I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 328: Shake the world with one's own power! 60w words,

The Demon King's pair of magic pupils suddenly tightened, the sword light was close at hand in an instant, and the magic energy was extinguished between the sword light, and the power of this sword was enough to cause a huge threat to it!

"The eyes of the Demon King are open!"

The eyes closed on the arms of the other demon emperor suddenly opened, and the terrifying magic light shot out from the magic eye, and suddenly the sword light was scattered!

However, Chen Beixuan did not expect this blow to be able to kill him. After all, the target of the Different Demon Emperor was also the spirit of this plane, and he did not belong to this world like Chen Beixuan, and his strength was a real powerhouse in the middle of the nine-star stage!

Only with such strength can it plunder the opportunity of a world.

"It's not bad that you can push me to such an extent!"

The eyes of the alien demon emperor suddenly looked into the vast army of alien monsters, and a cruel message was sent to the army of alien monsters!

"Consecrate your flesh and blood to me."

The different demon emperor smiled softly, his whole body surging into the demon eyes on his arm, and a terrible aura came out of his body during the week, causing Chen Beixuan to turn his eyes slightly!

Bang bang bang!

At the moment his voice fell, countless explosions suddenly sounded among the demon prison army. Immediately, countless powerful people were horrified to see through divine thoughts. The demon prison army exploded one after another at this time. Come.

The thick demon energy, mixed with black flesh and blood, sputtered open, and finally swept into the arms of the different demon emperor. With the infusion of that countless demon energy and flesh and blood, only the demon arms of the other demon emperor could be seen. The eyes of the demon emperor above turned out to slowly open one by one.

And every time a magic eye is opened, the world is dim.

If you open all of them, this world of heaven and earth will probably turn into a world of demons, and that one's demon eye seems to have the ability to seize the power of heaven and earth!

Bang bang!

The explosion continued quickly, and the entire desert seemed to be turned into a sea of ​​black blood. The Alliance army hurriedly lifted into the air, staring at this scene in amazement.

The monstrous demon energy and the **** and hostile energy created during the previous fights are constantly pouring into the image of the demon emperor at this time, opening the demon eyes.

However, it is obviously not a simple matter to have all the evil eyes on the image of the Demon Emperor. When the army of the demon prison blew all of them, the evil eyes on the image of the Demon Emperor failed to open even half.

But the power at this moment is terrible enough, more than half of the power in the entire world is directly taken away by it. In fact, the other demon emperor can't fully open all the magic eyes, otherwise the terrible power will directly burst it!

"How do you fight me now!"

The figure of the different demon emperor at this moment suddenly turned into a huge, powerful body as if to crush this area!


With a punch, a huge fist of thousands of feet suddenly crashed like a mountain full of violent demonic energy, possessing terrifying power!


The fist filled with chaotic air suddenly collided with it, and the terrifying force knocked out a black hole where the two collided.


The Alien Demon Emperor took three steps back, and the space behind it was shattered at each step. That was its unloading force. This land was directly shattered by the shock, and the terrifying force directly shattered it into desert-like debris. status!

Amidst the endless sand and dust, a huge figure slowly walked out, full of chaotic aura, the wild dragon aura transformed into a dragon on its body, and the terrible coercion directly ruled the entire world, as if the world dominates .

"That kind of power? How is it possible!"

The eyes of the Different Demon Emperor were full of terror, that was the power he was struggling to obtain, and also the purpose of his coming to this plane!

"Did you get the chance of this plane?"

The voice of the Different Demon Emperor was extremely hoarse, he did not believe that the opportunity he had spent countless time and effort to obtain was first picked up by Chen Beixuanjie!

"Are you talking about this!"

An aura of heaven suddenly permeated from Chen Beixuan's body, like the same heaven and earth dominator descending on the earth!

"No, it's not this, the spirit of this world is not like this, this is the spirit of other planes!"

In an instant, the eyes of the alien demon emperor showed an extremely greedy look.

"It turns out that you already have this opportunity in your body. If I swallow you, I will become the supreme power!"

The Alien Demon King pointed to the remaining Alien Demons, they were the top combat power of the Alien Demons army, and the strongest combat power besides them!

"Dedicated to me!"

The last few different demon kings comparable to the eight-star peak powers also blew themselves up, and the terrifying devilish energy was injected into the body of the different demon king, suddenly doubled its size, and the magic eyes on the arms suddenly opened for most. At this moment, the strength skyrocketed again!

Chen Beixuan's eyes also became solemn, and a purest force filled his body!

"Pangu Immortal Body!"


The terrible magic fist that was enough to smash this continent blasted towards Chen Beixuan. When he wanted to kill Chen Beixuan, the other demon emperor felt a fatal crisis.

"It's too late now!"

"Pangu Kaitian Slash!"

The strong chaotic air between Chen Beixuan's hands suddenly turned into a giant axe, and the law of strength spread out, covering his body. At this moment, the entire sky was cracked, and the terrible sky-opening power came from the axe body. Burst out!


The giant axe slashed down, and the supreme power split the two fists of the different demon emperor, and a pair of demon arms were suddenly cut off. All the demon eyes exploded directly, but the power of heaven and earth formed a huge explosion of vitality. The Demon Sovereign was full of demon blood raging, and the dark demon blood burned for an instant. The demon blood caused it to flee quickly, and he was about to flee from this plane, seeking the ball to rise again.

But how could Chen Beixuan give him such a chance, the double pupil method firmly locked it in his eyes, and the chaotic giant axe in his hand was suddenly thrown out!


The unmatched power of the Chaos Giant Axe directly split the elemental force explosion of the different demon emperor's self-explosive arms, and the entire sky was turned into two halves, turning into a stream of light to suddenly catch up with the other demon emperor who was going to use the blood escape!

"Boom, boom, boom"

Numerous meteorites from outside the sky were directly smashed, and the Chaos Giant Axe remained undiminished, and the next moment it smashed on the back of the Demon King!


The terrible power of chaos directly annihilated the strange devil qi, and the pure law of power directly smashed its source, and the one who died could not die again!


The chaotic giant axe instantly passed through the endless void and appeared in Chen Beixuan's hands, turning into a chaotic air into the body! #The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book /111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot. com/read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www. wuxiaspot.com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. Mobile reading: https:// m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\ "Record this time (Chapter 328, the power of oneself, shakes the world! 60w words,) read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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