I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 863: Destroy the demon world at will

The arrival of Chen Beixuan brought not only power, but also unavoidable death.

The demon lord who was on the verge of disaster never understood what had happened, but he felt the breath of death and immediately reacted.

There were countless magic patterns on his palms, which communicated the power of Yuanshi Demon Mountain, and the patterns gleamed and exuded countless magical energy.

"Strong Demon Lord, sweep three thousand!"

With a roar, the Hercules Demon Master showed her Hercules incisively and vividly. His body is composed of 840 million planes. Each world contains the core of magic power. All the cores come together to tear the universe and rival the universe.

Chen Beixuan didn't change his face, and the huge, condensed palm of the void clenched into a fist and smashed towards him.

The two forces collided, a terrifying storm swept through the demon world, and the strong demon master suddenly felt the power of his body poured out.

Soon, the storm ceased, without any energy ripples, Chen Beixuan said lightly: "I hope you are okay."

"Hahaha, Chen Beixuan, you are nothing more than that!" The Great Demon Lord laughed. He thought Chen Beixuan could destroy himself with such a blow, but he didn't want the storm to stop so quickly.

Everyone was shocked, dumbfounded, and the scene was in a very silent state.

Suddenly, a thundercloud in the sky of the Demon Realm suddenly rose, the tribulation erupted, and a huge palm fell over the sky.


Chen Beixuan's huge palm separated the Great Demon Lord from Yuanshi Demon Mountain, pinched it into a wisp of demon energy, and inhaled it into his body.


The Great Demon Lord hadn't reacted yet, it was already wiped out.

A powerful Demon Lord was killed in this way, and his Heavenly Sovereign origin was quickly swallowed and refined by Chen Beixuan.

After the death of the Great Demon Lord, Chen Beixuan did not stay at all, and went to another one in Yuanshi Demon Mountain.

"Chen Beixuan, stop!" The greedy lord seemed to realize something and quickly shouted.

It turned out that Chen Beixuan saw that the forces of the Three Realms were chirping and couldn't wait to start the elimination, so he directly avoided the forces of the Three Realms and went to various places in the Yuanshi Demon Mountain to kill the various demon masters one by one.

The greedy lord reacted and chased Chen Beixuan with the forces of the Three Realms.

But Chen Beixuan's speed was too fast, he shot without mercy, and simply and neatly!

In the mountain where he is now, entrenched the Lord of Illusion Demons.

Chen Beixuan rushed forward, and his momentum trembled the Yuanshi Demon Mountain, and countless fragments of energy flew around. The master of the magic demon felt that his body was set in place and it was difficult to move.

"Stop!" The Lord of Fiends roared, trying to rescue the Lord of Illusion Demons, but it seemed too late.

The Lord of Illusory Demon opened a pair of magic eyes, his body turned into an illusion, and escaped into the void.

"Do you think you can escape?" Chen Beixuan snorted coldly, grabbed the void with his palm, the void was twisted, and a ray of devilish energy was caught by him.

This is the original power of the Lord of Illusory Demons, and Chen Beixuan grasped it firmly without any effort.

The real body of the phantom demon slowly appeared, but infinite power poured into his body. His monster is like a blown ball, still swelling.

"Bang!" The body of the phantom demon exploded, and the Yuanshi Demon Mountain he was on collapsed, sinking directly into the long river of fate that Chen Beixuan had torn apart.

In the blink of an eye, the two demon masters died in Chen Beixuan's hands.

"Fang Han, have you seen it? You should kill like this!" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Fang Han was startled, his figure appeared from the void and came to Master's side: "Yes!"

"Come on for the rest, there are still many demon masters in this demon world, enough for you to exercise decisive murderous aura." Chen Beixuan said, facing the forces of the three realms coming from the impact.

At the speed of lightning, Fang Han came to a Yuanshi Demon Mountain, and his huge palm turned into a hand knife, slashing down in the air.

This demon lord was alarmed, exuding a majestic devilish energy, his real body was revealed, and he was the lord of destruction.

"Fang Han, do you dare to move me?" The Lord of Destruction said angrily, his body swelled like a sacred cow, with a cruel and cold expression on his face.

Master even wanted to see the side of his slaying swift, Fang Han thought to himself that he must not use ink.

So his body exploded with turbulent combat power, and decided to cut the mess with a sharp knife according to Master Chen Beixuan's will!

"Era Divine Formation!" Fang Han shouted loudly, and the 33 Heavenly Treasure appeared above his head, and at its core was the heavenly burial coffin.

With the coffin of the sky burial, you are still afraid that it will not be able to deal with you?

Fang Han showed a smile, urging the magic circle and heading towards the destroyed chairman.

The Lord of Destruction was surprised, but he didn't expect Fang Han to possess so many gods!

At the next moment, everyone was unbelievable, and an unbelievable scene appeared. The Lord of Destruction was covered by the Era Magic Array without any resistance.

Fang Han's attack method has changed a lot. If it was drizzle before, now it is stormy!

The Lord of Destruction is like an ant surviving under the stormy sea, and death is his unbreakable destiny.

The Lord of Destruction, who was involved in the Era Array, tried to break free. Under the bombardment of the Heavenly Burial Coffin, he had no strength to fight.

Under the bombardment of hundreds of millions of times, Dwelling of Destruction issued a terrible horn, and it was wiped out!

Fang Han swallowed all the source power of the Lord of Destruction with a big hand, and the light of the Thirty-Three Heavens Treasure was a little brighter.

"Chen Beixuan, are you destined to fight against my demon world?" the greedy lord said angrily.

"Is there a problem?" Chen Beixuan smiled faintly, his tone full of provocation. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 863 to Destroy the Demon World), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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