I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 817: Hanging on the nine-character secret!

I can't die, Mu Ye Huang suddenly has a strong desire to survive, he hurriedly ran his formula and decided to make the final struggle.

He knows that at this moment, it is very important. If he doesn't pay attention, he may be sealed by Chen Beixuan. The sky burial hall is terrifying. If his immortal body is refined into a vitality magic weapon, his soul will be wiped out!

"Central ancient country, ten thousand lives!"

Mu Ye Huang's body seemed to appear between the heaven and the earth at this moment, and his divine consciousness was placed at the core of the universe. He stretched out his finger, a little out of thin air, it was a lore in the center!

The corner of Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly, and he even stretched out his finger, pointing in the void.

His finger seemed to be the condensation of heaven, earth and universe, whether it was the void or all things, they were rapidly condensing with a single point of his fingertip.

The aura of Pangu Immortal Body is mighty, trembling in the heavens and all realms, Chen Beixuan's finger, compared to the central blow of Muye Wilderness, doesn't know how terrifying it is!


In the void, the power of the **** collided together, and the king of war, Tianjun, Muyehuang was extremely frightened. His body was penetrated by the huge force and turned into a leaf floating indefinitely, even beyond his control.

"Tianyuan hit." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

A phantom of 33 Heavenly Treasure appeared all over him, among which Zhou Tianyi's outline was the clearest. After the integration of Tiandao Library and Zhou Tianyi, they have the ability to create exercises on the Evolution Avenue.

Tianyuan's blow is the Hongmeng technique that the Tiandao Library has evolved in just an instant. This is the practice of Hongmeng Taoist, and even the holy king will be hit hard.

Chen Beixuan only used 10% of his power to cast Tianyuan with a single blow, and Mu Ye Huang was no longer an opponent!

The body of the warlord Tianjun Muyehuang was out of control, and Chen Beixuan took a shot in the air, and even took it to the celestial burial hall!

"No!" Mu Yehuang volleyed in the air, and the whole person trembled in the air, shouting like crazy, looking very miserable.

"Intermediate Sealing Technique, Sealing!" Chen Beixuan said lightly, without hesitation to use the Sealing Technique.

The Intermediate Heaven Sealing Technique can even seal the heavens and the earth. It is not a trivial matter to seal you as a heavenly monarch. Besides, there is also the heavenly burial hall to carry it. Sealing Muye Wilderness can be said to be easy!

Under Fang Han's surprised and admired gaze, Chen Beixuan sealed Mu Ye Huang in the celestial burial hall.

Now only Huatian is left. Chen Beixuan threw the Heavenly Burial Hall to Fang Han and said lightly: "These two Heavenly Sovereign origins, you try to refining, if not, refining for your teacher."

"Yes!" Fang Han quickly took out the two Heavenly Sovereign Origins, and then Chen Beixuan took the Heavenly Burial Hall to borrow it.

When Chen Beixuan looked at Hua Tiandu, the nine ancient characters on Hua Tiandu's body became clearer and clearer, and the aura of heaven was completely absorbed by him.

Hua Tian opened his eyes abruptly, and his breath was like a volcanic eruption, stirring up the world. Nine secrets of ancient characters have not entered his body, and he has really achieved his realm of the fairy king!

"Chen Beixuan, I am already an immortal king, how can you win me?" Hua Tian said arrogantly, "Your strength is indeed terrifying, but it does not mean that you are omnipotent!"

Fang Han was quietly surprised. After all, Hua Tian was promoted to the Immortal King, beyond his imagination.

But for Hua Tiandu's provocation, Fang Han shook his head helplessly. Isn't he seeking his own death? With the character of the master, he must be tortured well.

Chen Beixuan didn't speak. In his eyes, Huatian was nothing more than an ant, and it was no easy task to kill him. But he gradually likes to regard killing as an art, and the instantaneous spike gradually becomes meaningless, and the slow torture becomes more interesting.

After Fang Han was promoted to Heavenly Sovereign, he comprehended the way of the era, and at the same time, Chen Beixuan also copied it with the help of the Heavenly Dao Library.

In just a few breaths, he mastered the essence of the Era's Dao. He did not hesitate to take a shot, swinging the Era's fist, transforming thousands of portals, and the portals merged to form an era's door.

Hua Tian has seen this, and also shot: "Chen Beixuan, I am the immortal king, now let you firmly hold the power of the immortal king!"

Fang Han shook his head helplessly. Hua Tiandu's words didn't make him feel any fear, but embarrassment.

Hua Tian was talking, nine ancient characters appeared in his hand, and the clouds and rain were overwhelming. Each ancient character turned into a huge palm. The huge palms transformed from the nine ancient characters rushed towards Chen Beixuan's Era Divine Fist together.

The two fascinating skills clashed together. At this moment, the sky quaked, the stardust shattered, the void was silent, and the universe changed!

In the place where they collided, countless pictures appeared, as if the years have changed over generations, the mountains and rivers are surging up and down, and the shock waves are surging out, shocking the heavens and the world!

Under the collision, Chen Beixuan did not move, Huatian was instantly defeated, the huge palm of the nine-character mantra burst instantly, transformed into its original form, and turned into nine ancient characters surrounding Huatian.

"Impossible, the prestige of the nine characters, immortal, invincible, why is it still broken by you?" Hua Tian was shocked, feeling incomprehensible.

Chen Beixuan did not speak, but Fang Han's voice rang at this moment: "What can you do if you are crushed by power?"

Fang Han was right, how terrifying Chen Beixuan's strength was, almost surpassing all the peaks of the primitive continent.

No matter how strong the nine-character mantra is, Hua Tian is no more than an immortal king. Although it is a terrifying existence in the Immortal Continent, it can be placed in front of Chen Beixuan, but it is not worth mentioning.

At this moment, Hua Tian's eyes were in a trance, and he was very confused about the future. Chen Beixuan's horror was invincible! The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 817 Hanging Nine Characters Secret!) Reading record, you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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