I Have Infinite Superpowers

Chapter 60 Subduing the Flood Dragon

When Li Ya looked at the boiling lake with a puzzled face, a scream came from below the Jiaolong Lake, and it was obviously the scream of Jiaolong.

Chuhe's voice also came from below Jiaolong Lake at this time: "Beauty, go away!"

Li Ya was taken aback when she heard Chuhe's words, and then ran away in a hurry.

Just as Li Ya ran away, the boiling lake suddenly exploded, and countless lake water splashed outside.

At this moment, Chuhe's figure flew out from Jiaolong Lake.

When Li Ya saw Chuhe's figure, her face showed excitement, but when she saw a huge dragon jumping out of the water, opening its bloody mouth to bite Chuhe, her face changed drastically, and she hurriedly shouted Said: "Young master, be careful!"

The aura of the dragon is terrifying. Li Ya knows that the dragon has evolved to the sixth level and has grown half a dragon horn. She knows that the dragon is extremely terrifying now, so she is worried that the Chu River will be swallowed again.

Chuhe looked at the chasing dragon, and his mouth turned up slightly. Instead of dodging, he punched him. He wanted to see whether it was the stronger power he had strengthened, or the physical strength of the dragon.

No, when Li Ya saw this scene, her complexion changed greatly. She didn't expect Chuhe to be so stupid. Compared with a dragon, the dragon's strength is famously powerful, and it is not comparable to monks of the same level. What's more, Chuhe He doesn't seem to have the power of the sixth order.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Cai Fei couldn't help but say, "This guy is crazy! How dare he compete with Jiaolong in physical strength."

Gu Meiqin stared at Chuhe without saying a word. She found that Chuhe was very confident. This kind of confidence could not be faked. In other words, that guy was sure to use his physical strength to suppress Jiaolong.

But at this moment, Jiaolong saw that Chuhe dared to fight against him with his fists, as if he had been greatly insulted, he roared angrily: "Human boy, you are courting death!"

As he said that, Jiaolong exhausted all his strength to let Chuhe know how miserable it would be to compete with him in power. He could already predict that Chuhe's body would explode directly under his impact this time.

Chu He didn't speak, and without saying a word, he pounded his fist heavily on Jiaolong's head.


A heavy collision sounded, and at this time everyone saw a scene that they couldn't believe.

When Chuhe's fist hit Jiaolong's body, Jiaolong's huge body flew upside down in an instant.

In mid-air, as if an explosion had occurred in the dragon's body, the dragon's body split open suddenly, and the whole body was covered with cracks, densely packed, bright red blood continuously flowed out from the cracks, dyeing the dragon red.


Jiaolong fell heavily into the forest, creating a deep hole in an instant.

Li Ya, Cai Fei and Gu Meiqin were all shocked when they saw Jiaolong's miserable appearance.

Is this guy still human? Li Ya looked at Chuhe in the sky, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Chu He ignored Li Ya's shock, flew into the deep pit, looked at the dying dragon, and said lightly, "Don't pretend to be dead, I know you are still alive."

At this time, Jiaolong pulled his dragon head out of the soil, looked at Chuhe with those huge dragon eyes, and said with some fear, "Human, what do you want?"

how? The corners of Chu He's mouth curled up slightly, and he said lightly: "Of course I roasted you and ate them. You dared to swallow me. I think you are tired of work, so I kindly gave you a ride."

As he said that, the terrifying flames on Chuhe's body began to radiate.

Seeing this, Jiaolong hurriedly shouted: "Wait, if you have something to say, please speak up. I have collected countless treasures, and I can give them to you, as long as you let me go."

Hmph, Chuhe snorted coldly at this time, and said: "I don't need the treasure, I ask the beast soul to hand it over, otherwise I will have a meal of dragon meat today, right? Beauty!"

Li Ya who just flew over heard what Chuhe said, nodded, and said with a smile on his face: "Young master, I have eaten dragon meat, it is delicious, you should just roast this dragon! Then I will have It's a blessing."

Damn it, Jiaolong stared at Li Ya with his eyes wide open, as if he wanted to swallow her in one gulp.

Li Ya was taken aback when she saw the ferocious appearance of the dragon, but when she thought of Chuhe here, she snorted coldly: "Master, this dragon seems very uninteresting, it's better to roast it directly, if you let it go, There will definitely be retaliation."

"It makes sense," Chu He nodded slightly, with a look of approval, and then poured the flames on his body towards Jiaolong.

"Wait," Jiaolong shouted hastily, knowing the horror of the flames on Chuhe's body.

Chuhe put away the flames on his body at this moment, he knew that Jiaolong still had the power to fight, and he would not hand over the beast soul so easily, so he could only use the contempt of the king to scare Jiaolong.

Seeing that Chuhe put away the flames on his body, Jiaolong wanted to run away directly, because it had recovered a little strength, but when it saw Chuhe's eyes, its soul couldn't help being frightened, and its body began to tremble.

Hey, what's the situation? Li Ya looked at Jiaolong with a puzzled expression, not understanding why it was so frightened all of a sudden, and the next scene made her even more puzzled.

At this moment, without saying a word, Jiaolong handed over his beast soul directly.

Chuhe didn't hesitate, and hurried to absorb the dragon's beast soul, lest the dragon regret it.

Seeing this scene, Li Ya showed a look of disbelief on her face. She didn't expect Jiaolong to really hand over the beast soul.

In the distance, Cai Fei and Gu Meiqin looked at each other with expressions of disbelief.

And just when everyone was shocked, Chuhe had already absorbed the beast soul of Jiaolong, and couldn't help but show a smile on his face: "Little Jiaolong, you are wise, otherwise I really can only roast you. Give it to my concubine."

Jiaolong heard the words, and said with aggrieved face: "Master, I don't eat well!"

Haha, Chuhe couldn't help laughing at this moment.

Li Ya looked at Chuhe, and suddenly said, "My lord, what did you mean by Aifei?"

Chu He cast a glance at Li Ya, pointed at Concubine Li and Meiren Hu on the roc bird flying in the distance, and said lightly, "Beauty, they are my concubines."

As the sound of the Chu River fell, the roc bird had come nearby and put Li Fei and Hu Meiren down.

Seeing the miserable appearance of Jiaolong, Dapeng laughed and said: "Dead Jiaolong, you have today!"

At this moment, Jiaolong couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and roared: "Damn Mipeng, it wasn't you, I would make it like this, I want to eat you."

Hmph, Dapeng snorted disdainfully, and said, "Damn Jiaolong, save yourself!"

Chuhe ignored the quarrel between Jiaolong and Dapengniao, hugged Concubine Li in his left hand and Meiren Hu in his right, and said to Li Ya, "Beauty, these two are my concubines."

Hu Meiren and Li Fei looked at Li Ya with some vigilance at this moment, they knew that this woman might pose a threat to them.

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