I Have Invincible Naruto System

Chapter 71 - Victory or defeat

But Qin Tian learns ninjutsu. No one stipulates that ninjas must face-to-face head-to-head combat. Unexpected attacks can achieve unimaginable effects. Details determine success or failure is the first choice for the experienced Shangnin. The difference between Shinobi and Quasi-Kage-class is the lack of experience. The latter can trick most of Shinobu's Chakras into releasing ninjutsu, consuming physical strength, and then easily gaining the upper hand and winning. Similarly, Qin Tian is opposite. This difficult black gauze girl didn't have to go head-to-head with the summoned beast, and Qin Tian was not stupid enough yet.

"Fire escape, extinguish the fire!"

Qin Tianfei quickly formed seals, formed in an instant, opened his mouth, and opened his mouth. Lord Ban’s fire escape technique is as fierce as he is. The area of ​​the flame covering almost all the evil spirits of seven or eight meters high will be enveloped in the violent fire. The waves burned to the evil spirits screaming, full of thick flames, the white jade slab was charred, and there were even a lot of melting places, but the evil spirits did not stop there, and opened his mouth to spray a large group of purple liquid, Qin The sky passed away.

The foul-smelling liquid is terribly corrosive. The white jade stone slab is corroded and sneered. After a puff of white smoke, it is riddled with holes, and it makes people’s scalp numb. Suffered from pain and died.

Qin Tian didn't fight the evil spirits head-on, nor did he give the people from other academies the opportunity to analyze his own abilities and hole cards.

"Swish swish!"

The kunwu engraved with the god of flying thunder spell shot out from the dead corners. Under the control of Qin Tian's writing wheel, it was almost pervasive and undefeable. The magician’s biggest weakness was close combat. Once the warrior is close, he wins. If the negative is still set!

"For the imperial use of the Ming god, Wei Wu's exhausted remnant-Dark Yanbi!"

The black gauze girl quickly condensed a defensive barrier burning with purple and black flames, but all the kunwu that came into contact with it was melted into molten iron by extremely high heat, and fell weakly on the ground, with only a few kunwu. They all know whether they shot off the track or deliberately, they deviated from the course, stabbed not far beside her, and stood alone.The purple-black flame is just a relatively advanced summoning technique of Netherfire, not much worse than Amaterasu.

Qin Tian took a look and understood the nature of the opponent's defensive magic.

"Dark lord, take my blood as a contract and use your powerful will control power to control any creature in the enchantment. The darkness is bound!"

The black gauze girl chanted in a low voice, and then a lot of black vines suddenly grew from under the purple-black flame barrier, entwining from behind Qin Tian like infinite tentacles, and Qin Tian's writing wheel turned rapidly. .


After Qin Tian's Thunder God Sword came out of its sheath, after a clear cry, the sharp blade entwined with the thunder light cut off the giant claws that the evil spirits pounced on, and cut off the black vines trying to entangle his legs. Evacuate.

"Nice timing! Extreme escape." The vice-president exclaimed, worried. "It's not a way to drag it down like this. The scary thing about undead magic is that the dark creatures won't die at all. Only light magic can restrain it. what."

It seems to be to confirm the words of the deputy dean. The broken arm of the evil spirit with the severed arm did not bleed purple and black blood, but grew a lot of granulation. Alright, rebirth, a group of spectators at the bottom of this scene couldn't help but worry about Qin Tian himself, and at the same time secretly thought about how to solve it after changing himself.

"You treat you as the Piccolo Devil! Just let it be cured, can you just open it like this!" Qin Tian cried out strangely, the black vines seemed endless, and there were seven or eight black vines from each dead corner in an instant Trying to entangle Qin Tian, ​​and the evil spirits continue to attack, forcing Qin Tian to fight and retreat. When the clone is not available, Qin Tian can always escape from the almost impossible dilemma. His judgment ability And the timing is shocking.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)"That pair of eyes with sealing ability seems to have a strong insight ability, which can give him a very slow pupil perspective!!"

The other three academies saw the clues and showed their shocked colors. The same envy and fiery colors appeared simultaneously, and some powerful behind-the-scenes masters stared at Qin Tian's bloody eyes and coveted.

"With the lost sealing technique, as well as strong insight... the potential is close to the evil eye! If it can be transplanted..."

Many people moved their minds and showed fiery gazes. Even some high-ranking members of the big clans cannot avoid such thoughts. The special pupil technique can affect the battle of the sanctuary masters. A killer organization'Apocalypse', its leader Apocalypse himself is the transplanted evil eye, that is the mainland's first pupil technique, the ability can even affect the opponent's heart and the surrounding field, leap into one of the ten sages, if it is gone That pupil technique, he could not enter the hall of the Ten Saints at all!

