I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 419: Instruct disciples! Answer questions! !

Then Wang Lin was wrapped in a white light, that was the power of the teleportation space, this Chen Beixuan also thought about it for him!

For a while, everyone went by their own means but escaped from the ancient cemetery!


The power of terror instantly destroyed the entire ancient cemetery, and those who did not escape were buried in it forever!

"It's him, he got the treasure and inheritance of that ancient god!"

When Wang Lin came out, someone yelled at him and turned everyone's attention to him!

The powerhouses hiding in the void at this moment couldn't help but lock their eyes on Wang Lin's body!

Wang Lin's complexion sank, this person actually led the disaster to him, feeling those unkind eyes, killing intent appeared in Wang Lin's eyes!

"call out!"

The Divine Killing Sword suddenly turned into a red light and pierced that person, and the terrifying sword aura wiped out everything!

But in the void, there was a huge palm grabbing Wang Lin, to forcibly grab him!


The towering giant hand was suddenly set in the void, and after a scream, the man was obliterated by Chen Beixuan!

"Move the deity's apprentice, look for death!"

This admiration makes everyone jealous.

Chen Beixuan took the shot, and outside of the trial, it was still impossible for him to cause trouble to his apprentice!

"This fellow Taoist, we all take a step back, I will inherit from the ancient gods, what about the treasures in that ancient tomb!"

There was a voice in the void, and many eyes looked at it, but they saw an old man stepping forward!

"Even if you want all the treasures, you can, but the ancient gods inheritance and the dead ancient gods must be handed over to me!"

The old man is very confident, because he is already a strong man with the power of incense, and his strength surpasses the Five Declinations of Heaven and Man by too much!

"Master Lingdong, he is Master Lingdong!"

Someone recognized this person for a while!

"This is the top power of the incense power he already has, and he actually came to **** this ancient god!"

Suddenly some people quietly retreated, so powerful that they no longer have any share!

"Master Lingdong? Never heard of it!"

Chen Beixuan waved Wang Lin to come and return to his side!

"Since you are unwilling to cooperate, then you all go to die!"

The smart master roared with both hands and pinched the tactics, spouting a breath of primordial spirit, and turned into a map of mountains and seas, and the picture was an endless scene of the sea.

At the end of the sea, the moment a mountain faintly collided with the flame storm, the Master Ling Ling let out a low roar!


At the same time as his voice came out, the sea painted in the mountains and seas immediately vented out wildly, forming a scene of boundless violent waves, heading straight for Chen Beixuan and Wang Lin! .

"The apprentice is optimistic about the usage of the Killing Heaven Sword!"

As Chen Beixuan's voice fell, the Heaven-killing Sword behind Wang Lin suddenly flew out of the scabbard, and the terrifying killing intent went straight into the sky, as if the seal was lifted!

Wang Lin's mind was focused, and she looked at Chen Beixuan intently!

"The First Way to Kill the Heavens"

The Heaven-killing Sword in Chen Beixuan's hand drew a mysterious arc, the sword light suddenly appeared, and the crazy killing intent radiated from the sword body, forming a thousand-zhang sword light, and suddenly slashed towards the sea of ​​vitality!


Even the mountain and river map of the Smart Master could not withstand the astounding sword light, and the endless sea was split on both sides in an instant, and the terrifying sword light cut the mountain and river map in half!

Master Lingdong didn't have time to feel sorry for your mountains and rivers, his figure suddenly avoided, and the terrible sword light flashed across the void, cutting the surrounding one into two halves, unable to heal it!

Master Lingdong looked at this sword with palpitations, and almost became two halves, the terrible sword intent passing by made his right arm bleed!

"How could it be possible that a sword broke through the landscape map of Master Smart, that is a treasure!"

Many people in the void had already begun to retreat, and Chen Beixuan's strength made them feel terrified!

"Master, are there two other styles?"

From this first sword, Wang Lin could feel that there were reservations behind, but the power of this sword was already extremely astonishing, and even the strong of the incense fire realm could not stop a sword!

"Apprentice, you can't chew with more greed, three swords, no one can stop, but your mind is not strong enough, if you deliberately learn, you may hurt your mind!"

"This sword, under the incense, is like an ant! Have you learned it?"

Chen Beixuan completely regarded Master Lingdong as a target, which made Lingdong very embarrassed and angry!

"The disciples are dull and fail to comprehend them all!"

"Too much bullying!"

"Open the Lingdong Great Demon Realm, use the old man himself as the incense, and call my Lingdong Clan to start moving the Demon God!"

Suddenly, outside the fog in front of him, a huge crack suddenly appeared, and bursts of devilish energy spread endlessly from it.

In that huge crack, under the devilish energy, a huge black statue immediately appeared, bursting out.

This statue is exactly the same as the one that was transformed by Master Ling, but-more solid, arms folded, the moment it appeared between heaven and earth, the arms of this statue suddenly vibrated.

A terrible force of destruction swept over!

"In that case, make one more time for the teacher!"

Chen Beixuan held the Heaven-killing Sword in his hand, and his own killing intent was also incorporated into it. Wang Lin looked at Chen Beixuan at this moment like a sword, a sword that can kill immortals and kill the gods!

"First style, kill!"

Chen Beixuan's figure moved, and the Heaven-killing Sword in his hand suddenly cut out, the blood-red sword light cut off the sky, and suddenly fell on the golem! The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this time (Chapter 419 Instructing Disciples! Answer Questions and Answers!!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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