I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 832: The impossible, crushes the lord of the law world

The Lord of the Law Realm opened his eyes wide, and he couldn't believe that Chen Beixuan had only spent such a short period of time to refine the entire crimson plane and at the same time refine the power of the Yuanshi Demon Sect.

Many of the demon masters of the Yuanshi Demon Sect were all real Tianjun cultivation bases, and at this moment they didn't even have the opportunity to resist.

"Lord of the Dharma Realm, this deity advises you not to toss, it's just a clone. Believe it or not, this deity runs through the Dharma Realm and kills your origin with one blow?" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

As he said, Chen Beixuan suddenly shot and bombarded the void with a fist. The power of time and space was distorted, and the energy shot through the air. The crimson plane shook from the sky and moved towards the Lord of the Dharma Realm.

At this moment, the Lord of the Dharma Realm is no more than a clone, and there is still a gap between his strength and the peak of his origin. With such a bombardment by Chen Beixuan, the clone was suddenly shattered, and fragments of energy drifted in all directions.

His gaze fell on Fang Han. Since he was no match for Chen Beixuan, he might as well take the opportunity to obliterate Fang Han and let the bloodline of the Lord of Arbitration be completely destroyed, so that no one except Yingtian's bloodline of the Temple Lord would be recognized by the ancient temple.

His thoughts are indeed very good, but in front of Chen Beixuan they appear to be whimsical.

I saw that he tried his best to gather the last strength of his whole body. When he attacked Fang Han, Chen Beixuan punched again, and his qi shook the crimson plane and stirred up the immortal continent.

The power of the fist stopped, and there was nothingness. The power of Chen Beixuan's fist, let alone attacking the sky, can even smash the stars and destroy the universe.

"You..." The Lord of the Dharma Realm was able to wipe out Fang Han who was breaking through to advancement, but in this short period of time, Chen Beixuan's power was surging and invincible.

"There is no law, there is no law!" Chen Beixuan's lips moved slightly, and pure energy wafted out of his body, which had nothing to do with the laws of magical powers. Every move and every style was incomparably pure, superbly crafted, and resonated with heaven and earth.

"There is no way?" The Lord of the Law Realm was dumbfounded, and Chen Beixuan once again brought him strong fear and shock.

The impossible way contains the ultimate truth of the universe, which is the limit of martial arts. Chen Beixuan's consecutive punches contain the power of pure essence, which is the pinnacle of the world of immortality.

With just one punch, the body guard gas of the Lord of the Dharma Realm was shattered, destroyed and rotten, and shattered the original energy of the clone.

"I created the realm of Dharma and have gone through nine epochs. I have never experienced the inability. I didn't expect you to..." The lord of the realm was unbelievable. Not only was there a strong shock in his heart, but also a great unwillingness.

The Way of Nothing is the ultimate avenue that the Lord of the Dharma has followed in his life. He has gone through untold hardships and has never penetrated the mystery. But Chen Beixuan, the man who had heard of horror, actually showed up to say that he was performing an incomprehensible quintessence exercise for himself.

"It's just a mere way, but things that you can comprehend every second, you can't understand in nine eras, you can only say that you are not worthy of the title of Lord of the Dharma Realm." Chen Beixuan said lightly, "This clone of yours, just stay here! "Boom!" As soon as Chen Beixuan's voice fell, a huge void appeared in the Lord of the Sky, and the Sky Burial Hall kept spinning, flying out of the void and reaching the head of the Lord of the Dharma Realm.

The whole vermilion coffin revealed endless swallowing aura, instantly enveloping the Lord of the Dharma Realm, and the lord of the Dharma Realm could not help struggling, and he was beaten to death.

This clone of the Lord of the Law Realm turned into a group of original power, and the will in it vanished.

"Chen Beixuan, this lord is on the plains of despair in the bottomless abyss. Wait for me to kill Chaos Heavenly Monarch, and you will wait to die!" After the Lord of the Dharma was destroyed, a deep voice came from the outside of the crimson plane. It was what his true body said. "It's stubborn!" Chen Beixuan stretched out his hand to refine the source power of the Lord of the Dharma Realm, turning it into a billowing energy, "You don't know the deity, and when the deity reaches the plane of despair, you will never be able to live beyond it!"

After the clone of the Lord of the Law Realm was refined, Fang Han's breakthrough was no longer threatened.

The power of the tribulation flashed down from the sky, and the purple lightning energy contained in it was absorbed by Fang Han, making it a part of his own energy.

Fang Han's body began to undergo earth-shaking changes, and the dimensional world in his dantian evolved rapidly, and the way of the era lingered around his body.

The strong aura of Tianjun swept the crimson plane, and even traveled through time and space, agitated the immortal continent and the world, shocking countless powerful people.

Fang Han finally ascended to the next epoch in the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, Chen Beixuan pointed to the void, and Fang Han's eyes slowly opened, revealing the whiteness and elegance of the holy light.

At this moment, every breath of Fang Han could affect the energy fluctuations of the ancient temple, and the remote ancient temple roared completely, as if blending with him.

Through the void, Fang Han vaguely saw a huge body appearing in the ancient temple. This body is stalwart and majestic, holding a huge scepter in his hand. This should be the body of the Lord of Arbitration and the carrier of the Lord of Arbitration in Fang Han's body.

The entire ancient temple seems to have merged with him. "Wow!" Fang Han's body was bathed in the holy light, and he disappeared directly in place.

Holy light softly wrapped Fang Han's body, leading him through the void to the ancient temple, how Yingtian and others seized control of the ancient temple.

Chen Beixuan followed closely, broke through a void crack, and quickly shuttled in the direction of the ancient temple. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 832 The Way of the Impossibility, Lord of the Crushing Dharma Realm), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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