I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 790: Looting Taiyuan Immortal Mansion

The power of the passage of time roared and spewed out, rushing to the outside of the fairy mansion, trying to destroy the immortals.

The power of the sudden passage of time made all the immortals panic.




The power of the ancient time lapse has rushed into many passages to the ruins. Whether it is the Great World of Heavenly Kings or the masters of the Great Central World, under the scouring of this power of time, it immediately shows a trend of rapid aging.

Fang Han saw with his own eyes that all the low-level disciples in the secret realm of longevity changed from a young state to a gray-haired, old-looking dragon bell, and then died of Qi Jue, under the erosion of the force of the ancient time.

Taiyuan Immortal Mansion was opened, and it was not the rich treasure that greeted the immortals, but the terrifying power of the passage of time.

"Damn it, it's time!" The fairy world envoy cursed, and the look in Chen Beixuan's eyes became extremely resentful.

Under the impact of the turbulent time lapse, the immortals suffered heavy casualties, but Chen Beixuan spent an isolated space, and Fang Han stayed safe and sound in it, as if he had expected it.

Don't mention how angry the envoy of the fairy world was, and thought to himself that Chen Beixuan must have been designed, and deliberately used Taiyuan Immortal Mansion's years of great array to deal with himself and others.

The fairy world messenger quickly took out a token immortal weapon to cover the Quartet, the order of the scourge. Under the impact of the power of time, the fairy energy on this token began to flow quickly.

However, with the help of the Order of Scourge, the immortals were slightly able to withstand the impact of the force of the passage of time.

But this kind of resistance can't last long. The fairy qi on the token has been fading quickly, and when the fairy qi has completely passed away, they are facing death!

Fang Han felt the horror of the power of time passing for the first time, and it was also the first time he saw such an unusual state of power.

"If you have some insights, you will be able to practice." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

He didn't let go of any opportunity to give advice to his apprentice. Hearing what the master said, Fang Han felt a little bit more, and his understanding of energy was further sublimated.

"Just like you, do you still want to get what's in the bag?" Chen Beixuan mocked.

He clapped his hands directly, and bombarded the Order of Scourge with great power: "The deity is the sky."


The order of the scourge was shattered and torn apart, the immortal energy on it collapsed, and the surging power of time lapse instantly swept the immortals.

"Chen Beixuan, you are an enemy of Tianjun!" Li Tianwang roared, countless brilliance flickering, wanting to swallow Gou Quan's life from the power of time passing.

"Broken!" How could Chen Beixuan give him a chance, shouting angrily, shattering the brilliance of Li Tianwang's body, and radiating the power of countless passage of time, permeating Li Tianwang.

After a while, the celestial beings were swept by the force of the passage of time, aging and perishing. The two Taoist giants and the emissaries of the fairy world were not immune to death.

Chen Beixuan didn't have the slightest mood swing in his eyes, quietly watching the immortals die in front of him.

At this moment, two brilliant rays of light appeared on Fang Han's head, which caught Chen Beixuan's attention.

Chen Beixuan took a closer look and found that Fang Han had actually understood two great avenues here, namely the Great Causality Technique and the Great Time Technique.

"Very good, your savvy is not bad." Chen Beixuan was rarely praised.

Fang Han was overjoyed with Master's praise, and converged on the brilliant light of the two avenues: "Master, what are we going to do next?"

"Enter Taiyuan Immortal Mansion!" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Fang Han closely followed the master, and under the protection of the invisible barrier, isolated the erosion of the force of time passing, and safely entered the Taiyuan Immortal Mansion.

"Suppression." Chen Beixuan said lightly, and a storm-like power appeared in his hand, radiating to the surroundings in a whirlpool shape.

Countless bright rays of light lit up, and the power of the Three Thousand Great Avenues bombarded out, directly counterattacking the gushing time storm back.

Chen Beixuan used the power of Three Thousand Great Avenues to easily suppress the great array of years.

Entering the Taiyuan Immortal Mansion, Chen Beixuan's eyes flashed: "This Taiyuan Immortal Mansion has 129,600 portals, which correspond to the One Yuan Art. You have all these treasures in your bag."

Twelve thousand and six hundred portals!

Fang Han was shocked. What was most surprised was Master’s goal, how much time and energy it would take to get everything in his pocket.

Fang Han had lived in this hall for 20 years. There were countless portals and huge stone pillars in the hall. Various mana flowing out of the portals made him sigh with emotion. After returning here, he still had a lot of insights.

Above the sky of the main hall, the stars make up for it, and there are many gateways around it, representing countless time and space worlds. In addition, some of the portals had a killing aura, and some of them shone with precious light, which seemed to contain all kinds of magical powers.

Basically, which portal had treasures, and that portal was a dead end, Fang Han could tell at a glance now that he was shocked by his ability.

"Don't be surprised, this is just a basic ability." Chen Beixuan reminded. After all, Fang Han had been in this Taiyuan Immortal Palace for 20 years, it was not for nothing.

Chen Beixuan also possesses the abilities that Fang Han possesses, so he calmly said the decision to put all the treasures in his bag.

In addition, Chen Beixuan's goal is the core of the Taiyuan Immortal Mansion, or the gate of the Immortal Tool Xuan Dagger.

Soon, Chen Beixuan led Fang Han into a portal.

As soon as the two of them entered the portal, countless large formations started to operate, and there were ten huge immortal formations. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 790 looted Taiyuan Immortal Mansion), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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