I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 840: Grasping the origin of heaven

The textures on these scales condense into mountains and rivers, condensed into the sun, moon and stars, containing the infinite will of heaven, which is really the physical existence form of the origin of heaven.

This is the skin of God in the rumors, to put it more popularly, that is, the skin of God God, which is also sprayed from the gate of eternal life.

"The skin of the gods is not bad for refining the 33-day treasure." Chen Beixuan said lightly, you can try Zhou Tianyi.

As he said, he took out Zhou Tianyi, and the huge Zhou Tianyi was suspended in the air, constantly rotating, deducing the universe.

With a single tap, Chen Beixuan covered the surface of Zhou Tianyi with the skin of God's paper, and Zhou Tianyi suddenly burst into light, and Zhou Tianyi's cloud moved faster and faster, making it almost invisible to the naked eye.

The light slowly extinguished, but Zhou Tianyi was not promoted. It seems that the skin of God was so little that Zhou Tianyi could not be promoted to a holy immortal artifact.

"Master, after merging with the body of the Lord of Arbitration, I got a lot of memories about the Thirty-Three Days Treasure." Fang Han suddenly remembered and said.

"But it doesn't matter." Chen Beixuan responded.

"The Thirty-Three Heavens Treasure used to be an artifact of good fortune, but now it is so incomplete. If you want to refine it into the original peak level, you need to find the 33 lost ancient characters from the gate of eternal life." Fang Hansuan Said slowly.

Speaking of thirty-three ancient characters, Chen Beixuan suddenly thought of something. The thirty-three-character scripture has been lost, and it may take some time to find it.

"Well, let's talk at that time." Chen Beixuan said lightly, "solve the problem here first."

The two of them shuttled through the abyss plane again, and the aura of the abyss became stronger and stronger, Fang Han couldn't help frowning.

After traveling down thousands of planes, Fang Han's face was already extremely pale. This was caused by the lack of energy in his body and the horrible breath of the Abyss Heart.

Chen Beixuan took a look, slapped a palm from the void, and instilled a gentle force into Chen Beixuan's body, driving away the power of the abyss in his body, and Fang Han's face finally looked better.

"Master, the power of the abyss is getting stronger and stronger, and I feel hard to support it!" Fang Han said helplessly.

Chen Beixuan said indifferently: "You are already the cultivation base of the Heavenly Monarch at the peak of the Eighteenth Era, and you still use the low-level Heavenly Monarch's energy operation method."

Fang Han looked dumbfounded by what the master said, but was shocked quickly, as if he was initiating and realizing something.

He quickly turned the power of his dantian, and the power of good fortune within his body rose out, covering his body, showing a layer of golden light, as if wearing a golden armor.

The air of the abyss does contain a strong corrosive power, but in the face of absolute strength, it will still be offset.

"Very well, that's it." Chen Beixuan nodded and withdrew the invisible power.

The two of them continued to move forward, without fear of the aura of the abyss at the bottom of the abyss. If this scene were seen by other heavenly monarchs, it would be beyond shock.

"Master, there is another heart of the abyss in front of you!" Fang Han said in surprise.

Right in front, a huge heart of the abyss appeared, which was ten times as huge as the ordinary heart of the abyss, and the aura of the abyss actually condensed into a solid, becoming extremely heavy.

"What a big heart of the abyss, there must be a supreme divine thing in it." Fang Han became excited.

Chen Beixuan's heart moved, an invisible palm appeared, reached into the heart of the abyss, and took out the things contained in it, which turned out to be another huge piece of God's skin.

This piece of heaven’s skin is much larger than the previous piece of heaven’s skin. There is a huge continent that can be spread out to completely cover a plane. It also contains a strong breath of the sky, and even a trace of the origin of heaven. force.

"With such a piece of God's skin, I'm afraid that Zhou Tianyi can't be promoted to a holy immortal implement?" Chen Beixuan said lightly, covering the skin of God's skin on Zhou Tianyi.


Above the firmament of the plane, sorrowful clouds surging, divine light suddenly appeared, and heavenly calamity appeared, which was a precursor to the promotion of the fairy.

Fang Han was shocked, Chen Beixuan expressionless, after all, everything was in his expectation.

Chen Beixuan grabbed the Heavenly Tribulation and instilled it directly into Zhou Tianyi. This kind of overbearing, I am afraid he is the only one in the entire Immortal Continent.

Zhou Tianyi revolved rapidly and began to change. The phantom of the heavens suddenly appeared. At first, he looked down on the common people with a majestic posture, but when this phantom saw Chen Beixuan, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Chen Beixuan's face is a nightmare for the Origin of Heaven. If it weren't for his shot, the Origin of Heaven would not hurt.

It turned out to be this terrifying man, the aura of the heavenly origin suddenly dropped and began to disillusionment, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

"Want to run?" Chen Beixuan's eyes are quick and quick, grabbing the origin of the heavenly path, throwing its phantom into Zhou Tianyi for refining.

A trace of the power of the heavenly origin contained in this huge piece of God's skin was quickly refined into Zhou Tianyi by Chen Beixuan.

The Origin of the Heavenly Dao roared, expressing endless anger. Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly. Instead, he hit the iron while it was hot, and followed the time-space trajectory of the Origin of the Heavenly Dao, piercing the void, and the power came to the dimensional space where the Origin of the Heavenly Dao was located.

This is a huge and incomparable plane, which is equivalent to the combination of thousands of ordinary planes, and is completely occupied by the source of heaven.

Feeling Chen Beixuan's power, the origin of the heavens was terrified, and this terrifying man came to the door. How could this be good? The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 840 Grabbing the Origin of the Way of Heaven), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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