I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 810: Fight against each other

The space barrier of the Camel God plane trembled at this time, and it kept shrinking. The mountains, rivers, and earth in the space were shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, condensing towards Fang Han.

"Is this mystery?" Hua Tian was shocked and couldn't help asking, he had never seen such a technique before, it was shocking.

"Breaking Divine Fist!" Hua Tian roared, revealing another genius, and Ten Thousand Realms roared crazy at this moment. The Camel God plane space was disordered and collapsed everywhere, unexpectedly slowing the speed of Fang Han's space condensing.

"Drink!" Fang Han stood up, his huge fist slammed into Hua Tiandu's Divine Breaking Fist, the two collided, and the shock wave shook the entire plane.

Chen Beixuan stared at him and saw the sky collapse. The Camel God plane collapsed under the impact of the energy of the two. The turbulence of the heavens quickly poured in and washed both of their bodies.

The two of them stayed still in the turbulent flow, as if they had withstood the impact of time, and the power of the immortal body was also revealed at this moment.

Huatian relies on the body of the heavenly monarch to inspire the blessing of countless time and space, and no one is comfortable in the sky and the earth.

Fang Han was not nervous. With the blessing of the Three Thousand Avenues, the 33-day treasure phantom flickered, the Nine Turns of Longevity Pill spread rapidly in the dantian, and the power of good fortune was circulating, as if countless civilizations were created and prosperous.

The two of them collided with their fists and completely destroyed the plane of Camel God. In the turbulent time and space, the crowd was evenly divided, and no one had the upper hand.

Hua Tian was most surprised: "Fang Han, I didn't expect that the body of Tianjun could not help you. Don't think that you can beat me, you are my experiment to completely master the body of Tianjun!"

Fang is cold and indifferent.

The reason why Hua Tiandu reached the body of Tianjun was because he refined the body of Huatianjun and replaced him as Tianjun.

The body of Emperor Huatian was destroyed by the gate of eternal life in ancient times, and he was reincarnated as Huatian Capital. As long as he cultivated the power of the peak, he would be able to understand the principles of birth and death even more, and even have the opportunity to be promoted to the fairy king.

"It's a pity that you are not the real Heavenly Monarch. Being forced to use the power of Tianjun's body will only make your soul overwhelmed!"

Every time Fang Han uttered a word, the turbulent flow of time and space became more stable. As soon as the voice fell, the heavens and the earth were reborn, and the brilliant sunlight of the heavens shone down and reflected on him.

At this moment, Fang Han seemed to be unique in the world, and all the glory seemed to be concentrated on him alone. The myths of the gods and the gods could not be compared with him.

Chen Beixuan nodded faintly, and this trip to the Camel God Realm was indeed worthwhile, and Fang Han's understanding of aura and energy ground became more and more transparent.

Perhaps Fang Han would be able to step into the position of Heavenly Sovereign by beheading Hua Tiandu this time.

"Dreaming!" Hua Tian realized that his mind was disturbed, and immediately stabilized his body and mind, his energy and aura suddenly climbed, the power of the heavenly monarch exploded, the sky and the sun shook, and the pure land that Fang Han had evolved was torn piece by piece.

"Six great heavenly monarchs are unique, come out!" Hua Tian roared, the key of the ancient pill world in his hand turned into a spear, wrapped in six brilliant lights, and pierced towards Fang Han's heart.

Disaster, chaos, killing, chaos, Lei Di, eternity!

This was the ultimate move of the six heavenly monarchs, and they were all mastered by Hua Tian. How ferocious is its cohesive force? Fang Han played countless palm strengths, resisting with physical strength.

The spears made by the Six Great Heavenly Monarchs bombarded Fang Han abruptly, a series of brilliant sparks sputtering, and the scene was so gorgeous.

Fortunately, Fang Han merged with the power of good fortune, and the eternal life of the Nine Turns Longevity Pill was constantly tempered, making his body indestructible. Even if it was a real Di Tianjun, he couldn't tear his body apart.


Under the impact of the spear palm, a strong sound swayed around, countless stars shattered, and the energy of the universe vibrated.

"Release the power of the Nineth Rank Longevity Pill!" Chen Beixuan's voice suddenly rang in Fang Han's mind, like a divine initiation.

The Nine Turns Longevity Pill is the top medicine for immortality in the mainland. It contains the prototype of the Three Thousand Great Dao, the mighty and endless power of immortality, and its blessing effect cannot be underestimated.

Fang Han quickly turned his attention to his dantian. The Nine Turns Longevity Pill was in his dantian, like a huge star evolving, and the inexhaustible spiritual energy nourished his whole body.

"Vertical and eternal life, another year of chaos!"

Fang Han let out a long roar, and the energy of the Nine Turns Longevity Pill suddenly turned into a torrent and spewed out. The whole body flickers, the river is surging, the mountains are wild, and the world is constantly changing.

I saw him with a single finger, centered on the tip of the spear, and the Six Great Heavenly Monarchs entwined with the spear, instantly collapsed, and with the roar of bursts, Hua Tian kept retreating, with a shocked expression on his face.

"How can it be!"

Hua Tian couldn't believe it, and he swung the spear again, and just as the spear's power pierced the cold throat above, a bright rainbow light appeared at the tip of the spear.

"This is the blood of the evolving immortal king, you must be shattered!" Hua Tian roared.

Fang Han's body suddenly felt a huge threat, and the mighty energy of good fortune rushed out, the thirty-three days of good fortune fists were thrown, the thirty-three days of supreme energy revolved, and the light of the door of the mysterious dagger appeared impressively.


Fang Han issued a fist, countless winds, Hua Tian's complexion suddenly changed, Tianjun's body was trembling, he raised his spear to stab Fang Han.

The moment the two collided, a portal appeared behind Fang Han, and the infinite pill aura gushed out. This was his performance based on Zhou Tianyi, and the mystery of the ancient pill world was fully revealed. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 810 Dragon Struggle), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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