I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 899: Fusion of the holy furnace, looking for the strongest mount!

"Emperor Guangming, it's not bad." Chen Beixuan said lightly, and the role of the three-life stone was really extraordinary, completely unearthing Long Haochen's potential.

"Master, what is Emperor Guangming?" Long Haochen asked puzzledly.

Chen Beixuan waved his hand, and put a golden robe on Long Haochen, and said lightly: "The mystery of the Great Emperor Guangming, I am afraid that no one in the entire Shenyin North will know."

The child of light can be said to be the most intimate object of the light element, and his cultivation speed will be very terrifying, while the great emperor of the light is the supreme master of the light element.

As long as he is willing, the light element will go through fire and water, and will achieve his peak strength.

Long Haochen's sacred awakening has ended, and next ninety will go to the Knight's Sacred Mountain to obtain a mount.

"When I am heading to the holy mountain of knights, I still have one thing for you as a teacher." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

"What is it?" Long Haochen asked curiously, immersed in joy.

"Holy furnace!" Chen Beixuan said lightly, the palm of his hand gathered light, the divine light was dazzling, and a furnace appeared in the palm of his hand.

"This..." Long Haochen suddenly thought of the memory instilled by the light group before, and understood that this should be something similar to a spirit furnace.

The Spirit Furnace is a melting pot of spiritual power. It is the only conceived in the north of the seal of God. It can refine spiritual power and create derivative skills for the holder.

There are many kinds of it, which are used in different professions. For the Cavaliers, there are at least twenty-three types that can be used.

And the holy furnace was something that never existed in the north of Shenyin, Long Haochen was very curious, and very much where he got it.

"You deserve it." Chen Beixuan said lightly, and the holy furnace hovered in front of Long Haochen.

The pure golden light reflected on Long Haochen's immature face, and he was full of expectation and excitement.

Speaking of the sacred furnace, it was actually Chen Beixuan who accepted Long Haochen as his apprentice and gave it as a gift.

Without Chen Beixuan's appearance, Long Haochen's father Long Xingkong, one of the few Shenyin knights in the north of Shenyin, would also give him a holy spirit furnace.

And now, the attributes of the Holy Furnace are much higher than those of the Holy Spirit Furnace, which can be said to be a world of difference.

Long Haochen took the holy furnace, the golden light was dazzling, and suddenly shot to the center of his eyebrows, blending with his body.

Suddenly, Long Haochen felt that the spiritual power in his body became more easily controlled.

"The holy furnace is the pinnacle of the spiritual furnace. Although the use is otherworldly, it still belongs to the category of the spiritual furnace." Chen Beixuan said lightly, "The spiritual furnace that everyone can merge is different. The more the fusion, the greater the power of the cultivator. The stronger it is."

While Chen Beixuan spoke, Long Haochen's body vacated, his blood and golden spiritual power merged, and a small cauldron appeared behind him.

Accompanied by the soft light, Long Haochen's pores opened up, blending perfectly with the holy furnace.

In the process of fusion, Long Haochen had a more thorough understanding of the laws of spiritual power, and his spiritual power in his body surged, breaking through a hundred in an instant.

"Two hundred and thirty-nine...Three hundred and fifty-seven..."

Such a crazy growth rate, if it were seen by other human management in Shenyin North, it would be extremely shocking.

But Chen Beixuan was not surprised, everything was taken for granted.

If it weren't for worrying about pulling out the seedlings and promoting it, it would not be impossible for Chen Beixuan to raise Long Haochen's cultivation level to the level of the knight of the **** seal.

In the end, the spiritual power index stopped at 433.

Chen Beixuan shot, Long Haochen turned into a knight servant who had just begun the mystery, and stepped into the realm of a Tier 3 knight in one fell swoop.

If ordinary Ao wants to cultivate to the third level, it will take at least a few years, and even most people will stop at this level of cultivation.

Because Tier 3 to Tier 4 is a watershed, thinking of reaching Tier 4, the most basic requirement is that the spiritual power index must exceed one thousand.

"Master, I feel full of power!" Long Haochen was very excited, waving a sharp sword in his hand, cutting iron like mud with one sword.

He was shocked by his actions, unbelievable that this was the power he possessed.

Chen Beixuan nodded: "The road is still long, and you have many more things to face in the future."

"Master, thank you!" Long Haochen's eyes flickered, and he knelt on one knee, earnestly thanking him.

"Well, now I'm going to take you to the Knights Sacred Mountain as a teacher." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

After all, the void crack opened again, and Chen Beixuan led Long Haochen out of the independent void space.

Long Haochen opened his eyes, a pale golden light appeared in his field of vision, and faintly visible peaks were rising.

The sacred mountain of knights stretches across hundreds of miles, and is home to countless powerful beasts, which can be described as extremely dangerous.

But generally speaking, they don't take the initiative to attack humans. If they are offended, it's hard to say.

Chen Beixuan took Long Haochen into the holy mountain and walked slowly toward the depths, because the deeper the monsters, the more terrifying the strength.

Since he was looking for a mount for Long Haochen, of course Chen Beixuan had to find the pinnacle monster in the north of Shen Yin to match it.

Under Chen Beixuan's beckoning, a wave of invisible energy gathered under Long Haochen's feet, dragging him for tens of thousands, wandering through the void.

The two of them traveled for dozens of miles and had already arrived at the inner circle of the Knight's Holy Mountain. Suddenly, the sky roared, and the wind surged.

Long Haochen was shocked, and he quickly set up a sharp sword to block. This is the most basic guard for every knight.

When the surrounding wind ceased, Long Haochen could see a huge flying monster in front of him.

The dragon head is about six meters long, and the whole body is pale golden. It is by no means ordinary birds and beasts.

"Dragon Eagle?" Long Haochen recognized at a glance, and then took off his guard. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 899, Fusion Sacred Furnace, Find the Strongest Mount!) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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