I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 823: Battle for the pinnacle

As long as Fang Han is mastered, it is equivalent to mastering the control of the ancient temple, the master of the poison world does not want to give up such a good opportunity.

Fang Han didn't change his face, didn't speak, and waited for Master's decision.

Just at this moment, the Lord of the Poison Realm could not contain the greed in his heart, a viciousness drifted across his face, and he immediately opened his five fingers, spewing out countless poisonous gas, which contained a strong energy aura.

The poisonous gas condensed into a huge palm, covering the sky and the sun, and actually suppressed Fang Han in front of Chen Beixuan!

The lord of the fire world was surprised. He never expected that the lord of the poison world would dare to fight against Chen Beixuan. His method turned out to be a vicious hand that surpassed three thousand avenues and achieved by innate poison!

Fang Han didn't change his face, and he was not afraid of the hand of the poison world. He was also in the realm of the heavenly monarch, and he was stronger than the lord of the fire world. Why should he be afraid?

At the moment when he was about to defeat the malicious hand, a thunderous bang rang in nine days, lightning flashed, and the force of lightning smashed away from the malicious hand.

"The Lord of the Earthquake Realm?" The Lord of the Fire Realm looked up. It turned out that the person who shot was the master of another powerful plane he had summoned.

"The bloodline of the Lord of Arbitration means the entire ancient temple, the Lord of the Poison Realm, your appetite is too big, right?" The Lord of the Earthquake Realm said, thunder light and lightning turned into a huge palm, and grabbed it towards Fang Han's location. .

"My master of the scene world disagrees..." Another big hand flew silently.

"My Lord of the soup world hasn't spoken yet!" Another powerful energy appeared on the lava plane.

All of a sudden, the energy fluctuation frequency of the lava plane rose sharply, and a powerful force appeared. They were all powerhouses in the heavenly monarch realm, and even the masters of dominating a plane world. They all wanted to hold Fang Han in their hands.

Fang Han, who was given the blood of the Lord of Arbitration by Chen Beixuan, became a piece of cake at this time, and the Lords of each plane wanted to divide it.

The surging energy soared, almost bursting the entire lava plane, Fang Han was calm and calm, and turned a blind eye to the surging energy.

"It seems that it's going smoothly without imagining it!" The Lord of the Fire World thought to himself, looking at so many fierce powers, he couldn't help but start thinking.

In any case, he wouldn't take the initiative. If Fang Han can't deal with so many world masters, even Chen Beixuan's strength is far less terrifying than he imagined. He doesn't mind taking advantage of the fire and robbing him and running away with the blood of the Lord of Arbitration.

However, at this moment, Chen Beixuan moved!

He is like a lion that has slept for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly opening his eyes and bursting out a sharp light, proving his awakening to the heavens and the world.

The entire lava plane has undergone earth-shaking changes. The originally trembling space collapsed and shattered at the moment he opened his eyes, spattering time and space fragments, and the void torrent was extremely turbulent.

Facing the attack of many plane masters, Chen Beixuan moved, and the plane was surging. In the next moment, all the energy fluctuations were silent, and the jumping energy stopped.

Fang Han's eyes widened, and he saw the huge energy palms in all directions staying in the air, all his power had stagnated, and the time and space was absolutely still!

At this moment, Chen Beixuan's will is the will of the plane, the coming of heaven, and the truth of universe time and space!

He flipped his hand gently, and the attacks of countless planes disappeared. Then, the palm of his hand was facing the void, and the force of fortune rushed out. The lava plane was directly condensed, centered on Chen Beixuan, and quickly shrunk into one. The origin of the void.

"Broken!" Chen Beixuan said lightly, announcing the order of heaven, and everything surrendered.

The lava plane made a dull sound, and the huge energy palms from the masters of the major planes were defeated by Chen Beixuan in one fell swoop. The powerhouse of the Heavenly Sovereign level turned out to be like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down.

The Poison Lord's face was pale, and his body kept trembling. Has the poisonous energy of his whole body been weakened alive? Even the power of the original source was slightly traumatized, which was equivalent to ten thousand years of cultivation.

"God!" The Lord of the Fire World was shocked, unbelievable what he saw.

This is the lord of the planes from all the worlds, and they are all mid-to-upper level heavenly monarchs. With countless powers and countless palms, they were defeated by Chen Beixuan in one fell swoop. How terrifying is the strength of this white-robed man?

"Even if he comes from another world, has the gods of the heavens in his hand, and possesses the strength of the immortal king, it is impossible to do this!" The Lord of the Fire World murmured to himself, "I am afraid that the heavens will come, and he cannot punish such Lord of many planes!"

"You...who are you?" The Master of Earthquake almost roared and asked.

"Venerable Chen Beixuan, the strength is really extraordinary!" The Poison Master trembled, and with his bursting character, he could say such things. It is conceivable that Chen Beixuan's actions caused them to shake. degree.

"Lord of Fire World, who is this person?" The Lord of Tang World asked with doubts and curiosity.

All the masters of the planes looked at Chen Beixuan in horror, as if they had seen a more terrifying existence than the Supreme Immortal King!

"The deity Chen Beixuan!"

Chen Beixuan's eyes swept away, his gaze fell on the lord of all the planes present, the invisible but mighty coercion made all the heavenly monarchs unable to lift their heads, this was the crush of absolute strength, this was the shock of the peak momentum! The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 823 The Battle of the Peak), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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