I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 848: God Emperor is vulnerable

Many protoss heavenly monarchs at the scene agreed, and the empty pantheon boiled for a while, and countless heavenly monarchs pointed at Fang Han.

Fang Han was expressionless, calm and composed, and communicated with Chen Beixuan secretly with his spiritual knowledge: "Master, how should the apprentice respond?"

Chen Beixuan stood not far behind him, completely restrained his aura, like an ordinary person, so much so that many of the gods who had just arrived did not notice him.

"You don't have to deal with it, you must kill it!" Chen Beixuan said lightly, sonorously!

Why should I be merciful to those who die?

Master has said so, Fang Han certainly has no scruples, and said loudly: "How much strength your God Realm has, just show it all, I want to see what you can do with me!"

Dugu Tianjun rose into the sky, and under the wild aura, countless stars appeared in the starry sky, and the bright stars converged into a divine sword.

This is Dugu Tianjun's ultimate move, the Dugu sword, the sword's edge pierced the void, the edge pointed directly at Fang Han, countless nebulae collapsed, and in an instant, the Dugu sword shot in front of Fang Han.

"Ding." Fang Han gently spit out a word that actually contained the power of ancient time and space. At this moment, everything seemed to stagnate.

The Dugu Sword was wrapped in unmatched energy, but it solidified in front of Fang Han, and then stopped without warning.

All God Race Heavenly Monarchs present were shocked, what kind of method Fang Han used to consolidate time and space, and it was still God Realm time and space.

After all, the time and space of the God Realm is stronger than the time and space of ordinary planes. To distort or destroy its time and space, one needs to pay hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of times.

Chen Beixuan saw this scene, although his face was expressionless, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Fang Han's move contained part of his ultimate move, and he had actually learned a lot of his own skills.

It is never a legend to determine the universe in one word. The ultimate use of energy is to resonate between the world and the earth in any way. As long as your power is strong enough, everything will follow your orders.

Under Chen Beixuan's cultivation, Fang Han's cultivation base has reached the limit of the Heavenly Monarch, the terrifying eighteen epochs, this kind of power can easily deal with the Dugu Tianjun who has been cultivated in less than ten eras.

Dugu Tianjun's eyes widened in horror, and then time and space recovered, and the light of Dugu's sword disappeared instantly and disappeared in the galaxy, as if it had never appeared before.

The shadow of the Dugu sword, which was gathered by the stars behind Dugu, was even more dimmed, with the stars shattering from time to time, almost in a state of collapse.

"This is the **** of the gods?" Fang Lian laughed, with a big hand, a cluster of nebulae collapsed, and countless galaxies burst. "Go back and wash and sleep."

A huge energy swept out, rushing to Dugu Tianjun, Dugu Tianjun's unresisting energy, his body exploded, and the shadow of Dugu sword instantly extinguished.

"Dugu!" Di Shitian shouted nervously.

All the gods of the **** race showed incredible expressions, unable to understand the terrifying power displayed by Fang Han.

Dugu Tianjun has eight eras of cultivation base, so he is so vulnerable in front of Fang Han.

This is still a new emperor? How terrifying has Fang Han's strength reached?

When Tianfei Wumo saw this scene, her gaze fell on Chen Beixuan. She understood that Fang Han's ability to achieve such an achievement was somewhat closely related to Chen Beixuan.

It can make an ordinary cultivator's strength increase by leaps and bounds. Soon after the newly promoted Heavenly Sovereign, his cultivation has soared to the present level, and the entire Immortal Continent absolutely cannot do it.

I am afraid that only God can do it.

Thinking of this, the body of Tianfei Wumo couldn't help but tremble, and Chen Beixuan's strength even dared to deal with Heavenly Dao.

Who is he? It is said that it comes from other worlds, is it a form of heavenly existence in other worlds?

No matter how the Tianfei Wumo guessed, he could not think of the reason for Chen Beixuan's horror.

Dugu Tianjun wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, unwilling to his heart, he couldn't bear to be beaten so embarrassed by a newly promoted Tianjun.

"Dugu Nine Swords, Zhu Xin Jue!" Dugu Tianjun jumped up again and directly took out his ultimate move to press the bottom of the box.

The God Realm has changed, countless stars swiftly revolving, leaving the orbit directly, and lasing towards Dugu Tianjun.

The Heart Judgment Secret Art, which can't cut the sky and destroy the earth, can disperse people's souls. It is a unique method that even overwhelms most of the ultimate moves of the Tenth Era Heavenly Monarch.

The phantom of the Nine Duo Sword appeared, revolving in the path of the heavenly principle, and merged to form a huge heart character, piercing the world and rushing towards Fang Han.

"Zhu Xin Jue?" Chen Beixuan said lightly, his voice remembered in Fang Han's mind, "Kill Dugu and get Zhu Xin Jue!"

Fang Han was shocked, and Master actually wanted to kill himself, but his expression quickly returned to normal, and the determination to kill and kill was Master's consistent style.


Fang Han responded indifferently, and immediately leaped out into the air, directly facing Dugu Jiujian, with an indifferent expression.

The power of good fortune suddenly agitated, the 33-day treasure suddenly appeared, countless bright rays of light bloomed, and the ancient characters of the five elements also appeared. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 848 God Emperor is Unbearable), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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