I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 599: Master and apprentice alchemy gambling!

For Bai Xiaochun, Chen Beixuan is really speechless. He has never seen such a home ransack. It is too clean. There is nothing left. It is extremely terrifying. Fortunately, he is his apprentice, otherwise this skill is really true!

What Bai Xiaochun actually scraped here is dry and quiet, which can be called a locust transit, if it were not for the huge storage ring space given to him by Chen Beixuan. I'm afraid he can't survive!

"Master, there is still a treasure house in the main city of Yunhai, and there must be good things in it. This medicine field is so huge, and there must be a huge reserve of medicinal materials in the treasure house!"

After listening to Bai Xiaochun's words, Chen Beixuan's first reaction was that you are really a genius who ransacks the home!

Stepping out in one step, all the treasure-house formations were ignored by Undead Forbidden. After crossing the formation, Bai Xiaochun was scraping in the treasure-house again. It can be said that if this treasure-house can be removed, he will definitely directly remove it. Move all away.

Soon the entire treasure house was empty, and the treasure house of Nuo Da was emptied in front of Bai Xiaochun within a few minutes!

"Oh, Master. I found that the structure of this treasure house is very good, but unfortunately I can't move it away, otherwise I want to move this treasure house back!"

Bai Xiaochun's expression of regret left Chen Beixuan speechless. The move was clean enough.

"Let's go, the refining of the eternal eternal life pill cannot be delayed. This is where the people of the world can have a place in the eternal continent!"

"Well, go back to alchemy, this is my strength!"

"Well, as a teacher, I have to see who is better at alchemy!"

However, Chen Beixuan intends to make alchemy with Bai Xiaochun. After all, with so many medicinal materials, the entire medicinal field and treasure house belong to Chen Beixuan, and it would be a loss not to refine the alchemy!

"Master can do alchemy?"

Bai Xiaochun looked like he couldn't believe it. He had never seen Chen Beixuan have any interest in alchemy. This was the first time he had made alchemy.


As Chen Beixuan's voice fell, the two had returned to the original place!

There are all the people in the world through the sky, they are in a special space, and they have not recovered from the destruction of the world!

"We're back!"

Bai Xiaochun shouted loudly, because of the medicine practice, Bai Xiaochun was full of confidence at this moment, even without this space as protection, the people of the world through the sky can still gain a foothold in the Eternal Continent!

"This time we don't have to linger in this human world anymore. The Eternal Continent will also have a place for us in the world through the sky!"

Bai Xiaochun's words made everyone excited. Everyone felt that the surging spiritual energy after the Eternal Continent improved their cultivation quickly, and it seemed to be easier to cultivate here, or full of endless opportunities!

"Well, apprentice, let's start alchemy. It's better than to see who makes alchemy faster!"

Chen Beixuan's words made Bai Xiaochun smile confidently!

"That must be your apprentice, I practiced pill really well!"

The reason for Bai Xiaochun's self-confidence is that he has known the refining method of the Eternal Eternal Pill for a long time, and he has refined the simplified version!

But this time what they want to refine is the real eternal eternal life pill, because if you want to truly occupy a side in the eternal continent, you must have the strength of the god!

So only the full version of the Eternal Eternal Pill can do it!

"Master, I'm about to start!"

At this moment, Bai Xiaochun directly started refining, because the simplified version was refined, so he is completely familiar with most of the medicinal materials!

But at this moment, Chen Beixuan did not move, but slowly arranged the medicinal materials, and even the pill furnace was not ready to come out!

"Hahaha, Master, you will be led by your apprentice in this way!"

Although Bai Xiaochun is extremely proud at this moment, his attention is always in the furnace, and he is not careless!

Soon Bai Xiaochun refines one-third of the medicinal materials, and these are the medicinal materials that have not changed, just like the simplified version!

But when Chen Beixuan had all the medicinal materials ready, Bai Xiaochun was already close to halfway!

"Master, where's your pill furnace? How can you make a pill without a pill furnace?"

Bai Xiaochun was very puzzled. Chen Beixuan didn't even take out the alchemy furnace. How could he compare the alchemy with himself!

"Apprentice, today I will teach you how to make alchemy without a pill furnace!"


A small group of Super Emperor Yan in Chen Beixuan's hand rose into the air, and a flame group of medicinal materials was formed in an instant.

"It's just refining medicine, I can be a teacher more than you!"

"The hot Super Emperor Yan soon began to melt all the medicinal materials!"

"Oh my god, how can it be possible to refine all the medicinal materials together at the same time? What a terrifying spirit it takes to control so many fires!"

"The heat conditions of dozens of medicinal materials are completely different!"

Just when everyone was amazed, Chen Beixuan actually took action!

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, gathering fire into pill!"

All the flames that have split up are gathering towards the center at this moment!


In the collision of flames, the hot medicinal liquid began to gather together quickly under the huge pressure, and a round pill at the center unexpectedly began to form!


The pill robbery suddenly sounded, but the pill robbery this time was much more terrifying than the last time!

Bai Xiaochun looked at Chen Beixuan admiringly, he understood that he had already lost, and it was only a quarter of an hour! The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 599, Master and Apprentice Alchemy Gambling!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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