I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 875: Good fortune beings, the power of good fortune

Fang Han didn't expect that under the fairy king's mind of the old man of mythology, a more powerful and terrifying fairy king would be dormant.

Good luck fairy king, good fortune sentient beings!

As soon as the idea of ​​the immortal king of good fortune appeared, it exuded a majestic aura, urging the ancient characters of thirty-three days, and bombarding Fang Han.

"Even if you have the blessings of the two immortal kings, I am not afraid of you!" Fang Han said lightly, his eyes becoming extremely cold.

Fang Han's Thirty-Three Days Treasure has refined countless powers, and has reached the top of the artifacts. If it can integrate the thirty-three days of ancient characters, it will definitely achieve a more management level.

Given time, the position of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure in the North of Eternal Life is bound to be invincible under the gate of Eternal Life!

"Fang Han, the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures are forged by this seat with painstaking effort. This seat will take it back now, and you will endure all karma!" The voice of Immortal King Good Fortune resounded through the void.

"Your body is still in the gate of eternal life. Wanting to use your mind to deal with me is too whimsical, right?" Fang Leng Leng smiled, and immediately dispelled the immortal king's mind that was trembling in his mind.

The mind of the immortal king of good fortune condenses into a phantom, a huge hand, holding thirty-three ancient characters, exudes an unparalleled hot breath.

Each ancient character has the size of several stars, suspended in the void, becoming the most shining light of the stars.


This is the most powerful ancient character among the thirty-three ancient characters. It is comparable to the two characters Qiankun and symbolizes the supremacy.

The rest of the ancient characters revolved around Zhizhi, the void oscillated, the universe trembled, and infinite energy radiated out.

The appearance of the Immortal King Good Fortune surprised Fang Han, but Chen Beixuan expected it.

Chen Beixuan was expressionless, looking at everything in front of him quietly, he believed that Fang Han could deal with everything. Even if Fang Han is defeated, it will not be too late to make a move by himself.

"Fang Han, quickly hand over the Thirty-Three Heavens Treasure, otherwise you will just wait for it to disappear!" The voice of the Immortal King Good Fortune is vast.

"Dreaming!" Fang coldly responded, and the energy of the Era Array quickly climbed, and it became more tyrannical.

Fang Han’s current opponent is no longer the Heavenly Sovereign Saint King, but a symbol of the highest strength of the entire Immortal North, the realm of the Immortal King!

He can't have the slightest negligence, because that means death!

The immortal king of good fortune received a determined and indifferent response, and the anger in his heart could not be calmed: "Mythical old man, you also spend some of the origin, and I will deal with Fang Han, right?"


I saw in the void, a majestic mythological power shrouded, flooding the entire Tianmu world, condensing into a huge old man.

The old man came to Fang Han with a fairy-style, long sleeves and fluttering long sleeves.

Fang Han was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that the mythical old man's thoughts could penetrate through time and space and directly condense into entities to deal with him.

Just when Fang Han was stunned, the old man of Mythology immediately used thunder means to suppress Fang Han.

Fang Han immediately ran the Era Magic Array, circling thousands of Arrays, facing the mythical old man, wanting to obliterate his mind.

When the two were confronting each other, Immortal King Good Fortune also moved, waved the thirty-three ancient characters, and lased towards Fang Han.

"Go!" Fang Han yelled loudly, and the Thirty-Three Days Treasure flew out, shooting in the direction of the thirty-three days old character.

The two immortal kings dealt with Fang Han at the same time, putting him in a dangerous situation that he had never encountered before.

Everyone in the Tianmu world was shocked. For the first time they saw the duel between the immortal kings, it turned out to be so shocking and shocking the world.

Chen Beixuan faintly looked at the two immortal kings, and thought to himself that if he could refine the ideas of these two immortal kings, he might be able to break through to the nine-star realm!

Nine Stars, that is the strongest realm above the heavens and the highest realm above the heavens!

Here, Fang Han struggled against the two immortal kings, and the confrontation between the ancient characters of 33 days and the treasure of 33 days became more and more fierce.

The Immortal King Good Fortune did not come, but with a single thought, he fought with Fang Han indifferently. It is conceivable how powerful the peak power of the Immortal King Good Fortune is.

What worries Fang Han even more is that the seal of the gate of eternal life is getting looser, and the **** of good fortune immortal king becomes more concentrated.

This means that the great catastrophe of the immortal north is about to come...

"Fang Han, the Thirty-Three Heavens Treasure is originally a thing of this seat, and it is destined to belong to this seat!" The voice of the Immortal King Good Fortune penetrated Fang Han's mind, making his spirits incredibly messy.

"Come on!" Chen Beixuan's voice suddenly sounded.

Fang Hanru was struck by thunder, and his eyes immediately became clear: "The Immortal King of Good Fortune, I have surpassed the eternal north, and penetrated the cause and effect!"

Before he finished his words, Fang Han's body shook, and the energy of the thirty-three days of ancient characters radiated magnificently, and the power of good fortune was as pure as the origin of the good fortune fairy king.

"Cut fate, kill three lives!"

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures suddenly gathered into a terrifying edge, wrapped in the breath of countless divine artifacts, and slashed towards the Immortal King Good Fortune.

Under the unrestrained breath, countless phantoms of civilization have erupted, countless lives have been sublimated, contributing to this unparalleled sword!

Fang Han was holding a divine sword and rushed into the thirty-three ancient characters, like an invincible God of War, exuding endless killing intent.

The thirty-three days old characters trembled crazily, because Fang Han's appearance was actually infected with Fang Han's energy aura, and there was a tendency to be Tonghua.

"Great Destiny Technique?" The Immortal King Good Fortune was shocked. He did not expect that Fang Han would be able to condense the Excalibur with the 33-day treasure, playing the Great Destiny Technique of the Immortal King Realm! The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 875: Good Fortune Living Beings, The Power of Good Fortune), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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