I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 362: Hou Yi bow! To! 70w words!

The terrible sword light suddenly cut out, and there was only one sword between the heaven and the earth, the spirit of the gods and demons was shaken by the terrible sword light, and a blade of grass cut away the sun, moon and stars!

"What a terrible sword intent!"

The old man guarding the tomb looked at the shocking sword intent and his expression changed dramatically.

When the hands were put together, the two big knives were combined into a single handle, which turned out to be a huge air-blade knife of thousands of feet.

Then, the old tomb guard raised his hands and chopped it down unceremoniously. The terrifying power almost caused the surrounding space to crack. A wave of air slowly spread towards the surroundings, trying to take Chen Beixuan’s sword. Light smashed!


This knife contains the power of heaven and earth, and contains the terrifying power of the old man tomb guard, which is far more terrifying than the previous attacks.


Jian Guang suddenly smashed the Qi Blade, and the energy of countless gods and demons collapsed, and it was impossible to resist Chen Beixuan's sword!

The face of the old man guarding the tomb changed drastically. He could feel the horror of Chen Beixuan's blow, and quickly condensed several walls of gods and demons, exploding the spirit of the gods and demons to the extreme.

At the same time, the spiritual power in his Niwan Palace rushed out, summoning the Sealing Demon Sword Formation, which surrounded him, forming a copper wall and iron wall.

The defenses of the wall of gods and demons and the copper wall and iron wall formed by the Demon Sealing Sword Formation are extremely abnormal, but I don't know whether they can block Chen Beixuan's full blow, and the old man who guards the tomb has no bottom in his heart.


Sword Qi slashed on the wall of gods and demons and sword formations, the old tomb guard felt his pupils shrinking slightly, and a terrifying force came to him, and then he felt his body sink, and his whole person was like withered leaves, fierce. The ground fell downward.


The explosion sounded, and the old tomb guard was blasted into the depths of the ground by the terrifying force, where a huge pit was formed, and countless dust was filled, almost covering his sight!

"You lost, sorry, I will ask you to answer!"

"Where is Chen Nan?"

Chen Beixuan finally stopped, otherwise the terrifying power may severely damage the old man guarding the tomb!

"Where did you come from!"

The old tomb guard looked at Chen Beixuan. The man in front of him was too powerful, he was already at the top of the heavens. He was already at the peak of the heavens in this world. If Chen Beixuan could defeat him so easily, he could only be at the heavens. exist!

"He is in Chu State!"

The tomb guard said helplessly, since he lost to Chen Beixuan, he would naturally fulfill his promise!

"Chu State?"

"That kid went to Chu State? He actually crawled out of the tomb of God?"

Faced with Chen Beixuan's problem, the old tomb guard can only nod his head helplessly. If he loses, he naturally has no right to know about Chen Beixuan!

"Well, the deity comes from above, satisfy your curiosity!"


The power of space in Chen Beixuan's hand exploded, slashing the tomb of the gods with a sword, because the distance above God was too far, so he must use all his strength to open the space channel.

But now, the tomb of the gods is not a problem for Chen Beixuan at all!

"Chu State? My disciple went there to suffer!"

Chen Beixuan stepped into it and disappeared into the tomb of the gods in an instant!

"Above God?"

The old tomb guard murmured, he had a hunch that Chen Beixuan would change the world, and perhaps countless years of conquering the sky might be completed because of Chen Beixuan!

"Hehe, I'm an old man who is about to fall into the soil, so why don't I worry about it!"

The old tomb guard closed all passages and stayed here quietly by himself!

At this moment, Chen Nan was already in the Chu State Palace, but the palace at this moment was not so peaceful!

The people of Tianyang Kingdom came to Chu for a battle today, and they sent the most powerful dragon knights!

At this moment, the battle results are one loss and one level. For Chu, the situation is not optimistic.

There are still two dragon knights left in Tianyang State, and Chen Nan is the only one left in Chu State.

Chen Nan arched Hou Yi behind him. If he wants to win alone, he must defeat two of them, or two dragon knights!

"This is simply asking Chen Nan to die!"

Chen Nan is dressed as an oriental warrior, and looks very ordinary on the outside. He has neither a strong physique nor a tall figure.

This made the North Korean military officials very disappointed.

"It's not the Dragon Knight, it's already lost!"

Even the Emperor of Chu had the same idea, he only hoped that Chen Nan would not lose too ugly!

Chen Nan strode to the center of the field. After seeing him, the dragon knight who had not been on the field shot two cold lights in his eyes.

The dragon knight drove the flying dragon into the sky and came to the sky above Chennan.

"Haha...Is there no one in the Chu country? You were sent to play. Can you defeat my dragon knight with Eastern martial arts? Haha..."

The dragon knight laughed wildly

"Today I want you to see the true meaning of Oriental martial arts, and teach Wuzu to you, an unscrupulous descendant who has forgotten his ancestors."

Houyi Divine Bow suddenly appeared in Chen Nan's hand!

For a moment, a terrible air force locked the dragon knight in the sky!

"In ancient times, Houyi shot the sun, today I will shoot Tianlong!"

Chen Nan suddenly opened the Houyi Divine Bow in his hand.

At this moment, Chen Beixuan also arrived quietly above the palace.

Watching Chen Nan and the dragon knight duel.

"Fortunately, it's not too late."

Chen Beixuan looked at Chen Nan at this moment with interest, his energy and strength were all injected into the Houyi Divine Bow, facing the Dragon Knight, he had no fear at all!

"If Hou Yi saw his divine bow being used in this way, he would probably come alive!"

"But it's enough to deal with this garbage dragon knight on the other side!" #I have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to the world. Chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717.htmlI have a billion Read the full text of Disciple Wan: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/Me of Wanjie login There are hundreds of millions of disciples txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/111717.htmlWanjie Log in, I have hundreds of millions of disciples to read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/for To facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 362 Houyi Bow! To! 70w words!) to read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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