"Such a good eye, I don't know how many people are thinking about it..."

Although his heart is fierce, no one dares to do anything in this kind of place. Perhaps, when Qin Tian is defeated and on the way back to Tianfeng Academy, he will launch a surprise attack and take the whole person.

With the insight of Qin Tian's use of pupil technique, the advantage that he can easily achieve even in the surroundings, more and more people pay attention to Qin Tian's eyes, even if it is the same as that of the young dragon clan leader Xivir. It was the eyes that lit up, and Qin Tian's eyes became obsessed. Those eyes seemed to possess magical powers, which made people afraid to look at them, and they were as proud as the eyes of an emperor, as well as the lost sealing technique. I should have such eyes!

The black gauze girl obviously did not expect that Qin Tian's insight with a pair of pupils could turn her all-out dead-angle fighting into uselessness. She suddenly became impatient and decided to use extremely powerful mass destruction magic to seal Qin. All the back of the sky made him have to go head-on and grab it!

"Things darker than darkness, things deeper than midnight, floating on the sea of ​​chaos, golden king of darkness, I am here to petition you, and I swear to you here, for the obstacles in front of me, All the stupid things, gather the strength of you and me, and give them equal destruction-re-slash!"The black gauze girl’s smooth frontal bone is filled with black light, a touch of bloody black surging, the black gauze is windless, the veil on her face floats from time to time, revealing perfect sexy red lips and delicate chin, she is really a beauty .

After the chanting, the rich black magical energy seemed to be accumulating energy from a laser cannon, and the black light of destruction surged and aimed at Qin Tian.


The black light energy cannon hit Qin Tian himself instantly. Qin Tian's pupils suddenly shrunk, but suddenly found that the energy cannon did not lock him, Qin Tian's instantaneous technique fled to the top, the energy cannon missed, and the white jade in the ring was bombarded. It melted completely, leaving a long alloy bottom plate, as if all the white cream on the black and white chocolate cake was wiped out by a spoonful, and the black gold was also burned, showing the terrible energy cannon.


Unexpectedly, such a mighty energy gun turned out to be just a feint. The real purpose was to force Qin Tian to escape into the trap he had prepared. Qin Tian's expression changed and he wanted to leave too late. Entangled by the black vines, a frosty spirit immediately suppressed and intruded into Qin Tian's body, imprisoning his ability to move, even moving his fingers was quite laborious, and Qin Tian's eyebrows and chin visible to the naked eye were covered with frost. .

Qin Tian exhausted the last bit of surplus energy, as if exhausting the strength of his whole body, tossed the Thunder God Sword in his hand, but fell on the ground with a weak sound, just stabbing the white jade slab with his back facing the height of seven or eight. Mi's evil spirit, Qin Tian was entangled by black vines, and his limbs were stiffly bound in the air. The evil spirit suddenly rushed over, and the sharp giant claws pierced Qin Tian's body fiercely!

"Ahhhhhh..." the audience below screamed, and the ladies with insufficient mental capacity even screamed.

The four colleges are not limited to life and death. As long as they don’t surrender, they can fight until one of them dies. It’s very cruel, but it’s the real arrogant who can stand out. The bloody and heavy-tasting battles have always been watched endlessly, especially seeing beautiful women killing people, it is a kind of enjoyment."It seems that they have been deceived." The vice president and the others knew that Qin Tian was best at using the clone technique to confuse the enemy. Wang Chuan nodded, watching the battle. Vivian, Lilith and others knew that Qin Tian had used it. Lei Dunying's clone came to attack the Goshawk and killed the Tier 8 master in one fell swoop, so there was not much reaction.

Sure enough, the giant claws that penetrated Qin Tian's body were not stained with blood.

For a while, the evil spirit was stunned, lost, and mad.

All the audience opened their eyes in surprise, and the black gauze girl was startled, and seemed to realize something immediately.

However, it was too late at this time.

Qin Tian's body burst into a group of bright thunder light, the light dazzling, contains the timing of Lei Dun·Lei Guangzhu, just waiting to be destroyed when this Lei Dun shadow clone, burst open, suddenly, everyone's eyes I couldn't open my eyes by the dazzling thunder, but I could clearly hear a popping sound in my ears, and then I was stunned to see Qin Tian carrying the Thunder God's sword on the black yarn girl. On the smooth neck, the defense of the dark flame wall is still there!

And the roaring evil spirit was chopped in half, separated from the upper and lower, and sprayed with purple and black blood!

The victory is divided! !

It's so fast! It is not an exaggeration to use electric light and flint!

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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