I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 894: The end of the fairy king, the silence of eternal life!


Chen Beixuan stepped on the body of the ancestor fairy king, and the body of the ancestor fairy king collapsed and his consciousness was shattered.

The cultivation base is tens of millions, the vertical and horizontal is boundless, and the body is destroyed in one move...

Even despair and unwillingness are no longer there, and the bodies of the other immortal kings can't help but tremble, as if they have seen their own future, and the fear is even more endless.

Soon, the last energy fragments of the ancestor fairy king were all absorbed by Chen Beixuan with a wave of his hand.

"Escape...hurry up..." The other immortal kings said in unison, Chen Beixuan's horror and power, they could not resist anyway.

The great immortal kings fled one after another, and there were waves of ripples in the void.

Chen Beixuan's body shrouded the world, suddenly bursting out countless rays of light, the phantom of the Qinglian sword flickered, the sharp edge cut through time and space, and shuttled between the necks of the great immortal kings.


The edge of the Qinglian Sword was really sharp, and as soon as it touched the Immortal King's skin, it was brutally cut.

Blood spewed, and all the heads of the fairy king were taken off and rolled to the ground.

The huge body, without a head, looks shocking. The body collapsed suddenly, setting off waves of nebula in the endless universe.

The thoughts of the immortal kings rushed across their heads, all kinds of emotions infected the world, or despair, or fear, or screaming, or struggling...

Chen Beixuan firmly grasped them, and his face did not have the slightest emotional fluctuations.


Chen Beixuan squeezed hard, and a head shattered, and endless thoughts and laws gushed out, which is the torrent of energy that flooded thousands of miles from the Immortal King of Origin.

The Immortal King of Origin didn't even have the opportunity to resist, so he was removed from the heavens and the earth, and would never exist forever.

"Dimensional explosion!"

Chen Beixuan said lightly, the head of the Dimensional Immortal King exploded.


The heroic immortal king has a ferocious face, his head explodes, and fragments are flying.


All the immortal kings died and disappeared in Chen Beixuan's move.

Scarlet blood and desperate breath echoed between heaven and earth, and the entire immortal north seemed to become a terrifying hell.

Chen Beixuan's huge body is still white and flawless, his eyes are indifferent, and he quietly looks at the Immortal King Good Fortune and the Lord of Yuan Shi in front of him.


The energy of the Lord of Yuanshi climbed up, his body suddenly became huge and boundless, and his devilish energy was surging, breaking a billowing river.

"Yuanshi is immortal, demons attack the world..."

The huge body was still swelling, and in an instant it turned into a ball, like an extremely inflated balloon, as huge as a collection of billions of stars.

"Blode?" Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly, "childish."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Beixuan's huge palms were suppressed towards the Lord of Yuan Shi, and at this moment, the power of destruction burst open.

Endless power swept through the world, seeming to destroy everything, and hundreds of millions of world creatures trembled, and even Fang Han showed a shocked expression.

The immortal king blew himself up, even if this force was the immortal emperor, he would have to consume his original strength if he wanted to deal with it, and he could suffer severe damage if he was not careful.


Chen Beixuan said faintly, all the destructive power rushed into his body madly.

Master, what is this going to do? Fang Han was surprised.

I saw that the endless destructive power was absorbed by Chen Beixuan, and the gate of eternal life burst out with bright light, enveloping the world.

The self-detonation of the Lord of Yuanshi did not cause any destruction, and was easily suppressed and turned into nothingness.

The world was silent, and the power of destruction did not cause any waves.

The immortal king blew himself up, and Chen Beixuan hadn't shaken anything, only the good luck immortal king was present.

"The Immortal King of Good Fortune, all your tactics have been turned into a cloud of smoke. This deity will refine you and let you repay everything for your sins." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Everything will pass...

Although the immortal king of good fortune was angry, he also understood that a cause and effect could not be changed.

Obviously he should be angry, but the Immortal King Good Fortune settled down, showing a faint smile, and a giant throne appeared behind him. He slowly sat down, and a raging flame rose up all over his body.

"I turned into a river of immortality for good luck..."

Lanyin flew, and the body of the fairy king of good fortune merged with the flame. The heaven and the earth were extremely silent, and the time and space seemed to be silent.

By now, Immortal King Good Fortune actually wanted him to become his own way, completely dissipated in the long river of history.

Since then, Chen Beixuan has opened up a new era of immortality in the north, and he is no longer in his presence.

"Chen Beixuan, you won."

The immortal king of good fortune said lightly, Chen Beixuan did not stop him, allowing the energy and aura to fly and merge with the heavens and the earth, while the immortal king's origin rushed into his body and followed the trajectory of the stars.

Chen Beixuan's strength increased again, and the runes of the gate of eternal life flickered, and his body energy suddenly expanded several times.

After absorbing all the power of the immortal king in the north of the eternal life, he finally reached the eight-star peak.

At this moment, the heavens and myriad worlds trembled, and a thick cloud suddenly rolled over the heavens.

The countless teachers of Tiandao Academy showed shocked expressions, and the Dean of the Third Academy took a deep breath.

"Chen Beixuan...Chen Beixuan broke through again?"

"Yes, he has reached the legendary eight-star peak, and he does not know when he will step into the nine-star."

"Once you step into Jiuxing, Chen Beixuan will be the pinnacle teacher of my Tiandao Academy. In the future, the Academy will send teachers to compete, and my Tiandao Academy will no longer be afraid of others."


In the north of Eternal Life, Chen Beixuan's breath was wild and endless, shocking the world.

This state is eternal and lasting. It runs through hundreds of millions of dimensions. Chen Beixuan waved his hand and Fang Han quickly came to him.

"Go, enter the gate of eternal life. All beings in the heavens, eternal life is endless!" Chen Beixuan said lightly. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 894: The End of the Immortal King, The Silence of Eternal Life!) Reading record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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