
A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and the target was targeted at the two Chen Beixuan.

Chen Beixuan didn't change his face, Fang Han's eyes were quick and quick, and he took the lead and waved his hand to form an invisible energy shield.

The power of Thunder Tribulation is vast, but it is easily blocked by this energy cover.

The thunder tribulation energy did not dissipate, directly rebounded, shot out, and bombarded the deserted land of the Desperate Plain.

Chen Beixuan and the two were unscathed, but a huge deep hole appeared on the Despair Plain, and the surface was charred.

Between the eternal life continent heaven and earth, there is only one person who can summon these methods, and that is the Thunder Emperor Heavenly Sovereign.

Lei Di Tianjun is one of the five heavenly monarchs of the Heavenly Court, and is a powerful existence in the birth era of the Heavenly Court. Although many old antiques think that Lei Di Tianjun is nothing more than this, Chen Beixuan knows that his strength is far from what it seems to be.

It can be said that Lei Di Tianjun is deeply hidden and will burst out shockingly tyrannical combat power at critical times. "Lei Di Tianjun." Fang Han said lightly, knowing that his first trial object had arrived.

In order to exercise himself, the master will never make a move, so only by relying on his own strength can he deal with it.

His voice shook the sky, as if he had an insight into the cycle of cause and effect, and countless void cracks appeared in the plain of despair, creating countless wormholes in time and space.

The endless power of eternal life radiated from the wormhole, surging between the sky and the earth, rushing wildly, like a stormy sea!

Although Lei Di Tianjun did not appear, Fang Han knew that he already existed: "Lei Di Tianjun, even if you hide deeply, you are definitely not my opponent!"

Fang Han suddenly shot his hand, his palm slapped the void, shaking time and space, a long river of fate suddenly appeared, and the thunder and electric snakes around by Lei Di Tianjun were instantly extinguished.

What kind of cultivation is Fang Han now? It can be said very exaggeratedly that he is now the pinnacle of the Immortal Continent, crushing all heavenly monarchs!

No matter how strong the Lei Di Tianjun was, his cultivation was within ten epochs, and he was far from Fang Han's opponent.

He only relied on the power to fit the plane of the Plains of Despair, using magical powers and secrets, to survive for a while.

Fang Han continued to make a move, waving his hand knife, smashing the bit panel, and exposing the twists and turns of the underground, bursting out a violent aura of destruction.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Lei Di Tianjun soared into the sky from the space-time plate. He stared at Fang Han, his eyes fierce.

Fang Han looked indifferent and looked at him with a high-profile gaze. There was no other mood swings on his face.

I saw Lei Di Tianjun wearing a silver coat with lightning runes embroidered on the surface, and his breath was full of danger.

His body is a fair-skinned and delicate young man, which is very different from people's imagination of thunder. There is a lightning mark on the center of his eyebrows, and there seems to be a flow of thunder and lightning energy.

"Huh, you are Chen Beixuan?" Lei Di Tianjun said lightly.

Fang Han glanced at Chen Beixuan, and when he saw his master silently, he responded to Lei Di Tianjun: "How can you blaspheme my master's name? Why don't you take the dog's life!"

Hearing this, Lei Di Tianjun's delicate face suddenly became savage, and he did not expect that someone would dare to provoke himself in this way.

"I think you want to die!" Although Lei Di Tianjun didn't refute, his body was full of thunderous aura, and he was ready to face Fang Han.

"Today is your doomsday!" Fang Han also exploded with aura, but after only ten epochs of cultivation, he had already caused a roar of heaven and earth, and his aura overpowered Thunder Emperor Tianjun.

"My doom?" Lei Di Tianjun's tone became cold, his body stood upright, and dense runes shot out from his body.

These runes do not belong to the gods, demons, and immortals. They form a line of their own, and countless runes gather to form a huge word!

Lei Di Tianjun controls a part of the calamity of the Immortal Continent, and the word of the robbery exudes an eternal aura.

"Nine Tribulations of Divine Dao, the unification of all worlds, the destruction of articles, now!" Lei Di Tianjun let out a long roar, and the heavens and the earth surged.

Focusing on the words he typed out, an eternal article unfolds, fully revealing the mystery of thunder and lightning, which runs through the ancient time and space of heaven and punishment.

This article is made by Lei Di Tianjun using the gods and things of the heavens, and contains violent energy, including the great calamity of the ages.

As soon as this article came out, he rushed to Fang Han and enveloped it, but Fang Han didn't rush, waved his big hand, distorting time and space, creating cracks in time and space.

The surging force of good fortune surging out, converging into bursts of energy light waves, radiating agitation to the surroundings, and rushing towards the tribulation article.

The two collided, the sky shook, and countless huge cracks appeared in the Plain of Despair, and the original fragmented plates were now more fragmented.

The smoke filled with gunpowder, and Fang Han was at the central point of the collision. When the energy shock spread beyond the ages, the outline of his body became clear.

Fang Han walked out of the gunpowder unscathed unscathed, and looked at Lei Di Tianjun calmly, like a king who dominates the world.

Lei Di Tianjun was shocked. He didn't expect that Fang Han would be able to break his tribulation text so easily. This is the mystery of the word tribulation, how could his cultivation level be so strong.

"Impossible, why are you so strong?" Lei Di Tianjun asked unwillingly.

Fang Han's body was shining bright at this time, and countless forces gushing from the cracks in the plates gathered towards him.

"At this time, at another time." Fang Han said lightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this time (Chapter 842 This time, then time!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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