I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 837: Learn two dog barks for the deity

At the same time that the Huangquan Dzi fell into Chen Beixuan's hands, Su Xiuyi's memory also turned into a transparent light. Although it was invisible, it actually existed and rushed into Chen Beixuan's mind.

Su Xiuyi's memory merged into Chen Beixuan's memory bank, like a ball of light falling into the grid.

Everything that Su Xiuyi knew was known to Chen Beixuan. Unexpectedly, this guy also knew the secret location of many treasures, and even the whereabouts of Yuanshi Demon Lord's strongest magic weapon, Sanshengshi.

It turns out that Su Xiuyi was once the most powerful subordinate of the Yuanshi Demon Lord, and its status was equivalent to that of Hua Tianjun under the good luck immortal king.

The three-life stone is also a sacred stone ejected from the gate of eternal life, containing the power of the previous, present, and next lives, able to analyze fate, control time and space, and even command three lives.

The status of the Sansheng Stone is stronger than the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure, which is equivalent to an artifact of good fortune!

It is said that as long as one person is engraved on the Three Life Stone, one can grasp the three life fortune of that person, even the Heavenly King and the Immortal King will be affected, without exception!

Precisely because of the existence of the Sanshengshi, Yuanshi Demon Lord was besieged by many immortal kings and was able to escape. Of course, the Sanshengshi disappeared and disappeared.

"This thing is a bit interesting, the deity has time to look for it, maybe it can help Fang Han understand the ultimate meaning of the great destiny." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

After thoroughly analyzing Su Xiuyi's memory, Chen Beixuan slowly raised his head and his eyes fell on Meng Bai.

Meng Bai Yuguang saw Su Xiuyi's tragic whereabouts, and his heart became more anxious. He kept slashing the dragon chains that had evolved from the eight Buddhist temples, trying to escape from the ancient temple.

Even if he was imprisoned under the control of the eight Buddha statues and the dragon-shaped chain condensed by the forces of good fortune, Meng Bai was unwilling to do so, and thought that one day he would kill Chen Beixuan to prove the Dao, and he would never die!

Seeing Chen Beixuan's gaze on him, Meng Bai was neither overbearing nor overbearing: "Chen Beixuan, if you want to kill, you have to cut it lightly. It is absolutely impossible for me to compromise!"

"I, Meng Bai, carry the way of killing, aiming to kill everything in the world, even if I am killed, I will not yield! As long as my soul is immortal, I can be reborn from the killing, immortal and immortal!"

"Oh?" Chen Beixuan's facial expression, waved his big hand, and an invisible force shot out and rushed into Meng Bai's body.

This invisible force contains thousands of laws and Taoism, and the vast energy can compete with the stars!

Meng Bai's body suddenly stiffened, his facial expression frozen, and in that instant, his body was controlled by Chen Beixuan.

"Bang!" Under the pressure of Chen Beixuan's absolute strength, Meng Bai couldn't help kneeling at the feet of Chen Beixuan, and humiliated his body on the ground.

He uttered a terrible roar, and endless humiliation occupied his mind, which completely burst his mind.

"Do you think that you can be unscrupulous if you understand the way of killing?" Chen Beixuan said coldly, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "It's not a dog, it's better to learn how to bark and let the deity listen to it!"

Chen Beixuan deliberately did not kill him in seconds, in order to torture him in this way, completely knocking down Meng Bai's will and obliterating his abominable confidence.

As soon as the voice fell, an invisible force came out of Chen Beixuan's hands and immediately wandered through Meng Bai's body. He quickly found the gate of life and hit his heart.

Meng Bai actually endured the humiliation, sticking out his tongue in front of Chen Beixuan, making a burst of crisp dog barking.

"Ah..." Ying Tian saw this scene, and the despair in his heart instantly occupied most of his heart. He was terrified and feared that Chen Beixuan would use such a method to humiliate himself.

For a cultivator who has reached the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, dignity is sometimes as important as life. It doesn't matter if you pretend to be a grandson for a while, but being so humiliated, no one can bear it.

I am afraid that after experiencing such humiliation, even Tianjun will collapse his mentality, his spiritual realm is rapidly regressing, and his cultivation realm continues to decline.

Seeing that Meng Bai was exhausted by pretending to be a dog and barking, Chen Beixuan released the shackles of invisible power, and he once again regained control of his body.

His eyes were filled with anger, and his eye sockets were almost torn apart. The burning anger eroded his mind and made him bleed even more.

"Chen Beixuan, I will kill you, kill everyone around you..." Meng Bai roared wildly, he was already confused, roaring out of humiliation and anger.

Chen Beixuan was accustomed to such scenes, still expressionless, but his mind moved slightly, and an invisible huge palm grasped Meng Bai's head firmly.


With the sound of a dull explosion, Meng Bai's head was squeezed and exploded, his essence and wisdom burst, and the power of the laws and supernatural powers dispersed.

The killing will hidden in the depths of his mind was directly extracted separately, suspended between the heavens and the earth, with murderous aura.

Meng Bai's soul was directly obliterated by Chen Beixuan, which was equivalent to disappearing completely. Not only would he not appear in the Three Realms of Immortality, but he would no longer exist in the heavens and all realms.

Now, only Ying Tian was left, and Chen Beixuan's sharp eyes fell on him instantly.

At this time, Ying Tian was exuding white holy light, and his body was constantly changing, as if composed of a series of milky white divine writings, each writing a unique law.

Such a body is equivalent to immortality, and in his body there is also the body of the Lord of the Temple that is not completely integrated.

Even so, he is now like a humble ant, shivering under Chen Beixuan's powerful breath. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 837 Gives the deity two dog barks), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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