The world of Thirty-Three Heavens suddenly became larger, and its scope was vast. Deep in its core, an image of the Immortal King of Good Fortune appeared.

The immortal king of good fortune is very tall, with the immortal world on top of his head, the foot on the abyss, one hand on the distant place of the immortal world, and he breathed out a sigh of relief to form a universe. When he opened his eyes, hundreds of millions of stars appeared, exuding colors Light.

With the power of good fortune rolling down, Chen Beixuan immediately felt the turbulent power all over his body, entangled with the power of the Pangu Immortal Body, and the two complemented each other, and Chen Beixuan felt that his strength had increased slightly.

"Very good." Chen Beixuan said lightly, and then used God Alchemy.

God Alchemy is really terrifying, directly copying the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure to form another independent unique Taoist implement.

"This is the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure. You can just fuse it with the Eight Buddhas." Chen Beixuan said, thirty-three rays of light hovered out, covering Fang Han completely.

Fang Han observed his whole body in amazement, his gaze fell on the Thirty-Three Heavens Treasure, his shock in his heart couldn't be added.

He immediately followed Master's instructions to incorporate the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure into his body and merge with the Eight Buddhas.

Soon, his whole body burst into bright light, and his cultivation strength was greatly improved.

"It's great, I now have a total of sixteen celestial forces combined!" Fang Han was extremely pleased, but he wondered why his cultivation realm hadn't broken through.

"The Nine Ranks Longevity Pill in your body can bring you strength and absorb your strength. As long as your state of mind and cultivation base match, your cultivation level will be able to break through." Chen Beixuan reminded.

Fang Han suddenly realized that if he wants a higher level of advancement, he still needs to work harder in his mood.

"Yes, Master!" Fang Han responded.

"There is a force approaching us, and then I will watch your performance for the teacher." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

"Power?" Fang Han was taken aback.

"Who is it that took away all these tens of thousands of portal treasures, if this young man catches it, he will definitely break it into pieces!" Mu Ye was furious, taking six heavenly immortals, and shuttled between the big portals.

Muye's body is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, cutting through the sky, the surrounding space is shattered, and countless large and small worlds are created and disillusioned.

He and the six heavenly immortals suddenly appeared in the portal where Chen Beixuan and Fang Han were.

"I would like to see, you have the mysterious ability to break my corpse into thousands of pieces!" Fang Han spoke first under Chen Beixuan's instruction.

Makino was taken aback, and looked at the two masters and disciples in the distance: "Who are you?"

"Fang Han!"

"Are you Fang Han?"

"Not bad!"

Muye's gaze fell on Chen Beixuan, frowning and asked: "Behind you is an outsider who can contend with the heavens?"

"What, so what?" Fang Han's momentum swayed, revealing the strength of the virtual immortal.

"I thought you were a mysterious and peerless genius, but it's just a dotted line, and you are worthy to compete with me?" Muye suddenly showed disdain, "Just because you have such a master, I don't think you are worthy!"

"Looking for death!" Fang Han's eyes were suddenly indifferent.

"Kneel down with both hands and offer the treasures you searched. This son can spare your life." Muye said coldly, "Otherwise, no one can save you in the sky or the earth."


As soon as Muye's voice fell, the body of an immortal behind him instantly exploded, seeming to have suffered fatal trauma, and his head was floating in the air with mixed flesh and blood.

Mu Ye was shocked, his eyes fixed on Fang Han: "Dare you!"

"Why be afraid of you!" Fang Han was merciless. Although his realm had only a dotted line, his strength was already able to fight against sixteen celestial beings. He just caused a celestial being to explode in place, and he didn't need too much power.

"Kill!" Mu Ye was furious, imagining thousands of giant hands with one palm, and behind him appeared the phantom of the King of Ten Thousand Zhang Tianjun.

The king of war, Tianjun, had countless arms and countless heads wearing armor all over his body, and countless celestial spirits were produced while waving, and countless celestial beings couldn't help but bow their heads when they saw this.

Muye directly played his own peerless magic trick, trying to kill Fang Han in one fell swoop! This kind of fighting intent possesses majestic murderous aura, and when the fighting intent is slightly moved, countless troops will swarm in. The fighting intent alone can open up the world and disillusion a world. The countless immortal formations of Taiyuan Immortal Palace are under the collision of this intent , It collapsed instantly.

"Fang Han, if you dare to attack my person, no one can save you today." Muye became angry from embarrassment, "I will kill you and refine you!"

"What is the king of war, everything will disappear!" Fang Han called the great cause and effect technique, and chanted the essence of the Three Thousand Great Dao, "cause and effect let go, everything becomes empty, and the realization is empty, it is a vacuum!"

Fang Han waved his big hand, golden light shot in all directions, and the power of cause and effect suddenly broke out, instantly obliterating the phantom of King Tianjun.

At this moment, Fang Han was like the only king of Taiyuan Immortal Mansion! "Great Karma!" Muye never expected that his unique knowledge would be defeated in an instant.

The power of great cause and effect has long been well-known in the world of Immortal Continent. Not to mention that it is difficult for immortals to practice. This is a secret technique of Buddhism, and it is difficult for many heavenly monarchs to touch the root.

How did Fang Han learn? Muye's gaze fell on Chen Beixuan again, could it be because he had a mysterious outsider as a teacher? Besides, he couldn't think of a better explanation.

"Just relying on you, you still want to deal with me?" Fang Han raised his head and laughed. After breaking Muye's murderous intent, he shot all over his body, shaking the sky and turning into billions, and his shadow appeared in the entire Taiyuan Immortal Palace. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 793 of the Great Causality), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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