[The Chosen One will receive a special spell, Dream Fruit

] [Spell function: It can make the target enter the dream realm, make the target emotionally collapse, and lose the ability to fight in a short

time] [The emotional change, as well as the time to lose combat effectiveness, will depend on the target's endurance, regardless of the target's ghost power and danger level] [

At the same time, the Chosen One can also eat the fruit by himself, remove the emotional out-of-control state including illusion, and return to normal].

Defeat the Dream Collector clone and obtain a special spell, although it was expected by Zhou Yu.

I didn't expect to get such a special spell.

On the surface, this super-grade spell seems to be less powerful and effective than other super-grade spells.

But in fact, this Dream Fruit Special Grade Spell can exert a surprise effect.

Because this special spell is a level that ignores ghost power and danger.

Even if the boss encountered is at the highest Legendary level, it will be affected by the Dream Fruit.

If the enemy is a mentally fragile boss with poor endurance, then the Dream Fruit is likely to make the opponent lose their combat effectiveness.

When the Dream Collector doppelganger dies completely, the imp is relieved of the fear realm, and everything returns to normal.

Seeing the people coming and going in the library, the laughter and laughter of the students, Zhou Yu's nerves, which had been tense, could finally relax.


But on the other side, in a higher-dimensional space, the atmosphere became extremely solemn.

"Are you all not taking me as an Overseer seriously?" said

the Strange Talker, staring at the priestess and the Dream Collector.

"Boss, I didn't do anything, I didn't show up on the Sinful Campus in person, but I stayed here to watch the battle all the time. The

Dream Collector said with a pretended innocent face.

"Hmph, you're not like her, but you've shared some of your ghost power and memories with the clone, do you guys think I'm blind or stupid!" The

strange talker's eyes flashed with anger, and his voice became a little high-pitched.

A powerful ghostly power and deterrent power erupted from his body, and for a moment the atmosphere became extremely oppressive and heavy, making the other five strange creators breathless.

Obviously, the ghost power of the strange restraining person has surpassed the other five big guys, and it is an existence that can truly restrain everyone.

"Old... Don't be angry, boss. I won't do it again next time, trust me! Give me a chance, haven't you given the same to priestesses and magicians before?"

"Boss, I promised you last time that I wouldn't be like some people. The

magician said, looking at the priestess and magician beside him.

"I'm going to correct my mistakes and never break the rules again.

Although the priestess did not breathe as quietly as the other two, a cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"Dream Collector, your idea is really clever, you know what Zhou Yu's innate ability is, and you also know that the reason why Zhou Yu has been able to win all the way to the present is because of his reincarnation and rebirth ability. "

So, you thought of turning Zhou Yu into a vegetative person, as long as his brain and body are immortal, he won't be able to trigger his innate abilities, it's really clever..."

, the director of the strange talk shelter, stared at the dream collector and said in a deep voice.

"Thanks for the compliment, huh!" the

Collector snorted.

"But you didn't expect that at the critical moment, Zhou Yu awakened the power of the Light Realm, although it is still very immature.

"You and the priestess designed a trap for Zhou Yu to trap the Sanctioner's identity card, but you didn't know that the master would grant the Chosen One the same power equal to the realm of fear.

"Even this power can restrain the realm of fear, especially in the sinful world of the Sinful Campus. The

curator said.

"The master is really the greatest deity, and he has always paid attention to the fairness and justice of the strange talk world, but unfortunately some people always want to break the fairness, so that the strange talk world will become as full of injustice and tragedy as the real world..."The

clown couldn't help but sneer at the priestess and dream collectors.

"Alright, don't say anything, this time I have to punish

the three of you!" "Priestess, magician, and you demons, the three of you can't specify roles in the next weird world dungeon, you can only play roles randomly.

"As for the hermit and the fool, you two still have the right to choose to play various roles. The

Strange Talker said in a deep voice.

"I'm a bystander, I can play any role, I obey!" said

the magician.

"I... I'm also killed..."

The dream collector spread his hands and chose to obey.


priestess, whose status and ghostly power were second only to those who were bound by strange tales, was silent, but she did not object.

"I'll just take you by default, huh. The

restraint didn't say anything more.

"Boss, I don't think this punishment is too light. The

curator said suddenly.

"Do you have a better proposal?"

the restraining person asked.

"This copy is too bad for Zhou Yu, and even the priestess's act of rescuing Matthew will make the next copy unfair.

"Although the magician revealed several key information to Zhou Yu in order to consider fairness, it could not make up for the predicament caused by the priestess and demons to Zhou Yu.

"I think it's important to send a critical message to Zhou Yu. The

curator said.

"Hmph, you and the Fool have already played Zhou Yu's roommates, isn't the help he received enough?"

the priestess said coldly.

"Compared to the casino bosses played by the two of you, and your appearance is the peak of ghost power, it seems that the roommate role of me and the fool who appeared with zero ghost power is too weak to help

Zhou Yu, right?" "Hmph, who made you kill Zhou Yu and them before they had a chance to fight Zhou Yu?" "

This is not because of your bad luck, but because of your arrogance and ambition, which has caused you to kill yourself!" The

curator said in a deep voice.

"Don't forget your status, how dare you be so rude to me!" said

the priestess angrily.

"Shut up!"

"As for the hermit's advice, I think it can be implemented. The

Restraint said in a deep voice.

"Restraint, this—"

The priestess could finish her sentence before she was interrupted again by the restraint.

"Enough, if you want to get privileges, you shouldn't break the rules.

"Fool, this message, I allow you to convey it to Zhou Yu in person, but there is only one chance

!" "Obey!" The

curator bowed slightly.

The priestess, on the other hand, clenched her fists secretly, dissatisfied with the restraints.

"Don't worry, even if this message is delivered, it won't change everything..."

The Dream Collector patted the priestess on the shoulder, revealing a sly smile.

"Hmph, that's right..."

The priestess nodded slightly, because the two of them had quietly planted a "time bomb" that no one knew about in the campus of sin...

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