“Nature burns fruit.”

Boni’s eyes lit up.

Hurriedly walked to Xia Yu: “Let’s join forces, we will definitely be able to break through.” ”

Pick up the bottle, pour the rest of the wine into the glass, pick up the glass, leisurely and relaxed.

Bonnie looked at Xia Yu speechlessly.

Reminder: “Although you get the burnt fruit, but the other party is a weasel lieutenant general, proficient in domineering, can hurt the natural department, you don’t think that the natural department is invincible, right?” ”

Xia Yu glanced at Boni.

I’m not interested in explaining, using Fire Escape is not necessary to use Susanoo at all, even if it is an elite lieutenant general.

Retract your gaze and drink the last drink.

After putting down the wine glass, his eyes changed, and he stared at the weasel coldly: “I finally have the mood to drink, you ruined, then….. It also happens to need some intelligence in your head. ”


Lieutenant General Weasel’s momentum skyrocketed: “Today, you and Boni, no one wants to escape, although you are unknown now, but since you have the burning fruit, it must be one of the troubles of the sea in the future, but you can’t let you escape.” ”

Disappear in an instant.

The blade slashed through, and the sword qi tore open the broken bar.

“Hmph, we’re two people.”

Bonnie stepped forward and prepared to strike.

“Back away.” Xia Yu reminded Boni.

The latter was stunned?

“Dust Concealment Technique!” Spit out hot dust and instantly cover the bar.

“What is it?” Feeling the amazing temperature, Bonnie hurriedly retreated, looking at the area of tens of meters covered by hot dust in shock.

“Is it hot?”

In it, Lieutenant General Weasel, who acts at high speed, strengthens the defense with domineering.

The blade swept towards Xia Yu.

“The whole army is on guard, but don’t panic, even if it is a natural system of burning fruits, but newcomers, they don’t want to be the opponent of Lieutenant General Weasel.” Outside the dust, the rear admiral commanded the navy.

The blade cuts through the dust.

The sharp blade stopped a few inches away from Xia Yu.

“You are?” The confident lieutenant general of the weasel, his face changed in shock, and looked at Xia Yu in horror.

The eternal kaleidoscope of his eyes has been projected into his eyes.

Imprisoned in illusionary space.

Lieutenant General Weasel was terrified.

“Why? Why does he have Xia Yu’s ability? Is he Xia Yu? “But the appearance and body type are not at all, if not, why do you have the same ability, it is impossible for Xia Yu to die, right?

The eternal kaleidoscope pattern has become one of the legends of the sea.

“Clown that guy, it’s too grinding. I had to gather intelligence myself. In the dust, Xia Yu’s eyes were aimed at Lieutenant General Weasel.


At the same time, a quick glance at his recent memories.

“Yo, the Warring States have resigned, and the marshal has not yet been determined?”

This news, Xia Yu was not interested.

“The new location of the Navy headquarters has not been determined, and the major naval agencies are temporarily based in Mary Joya, the holy place of world government.”

This is the intelligence that Xia Yu cares about.

“Bounty printing department, found.”

Get the intelligence you want.

Xia Yu looked coldly at the weasel lieutenant general who had fallen for the illusion.

“The fire is extinguished.”

The huge flame instantly covered the dust land, covering a range of nearly 100 meters.


Outside the navy retreated in terror, the scorching flames, burning everything.

“What about Lieutenant General Weasel?”

The navy stared at the sea of fire that did not move, was Vice Admiral Weasel defeated?

“It’s impossible, Lieutenant General Weasel is very strong, it can’t be defeated so simply.” The Navy did not believe that Vice Admiral Weasel could withstand for a short time in the face of the Admiral.

A figure wandered through the fire.

Growing clearer.

“Is it Lieutenant General Weasel? No, it’s the enemy. ”

Xia Yu came out of the fire.

The Navy was terrified.

A large number of guns were aimed at Xia Yu, but no one dared to shoot.

“What about Lieutenant General Weasel?”

“Reduced to ashes.” Xia Yu turned around and walked into the distance.

“What?” The navy’s face changed drastically, and the rear admiral was even more frightened: “What to do?” ”

Looking at the departing Xia Yu, the navy did not dare to stop it.

“This is not an enemy we can deal with at all, inform headquarters.” The major general did not dare to give the order to attack, the other side is a “natural system”, and all our attacks are useless.

“What about Bonnie?”

A navy said.

“What else can I do, withdraw first.” Looking at Boni, who seized the opportunity to run to Xia Yu’s side, the major general said helplessly.

“This guy is really outrageously strong.”

Bonnie was a little shocked.

Left with Xia Yu and showed a smug smile to the navy.

After leaving the Navy’s line of sight, Xia Yu turned sideways and looked at Boni: “Don’t follow me anymore, do you really want to accept me as your little brother?” ”

Boni suddenly looked stunned, embarrassed to look at Xia Yu.

“You’re going to the New World, why don’t you take me for a ride?” Boni looked at Xia Yu with a blank eye: “My pirate ship was destroyed by the navy for a long time, and those subordinates were scattered, I can’t help it.” ”

“Aren’t you part of the Suicide Pirates? The suicide pirate group is not small, and no one has taken you to the new world? Xia Yu teased.

Bonnie blushed.

“Well, in fact, I’m not a member of the suicide pirate group, but I really know Xia Yu, the boss of the suicide pirate group, really, why don’t you follow me to the new world and find the suicide pirate group together, you may also have the opportunity to join?” Boni persuaded: “The suicide pirate group is strong, you should know, many monsters in the sea now want to join, but there is no chance.” ”

“You want to join so much?” Xia Yu looked at Boni curiously.

Mentioned here.

Bonnie suddenly became angry.

“It’s all to blame Xia Yu that guy, he killed the Draco, harmed the future, destroyed my pirate ship, the crew scattered, what’s more heinous is that in the naval headquarters, he actually left alone, the monster under him is even more inhumane, I finally escaped from the naval headquarters, now I am alone, he hurt me so miserable, shouldn’t I be responsible?”

Bonnie accused Xia Yu of sin.

“Yes?” Xia Yu said with a smile.

“In fact, it’s not so hateful, the most important thing is that that guy is really strong, outrageously strong, and his character is not so bad.”

“Is that so?” Xia Yu chuckled and continued forward: “Sorry, I still have things to do now.” ”

Look at the Red Earth Continent.

Purpose: Five billion Bailey bounty. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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