Check out all the winners and plan in your heart.

Uchiha Sasuke (Sangou Yu Sharingan) and Li Lok (Hachimon Dun Jia Six Gate Keimon), the strength of the two is good, but compared with the sea monster, it is far from the same, and it is almost useless in terms of combat power.

Shiraya Kurumi (卍解), Ulquiora (Ten Blades NO.4), Uchiha Madara (Eternal Kaleidoscope) are very strong, but have exposed their strength.

Wave Feng Shui Gate (fourth generation Hokage), space ninjutsu has been exposed, and the remaining ability Spiral Pill is not powerful enough.

These strong people, for different reasons, can hardly be used as new identities to go bloody.

But there are still two strong men left.

The first general of the country of peace is “none”, the strength of the general level, although the strength has been exposed, but it is not exposed as Xia Yu’s own identity.

Koyatai Stark (Ten Blades NO.1), just drawn, has not exposed his strength at all.

“Koyatai Stark and the first general of the country of peace, the purchase price is tens of billions, the strength of the two should not be much different, the strength of the first general of the country of peace is no less than that of the general, then the strength of Koyatai Stark is naturally this level.”

Xia Yu said darkly.

“Two strong men who are no less than the level of a general can appear on the sea in different identities.”

Xia Yu had a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

“The second-in-command of the Four Emperors Pirate Group, the strength is only close to the general, and the reward is almost all at the level of one billion.” Thinking about it, with the strength of the two, it has generally surpassed the level of one billion pirates.

“But how do you increase the bounty?”

Xia Yu’s brows frowned slightly.

If the strength is not enough, the bounty can reach this level.

The bounty represents the degree of harm to the world government.

“Are you going to destroy the naval headquarters again, and the naval headquarters has not yet been established? And it is difficult to do it with the strength of generals alone. Xia Yu rubbed his eyebrows, he already knew how good it would be if he didn’t destroy the Advance City, leaving it for his new identity to increase the bounty.

The easiest way to increase the bounty is actually a devastating blow to ordinary cities.

But this method, Xia Yu has never thought of, and it is impossible to choose.

“It seems that we need to plan how to quickly increase the bounty in different capacities.”

Xia Yu, who was thinking, walked towards the coating factory.

He only remembered now that the pirate ship seemed to have stayed in the coating factory for a long time, and although the pirate ship was not of much use to Xia Yu, it could not be thrown away.

He decided.

Temporarily sailing with a pirate ship, you may encounter a way to increase the reward, or you can slowly plan to cultivate with all your strength by the way, the most important reason is to leave the Flying Thunder God Technique on the island.

“All over the sea, there are flying thunder god techniques, which are equal to a thought at that time, and can appear everywhere at will.”

Xia Yu was looking forward to this moment.


The coating plant was established in the illegal zone of the Chambord Islands.

The guests are all vicious pirates.

The coating factory is not an ordinary factory, and the bosses are famous ruthless, otherwise how dare they deal with pirates.

Today, this coating factory is quite uncalm.

The owner of the coating factory, with a lot of pirates, came to the factory.

The pirates stared at the gorgeous pirate ship with burning eyes, waving the flag of the suicide pirate group that deterred the sea.

“Is that the pirate ship?”

“The only pirate ship of the Suicide Pirates.”

The pirates’ eyes were burning.

“This transaction is not a loss, the pirate ship is all made by Baoshu Adam, although it is not large, but the value is no less than any pirate ship in the sea, at least worth 500 million, more importantly, this pirate ship, but the suicide pirate group.”

“Get the suicide pirate ship, this glory, how many pirates in the sea can get? It is equivalent to making a name for yourself. The words of the owner of the coating factory made the bald pirate leader’s eyes turn red and his breathing became heavy.

“As long as you pay me 500 million Bailey, this ship will belong to you.”


The bald pirates beside him agreed without hesitation.

Although 500 million is a lot, but this ship is worth 500 million, it is not a loss at all, more importantly, this is a suicide pirate ship, the meaning is difficult to buy.

“Of course, now there is still a troublesome guy on this ship, which you need to solve yourself.” The owner of the coating factory said helplessly.

Otherwise, he would not have sold the ship for 500 million.

This is a suicide pirate ship.

If you auction it, a billion people will buy it.

The moment he learned that Xia Yu was killed, in the face of such an important pirate ship, the owner of the coating factory, who already belonged to outlaws, inevitably felt evil thoughts, but a person suddenly appeared.

“What, someone? Could it be the remaining monsters of the Suicide Pirates? The bald pirate, terrified, stared angrily at the coating factory owner: “You want to kill me?” ”

“It’s not the group of monsters of the suicide pirate group, it’s a newcomer who doesn’t know the height of the sky.” The owner of the coating factory hurriedly explained: “Don’t worry, the captain of the suicide pirate group, Xia Yu, is dead, and the group of monsters under his command have heard that many have given up the name of suicide, and the suicide pirate group has ceased to exist, and no one will come to trouble you in the future.” ”

“Is it really a newcomer?”

The bald pirate group is still afraid.

Although he is also a monster in the eyes of others, the suicide pirate group is a group of real monsters.


At this time, the people on the ship of the suicide pirates heard movement.

Leaning on the railing, he stared angrily at the owner of the coating factory: “You still dare to come, the ship of our suicide pirate group, you also dare to occupy, just now you ran fast, the old lady did not kill you, you actually dare to come back.” ”

The bald pirate raised his head and looked at the angry man: “Just her?” ”

“Just her, I don’t know what crazy she is, she didn’t say that she was a member of the suicide pirate group, she occupied the pirate ship and didn’t leave, and she almost killed me.” The owner of the coating factory gritted his teeth and said: “Obviously it is this year’s supernova, I have to pretend to be a member of the suicide pirate group, it’s really stupid enough, the suicide pirate group is no longer there.” ”

“Just her, it’s simple, although it is a supernova, but it is not enough.” The bald pirate showed a cruel gaze: “Don’t be self-sufficient, Joelle Boni!” ”

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