I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 857: There is no need for the master to take action, I will be enough!

Rumor has it that the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures are infinitely powerful, each piece of the Treasure contains an ancient character, and the two together become the pinnacle of achievement.

The original Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure only needs to be integrated with the thirty-three ancient characters to achieve the quality of the artifacts of good fortune.

And now, under Chen Beixuan's control, the Thirty-Three Heavens Treasure directly surpassed the artifacts of good fortune and reached the terrifying realm of the artifacts of runes.

If you are getting thirty-three ancient characters, you will definitely be able to achieve higher quality, and its power will be even more terrifying and invincible.

At least looking at the immortal north, it is absolutely invincible, and even among the gods of the heavens and the world, it can also be ranked.

Chen Beixuan's eyes flashed, and the phantoms of countless rune planes flickered from his pupils.

Fang Han stood quietly, watching Master look for the whereabouts of the thirty-three ancient characters.

It is said that a long time ago, the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure was smashed by the Gate of Eternal Life, and the ancient characters of thirty-three days only flew away.

If you want to find the lost thirty-three ancient characters, I'm afraid you have to deal with Yuanshi Demon Sect.

"Sanshengshi..." Chen Beixuan murmured, staring at him.

"Master, what's the matter?" Fang Han asked in a low voice.

"If you want to find the thirty-three ancient characters, you have to find the Sanshengshi first." Chen Beixuan said lightly, it seems we have to go to Yuanshi Demon Sect.

"First Yuan Dynasty Demon Sect?" Fang Han was taken aback, remembering what had happened in the ancient temple.

Yuanshi Demon Sect is the source of the eternal northern demon gate, and the born demon masters have the strength of heavenly monarchs, not only the methods are cruel, but also the strength is extremely powerful.

Had it not been for Master Chen Beixuan's move, Fang Han, who had not integrated the body of the Lord of Arbitration, would have fallen into the hands of the Demon Sect.

"Go, go to the Demon Gate now." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

As soon as his voice fell, a very discordant voice sounded, and a force tore through the void and rushed over.

"Chen Beixuan, I heard that you got the treasure house of the heavenly clan, so it's better to take it out and share it." The voice was a bit sharp, and it was made by a woman.

Chen Beixuan's face was expressionless, and he glanced at Fang Han.

How could Fang Han fail to understand the meaning of his eyes, his whole body suddenly exploded, his body swelled instantly, reaching a terrifying giant.

"Who is coming?" Fang Han shouted solemnly, urging the 33-day treasure that had just been promoted to a holy artifact and revolving around Zhou Sheng.

Each piece of treasure reveals a dazzling light, gathered together, the light is dazzling, blinding the sun.

"What are you, get out of the way." The visitor mocked, and the power of the galaxy suddenly appeared in the void, and the power was condensed into a sharp edge, and it was headed towards Fang Han.

Fang Han didn't change his face, but with a thought in his heart, the speed of the 33-day Treasure's rotation suddenly increased, exploding with immense power.

The force blasted out and slammed into the silver blade.


The crisp sound resounded through the void, and the sharp blade formed by the power of the galaxy, even with the incomparable killing intent, still produced a huge crack under the impact.

The cracks spread, and countless small cracks covered the entire blade.

"Lord of Dreams, even the apprentice of the deity can't deal with it, still want to challenge the deity?" Chen Beixuan said with disdain.

"You..." the lord of dreams is angry, she has killed countless heavenly monarchs, and placed her strength level above the heavenly monarch long ago.

In her eyes, all the heavenly monarchs are not worth mentioning.

But now, Fang Han actually intercepted himself with the strength of Heavenly Sovereign. This was impossible. The Lord of Dreams couldn't believe it, and he exploded with even more powerful combat power.

"Ning!" The Lord of Dreams shouted, countless galaxies gushing from the void in the void, countless mythological and epic ghosts appeared, containing endless aura of prehistoric nature.

At this moment, she is like the master who controls countless civilizations, possessing supreme aura.

A huge sword appeared, about billions of meters long, containing the power of countless stars and civilizations, wrapped in the endless power of the galaxy, and slashed towards Fang Han again.

"The myth is a blow, and the endless is slain." The Lord of Dreams said in a deep voice.

Fang Han's expression did not move, he did not feel panic, his body was like a rock, motionless in the void.


The moment he opened his palm, countless ancient characters rose up, and an invisible and terrifying force gathered in his palm.

The void is distorted, and the universe where the void is located seems to be controlled by him.

When the myth was about to be cut down, the Wenxing Star Chen among them condensed and was controlled by Fang Han, and the incomparable killing intent suddenly disappeared.

"How is it possible!" The Lord of Dreams couldn't believe it, feeling the energy in his body gushing out quickly, and being sucked in by Fang Han.

"Don't be nervous." Fang Han's mouth raised slightly, revealing a weird smile.

The Lord of Dreams was taken aback, but saw Fang Han's footsteps move, and with a big wave of his hand, the majestic power gathered in his palm was waved out.

A huge light group burst out, which contained countless world planes, the power of the universe, and the fear of the void, all condensed in the light group.

"Tian Yuan's blow!" Fang Han said lightly, slaying towards the Lord of Dreams.

The complexion of the Lord of Dreams suddenly became difficult to look at. A huge shield appeared in his hand, which was condensed from his own origin, and thousands of runes appeared, forming various defensive artifacts.

"Unbearable." Fang Han said lightly.

The Lord of Dreams' defenses were indeed in place, but in front of Fang Han's Tianyuan strike, it had no effect at all.

The light of Tianyuan's blow instantly destroyed the defense, submerged in her body, and suddenly exploded.

"Ah!" With a terrible cry, the Lord of Dreams flew in flesh and blood, his clothes shattered to pieces. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this time (Chapter 857 does not require the master to take action, it is enough to have me!) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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