"You!" Hua Tiandu's mentality completely collapsed, and he roared, his body suddenly twisted, as if he still thought of a room for escape.

"Whimsical!" How could Chen Beixuan give him a chance to make a big move, the power of time and space fluctuates violently, and invisible power appears all over Hua Tiandu.

In the next moment, Hua Tian didn't even have a chance to scream and struggle, and was thrown into the celestial burial hall by Chen Beixuan. At this point, the three heavenly monarchs were all subdued by Chen Beixuan.

The ancient pill world became calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Fang Han looked at Master quietly, shocked in his heart. Following Master for so long, he has tried his best to keep himself calm and deal with the strength beyond imagination.

But every time Chen Beixuan makes a move, he will bring him the ultimate power deduction, and even the methods and techniques are endless.

"The origins of these three heavenly monarchs are refined by you!" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Before refining the eternal heavenly monarch and the loss of the catastrophic heavenly monarch, Chen Beixuan shot, because Fang Han was not strong enough to complete the complete refining.

Now that Fang Han has advanced to the rank of Heavenly Sovereign in strength, he is still not convinced of the origin of the three Heavenly Sovereigns.

Fang Han nodded and quickly took over the celestial burial hall, instilling the power of good fortune into it. Soon, the phantoms of the three heavenly monarchs' origins were looming in the flames, and their energy turned into three rays of light, which were submerged in Fang Han's body.

The golden light flickered and time and space roared. After Fang Han refined the origin of the three heavenly monarchs, the immortal continent's ten thousand realms changed.

Flowers bloom and fall, civilizations rise and fall, Fang Han sees countless quick-release images of the rebirth and destruction of civilizations, the power of the era flows, and the evolution of his inner world has spanned fifteen epochs in a few breaths!

Fang Han, the emperor Tianjun, has now achieved the fifteenth era cultivation base, placed the immortal continent, and is already an upper-level powerhouse at the level of the emperor!

Chen Beixuan looked at the changes in his cultivation level and simply nodded: "I will take you to another place for the teacher."

"Yes!" Fang Han clasped his fists and nodded.

He no longer asked where the master would take him, because that didn't make any sense. Chen Beixuan's strength is absolutely extraordinary wherever he goes.

"Come!" Chen Beixuan made a big move, and the ancient pill world had undergone earth-shaking changes, and its space was rapidly shrinking, and finally it turned into a peach pit the size of it, submerged in his Dantian.

The ancient pill realm possesses countless pill powers, which are of great help to improve the cultivation of practitioners. Not only that, the energy attribute of the pill realm has a strong promoting effect on the Pangu Immortal Body.

Since it was a good thing, Chen Beixuan didn't intend to swallow it alone. As his white robe flew, a crack appeared in the void, and a new peach pit-sized light appeared in front of Fang Han.

The golden light also submerged in Fang Han's dantian, making him very puzzled.

"Use the key of the moment to communicate." Chen Beixuan pointed.

Fang Han nodded and gave it a try, and then he was shocked, the moment the key of the moment energy touched the light, the power of the medicine pill came surging like a torrent.

After refining the ancient pill realm, the master even copied a copy. This copy is exactly the same as the original pill realm, and the rich pill power is extraordinary!

"Go, go to the ancient temple to try your current strength." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Before Fang Han's shock dissipated, he saw a crack in the void appear. At the other end of the void passage, there was an ancient temple in the supermarket with the reputation of ancient heaven.

It is said that the ancient temple was once under the joint control of the Lord of the Temple and the Lord of Arbitration, but due to a change, the temple fell overnight and the Heavenly King perished.

Others don't know the reason, but Chen Beixuan is very clear, he even calculated that the ancient temple is about to return, and the immortal continent is about to face great changes.

The reincarnation of the lord of arbitration was Emperor Yu, who had a very close relationship with Fang Han, but because of his appearance, the two did not meet, and Emperor Yu did not know his whereabouts.

But this is not important. Since Emperor Yu has not appeared so far, he will become a new master of arbitration, Chen Beixuan thought to himself.

His gaze fell on his apprentice Fang Han. Since this is the case, it is better to let Fang Han gain control of the ancient temple and become the new master of arbitration.

Chen Beixuan thought in his heart that there was a problem to be solved before that, that is, the Lord of the Temple, to solve the reincarnation of the Lord of the Temple, no one can stop Fang Han from controlling the footsteps of the ancient temple.

When the void cracks opened, Chen Beixuan and the two came to the ancient temple. They saw his hand in the air with a move, an invisible force surged out, turned into a ray of light, and flew to the immortal continent.

Soon, thousands of strands of power gathered together, forming a spiral light band, submerged in the center of Fang Han's eyebrows.

"This..." Fang Han was taken aback, and then he felt his blood boil over his body.

"The teacher deprived the arbitration lord's bloodline and gave it to you." Chen Beixuan said lightly, "you will become the new master of this ancient temple."

"Me?" Fang Han was in disbelief, spreading his hands and staring in surprise.

Although he did not understand the concept of the lord of arbitration, he understood the terrifying power deprived of blood.

It only takes a few breaths of time for the master to put the blood of the Lord of Arbitration on him. This kind of technique, I am afraid that Heavenly Dao can't do it.

"I...I feel it..." Fang Han said in surprise, "There seems to be a body in the depths. As long as I master the body, I can wake up ancient memories and know the various things that the Lord of Arbitration has experienced." The address of the latest chapter of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717. htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m.wuxiaspot .com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below Reading records for the second time (Chapter 819 Ancient Church), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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