I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 483: Shock! Chen Beixuan with constant pressure on everything! (Update!)

The lowest level that can use this method to come here is also the level of Earth Sovereign. If you don't reach the level of Earth Sovereign, you are not qualified to participate in such a major event!

But at this moment, Chen Beixuan has become the object of these people's attention!

"It's impossible to hand in something. If you want to **** it, just do it."

"Haha, good! Good!"

When Xia Huang heard this, he was very angry and laughed back. He didn't expect Chen Beixuan to support them with such a lineup!

"Solve him, everything about him is ours!"

Lu Heng was on the same front with Xia Huang now.

He and Xia Yu shot almost at the same time, and only saw two torrents of spiritual power, like a river falling from the sky, running through the void, directly blasting towards Chen Beixuan.

However, facing their shots, Chen Beixuan didn't make any extra moves, and a white celestial light suddenly lit up all over his body.

When the light passed, the light swallowed, and the two torrents of spiritual power also disappeared silently at the moment they touched.

The attacks of the two had no effect on Chen Beixuan.

"How can it be?"

The expressions of the two changed drastically, and they did not expect Chen Beixuan to be so powerful.

"Dare to rob me with such strength?"

A killing intent flashed in Chen Beixuan's eyes, and endless auras gathered, and the aura of the entire cemetery seemed to be controlled by Chen Beixuan!

"Grass word sword fight!"


Countless sword lights fell in the void, falling crazily, and the two showed a look of horror!

"Damn it!"

The two of them burst into blood mist, and the blood erupted, reaching the extreme speed!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The endless sword light crashed down, the earth shattered, and the earth in the Emperor's Cemetery was directly separated by sword energy!

"Blood escape? But how many times have you been able to escape with blood!"

At this moment, under the ground, a huge square slowly rose from the ruins!

The other top powerhouses in this world are also aware of it, and they look at it instantly.

Those are also at this time, following the projection.

And under all the gaze, all that was on the ground was blasted into dust by the previous attack.

So, under the earth, it was also clearly revealed at this time.

In that land, there was a spacious square, and at this time, on the square, there was actually a figure standing upright.

The figure just stood there quietly, but it was filled with an indescribable magnificent momentum.

Even the powerhouses who have just broken through to Earth Sovereign Great Perfection are all under this momentum and appear quite small.

Emperor Xia stared at the figure stubbornly, and then an unbelievable appearance appeared on his cheeks, and finally some muttered aloud.

"That's... the emperor?!"

Chen Beixuan's gaze also looked at the figure that was suddenly blasted out by his own sword!


Above the huge square, all the strong men stared at this scene in horror.

Faced with this situation, even those who stood at the top level of the Tianluo Continent were unaware of horror.

"Didn't he fall?"

"How do you feel that there is still life!"

At this moment, the emperor's figure suddenly revealed a dark light!

In an instant, the three inferior earth sages were forcibly captured before the body of the emperor.

And it was at this moment that something shocking happened to everyone, and the body of the heavenly emperor beside him opened his mouth and swallowed them into his body with one bite.

This weird scene directly caused all the powerhouses present to become cold.

Especially the strong people of the supreme level present, they felt as if they were being stared at, and a sense of incomparable horror slowly enveloped them!


The Heavenly Emperor Sword inserted on the evil head suddenly fell into the hands of the Heavenly Emperor!

At this time, the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven lit up with red light, and the bone-piercing intent to kill enveloped the entire cemetery!

"You are all going to die!"

The emperor's voice was very obscure, as if he hadn't made a sound for a long time, but there was a touch of fear in everyone's hearts.


And seeing the countless stare gazes, Lu Heng couldn't help laughing at this time. The original elegant face was now a bit hideous and daunting.

"Lu Heng, what did you do?!"

Finally, the strong yelled with anger. Looking at this situation, it was obvious that the emperor was eating flesh and blood because of Lu Heng.

Lu Heng showed a weird smile and said:

"What do you do? I intend to help you resurrect the "Tiandi"."

"Now, please ask Lord Tiandi to devour your flesh and blood for a real resurrection!"


A horrible sword light suddenly cut through the bodies of a group of people!


Countless screams accompanied by fierce sword light appeared countless blood!

That day the emperor's body suddenly swallowed it, and his eyes seemed to gradually reveal his mind, and the pure killing intent seemed to have abated a lot!

But everyone felt desperate!

Because the entire space of Emperor Tiandi's cemetery has been closed!

"Divine Emperor? I think it is the Devil Emperor, it's hidden well!"

Chen Beixuan smiled faintly, the light of the heavy pupil in his eyes could see through everything! The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 483 Shocked! Chen Beixuan of Constant Pressure! (Update!)) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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