more deadly place!

"Let's get the Thunder Ancestral Talisman!"

Suddenly, Lin Dong felt that he was surrounded by the power of a space, and he could not move.

Chen Beixuan casually cut through the space, leading Lin Dong to shuttle through the space suddenly to find the Thunder Ancestral Talisman!


At the moment of rushing into the spatial vortex, Lin Dong first saw a black, and then, a dazzling silver light suddenly appeared in his vision, and then, the continuous sound of thunder, with an unspeakable coercion. , Rumbling resounded in Lin Dong's ears.

Lin Dong squinted his gaze slowly, and then a vast space that could not be seen to the end appeared in his eyes. This space was the world of Thunder.

Countless huge thunder and lightning, like ancient thunder dragons, roared and flickered in this space, and the sound of thunder spread violently. Such a landscape is indescribable.

"This place is more terrifying than before? It's over, it's over, Lin Dong is ready to receive special training in hell!"

Xiao Diao's gloating voice made Lin Dong feel unhappy, but he was helpless.

"Who is the one who came here uninvited!"

A fiery red figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Dong's eyes. That face was quite rough, and between his thick eyebrows, there was a domineering force that could burn the world, and at the center of his eyebrows, a flame rune shone with a peculiar light. .

"The whole body pressure unexpectedly surpassed the powerful person in Zhuan Lun Realm, and why do I feel a kind of cordial feeling!"

Just when Lin Dong was surprised, Chen Beixuan stood up!

"In Chen Beixuan, this time I came here only for the Thunder Ancestral Talisman!"

For the person in front of him, Chen Beixuan did not have any malice, after all, this person was the controller of the flame ancestor charm, and he had no malice towards them!

"Chen Beixuan? You made the sword light, right?"

Moruo's eyes were full of jealousy, obviously he was still very concerned about the sword light that extinguished the space!

"Just do whatever you want, don't care!"

Chen Beixuan waved his hand, he really didn't use much power, just banished everyone directly into the void!

"Do whatever it takes?"

Moruo's expression became more solemn, and he could feel that Chen Beixuan did not lie. If it were true, how terrifying the man in front of him was, this was beyond Moruo's imagination!

"The deity only came to get the Thunder Ancestral Talisman, this unowned thing, the deity's disciples need this!"

Chen Beixuan glanced at Lin Dong and said slowly, he didn't need this Thunder Ancestral Talisman at all. He could control the Thunder in front of him with just one hand!

After all, he has absorbed two people of Heavenly Dao, and the power of Thunder Punishment is exclusive to Heavenly Dao, so Chen Beixuan can control the more terrifying Thunder of Heavenly Punishment without the Thunder Ancestral Talisman!

"Didn't he have swallowing ancestral charms? How can a person have two ancestral charms, wouldn't the power of ancestral charms burst him?"

Moruo looked at Lin Dong questioningly, he was able to sense the power of Lin Dong's body that swallowed the ancestor talisman!

"Anything is possible, how can I know if I don't try it?"

Chen Beixuan smiled and looked at Lin Dong with a look of encouragement!

"Master's command, I am willing to try!"

"That's great, I'm really a disciple of Chen Beixuan, do you have any questions now about the Lord Moro? Could it be that you want to stop the deity?"

A terrible pressure suddenly erupted in Chen Beixuan's eyes, and his eyes looked at Moro, and the aura of the Supreme Immortal Venerable suddenly enveloped him.


A drop of sweat suddenly slipped from Moro's cheek, and in an instant he felt the crisis of death. Although it passed by, it was still extremely strong. He had no doubt that the immortal man in front of him had the power to kill him!

"No, Lei Ting Zu Fu originally belongs to the destined person!"

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