I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 423: Today, the dragon chair, the deity will also sit down!

"Master, the immortal clan is a top-level power, among them, the immortal emperor is also a top powerhouse at the level of the great sky!"

When Wang Lin heard Chen Beixuan's thoughts, he was a little helpless. He just improved his strength, and immediately went to the immortal clan to find trouble, and it was also the trouble of the top immortal emperor!

I have to say that Wang Lin can only improve his strength silently, otherwise he can't keep up with Chen Beixuan's pace!

"It's just a fairy clan. As a teacher, I will take you to sit on the dragon chair that day!"


The Chariot of the Sun suddenly appeared in this world, but Chen Beixuan was getting on the car, and he was a little tired with too many space channels!

"Apprentice, get in the car!"


The chariot of the sun turned into a round of scorching sun and rushed to the endless sky, disappearing here, but the emperor's envoy is here forever!

Zhongzhou, the center of the entire immortal clan, this state is extremely vast, and it is the place with the strongest immortality. It can be described as an outstanding place. At the core of Zhongzhou, the imperial city is located.

This city is as big as a continent, boundless, for the entire world of Xiangang, the most powerful city!

Even the imperial city of the thirty-six prefectures of the ancient clan cannot be compared with the city of the immortal clan. This city is also called the ancestral city in the entire immortal clan continent!

There is only one sect in the ancestral city, and that is the sect of the imperial national master Shang Daoxuan. The origin of this sect has been passed down. Today, the roots are generally integrated with the descendants of the immortal ancestors.

The entire sect has different ages of the Immortal Emperor, with different names. Each generation of the Immortal Emperor can obtain the allegiance of this sect after succeeding to the throne. This faction can be renamed, and this generation is called Daomen!

In the imperial city, the immortal emperor sat on the main hall, and the endless euphemism made everyone feel depressed, because the immortal emperor was angry at this moment!

"Someone defied my will and killed my messenger? Can any of you tell me what's going on?"

"A bunch of trash!"

Everyone just kept silent, they didn't dare to say that if they took over this mess, they might be over. The other party dared to fight against the emperor, how could they be afraid of themselves!

So everyone is pretending to be dead here!

But at this moment, there is a new round of sun in the fairy city, and it is Chen Beixuan who is driving with Wang Lin!

"Who, the imperial city does not allow flying!"

For a while, everyone's eyes turned to Chen Beixuan's direction!


The extremely dazzling sun chariot stopped in front of everyone!

Ignore the eyes of everyone!

Chen Beixuan walked out of the car indifferently, Wang Lin followed, and the two came outside the door!

"Is this the Taoist door?"


With one foot, the terrifying force directly passed through the prohibition and kicked all the words on the gate to pieces!

"Someone breaks through the door, don't you want to die?"

It caused a sensation in the entire Xiancheng for a while, and everyone came towards the Daomen!

"Is the Dao Men here?"

Chen Beixuan's pretending appearance is that everyone can't help but sweat for him!

"Dare to believe that this guy is a fool who is not afraid of everything!"

"Unexpectedly, I don't even know the door, and kicked other people's signs. This is definitely the consequence of endless death!"

Chen Beixuan calmly walked towards the Taoist gate, and a strong Taoist rhyme swept out, as if it contained heaven and earth!

The moment he walked past the two stone lions, the two stone lions suddenly opened their eyes and uttered a terrifying roar at Chen Beixuan. This roar roared and spread to all directions, spreading most of the Xiancheng.

Under this roar, two huge phantoms suddenly appeared on the two stone lions. These are two lions about a few hundred meters in size. After transforming in midair, they roared straight to Chen Beixuan.


Without looking up, Chen Beixuan walked towards the open door. In a flash, the two lions were already approaching.

But just as they approached Wang Lin's ten-zhang, they seemed to whine, like a mist of tobacco, which was instantly blown away in front of Chen Beixuan after encountering a violent wind.

The two stone lions beside them suddenly shattered!

"Have friends come from afar!"

Suddenly, a very friendly voice came from the Dao Sect!

"What, that person kicked the door directly, he was still a distinguished guest!"

As soon as the figure appeared suddenly!

"You guys please!"

Very polite, there is no anger at all, this Wang Lin feels that this is really the only sect

Chen Beixuan ignored it, just moved forward calmly! Passing through a barrier, came to another piece of heaven and earth in an instant!

It's like Chen Beixuan's Sumi Mustard Seed, except that the space of Sumi Mustard Seed is bigger and more stable!

A figure sat on a mountain peak, revealing Dao Yun, suddenly turned around, but looked at Wang Lin!

"Your Excellency is so blessed that you can have such a talented disciple!"


Chen Beixuan used a hand-made knife and suddenly slashed out, and the entire mountain was cut across with a single knife.

"Delimitation Compass!"

Chen Beixuan didn’t say a word, his purpose of coming here is very simple, just to delimit the compass, this is one of the best treasures.

"My Dao Sect can give you anything, but this delimitation compass can't do it!"

The National Teacher Shangxuan Dao slowly stood up and looked at Chen Beixuan, the terrifying pressure of the Heavenly Lord shocked this space.

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