"Chase me!"

The geniuses from all the major forces yelled in hatred and chased after him. Earlier, they were a little doubtful whether this was the person who cheated money. But now they saw the same escape method as last time, and they were convinced that this was the grandson!

A group of people chased after him, and various magics continued to bombard Black Bart's back.

"Give me back your space ring, grandson, and I will pull out your muscles and bones!"

"You damn liar, stop me if you can!"

The people behind me were chasing and yelling, their faces looking like they wanted to boil the egg directly.

"What the hell is going on...Who did this handsome dragon provoke?"The young dragon Black Bart muttered secretly, and rolled away even faster.


Suddenly, a machete popped out from the side of the cave, slashed it out, knocked it over, hit the stone wall, and then fell down and rolled He went out.

He saw Sabik appearing, blocking Black Bart's escape route, and said with a smile:"I knew you, bastard, would escape, so I laid an ambush here. If you can't escape today, give me the space ring."!"

"Good job, Brother Sha!"

Afterwards, Xuefeng, Bitol and other imperial princes and people from major forces were all overjoyed. Now this guy still wants to escape?

Many people secretly became cruel, thinking that they must suppress this grandson.


At this critical moment, a huge boulder was pushed away from the stone wall in the middle of the cave. There was a path there, and the forest trees showed up. They waved to the young dragon Black Bart and said:"Brother Long, go this way!"

The young dragon Black Butt's eyes lit up, and he rushed over with a 'whoosh' sound, extremely fast.

If it didn't run over now, it would probably be beaten up by these madmen again, and it would be difficult for it to exert its sixth-level strength in such a narrow cave.

Even Black Bart is a little confused now. Have these people not been taught enough by him before? How dare you surround and beat it? Do you think you are so tall that you will be hated?

That group of people seemed to have no intention of dealing with it at first, but now they would rather give up the competition and work together to hunt it down. This is simply... something is wrong! Black Bart suddenly felt indignant.

"Good brother, you are really good. You understand the righteousness well and don't join in with them."The young dragon Black Bart rushed over, patted Lin Shu on the shoulder, and said with praise.

Lin Shu's face straightened, but deep down he wanted to snicker. If it weren't for the conditions, maybe he really wanted to thank this guy for helping him. He took a big blame, but he didn't show it, but said angrily:"Brother Long, I feel like old friends at first sight, and there is always a feeling of familiarity. In addition, I hate the shameful siege that has no technical content and is not elegant. Tricks, these people have no shame at all!"

The eyes of the young dragon Black Bart lit up, and he also said:"What a coincidence, I think you also have a familiar feeling. I think you are very good. From now on, hang out with me, Brother Long. I will ensure your rise in the future. Don't look at the group behind you. The little cubs think they are human geniuses, but in fact, in this dragon's opinion, they are nothing!

Lin Shu was also polite. He patted its eggshell and said,"Okay, okay, let's get closer in the future. I'm here, Laohei Lin. I wonder what I call Brother Long?""

"Oh, my name is Black Bart. We both have black letters in our names. We are destined!"The young dragon Black Bart was a little surprised. Just as he was talking, his face suddenly changed and he said hurriedly:"Brother, it's not appropriate to talk for a long time here, run away first!"

It looked back and saw a group of professionals coming from behind with great momentum.

Lin Shu's mouth twitched and he was a little speechless. You are so stupid and you still want to take me with you?

"Brother Long, you go first and rush towards the end of this passage. I will block it for you first and wait for you to come back again!"

"Good brother, Yi Bo Yuntian, hold them back until your brother comes back!"The young dragon Black Bart was immediately moved.

However, although his mouth was very polite, his body was quite unloyal. He turned around and ran away.

Lin Shu twitched his mouth speechlessly. This dead dragon is really loyal. ,

He ran away as fast as he could. Within a few seconds, he was gone.

Although, he couldn't laugh anymore because the group of professionals from various forces were almost there. Approaching here.

The first person to bear the brunt was naturally Shapik, who was closest to him. Seeing him let go of the egg, he suddenly became furious, and then he recognized Lin Shu's appearance.

"Oh, it's not that enemies don't get together, it's that grandson who spreads shit, they are in the same group!!"

As his voice shouted, the people behind him also reacted, their anger suddenly surged, and they gritted their teeth when they looked at the forest trees.

They had been paying attention to the boy who spread excrement on the cliff, but this guy seemed to disappear Normally, it was as if the world had evaporated. I didn’t expect to meet him here.

"You scumbag thief, don’t even think about leaving!"ShaBike roared. While fighting spirit broke out, he wanted to keep Lin Shu.

However, Lin Shu was not a soft persimmon. He directly burst out fighting spirit and punched out with the same punch, knocking away the attacking ShaBike. Hit it hard on the cave wall

‘With a bang, dense magic began to bombard him.

"You're quite irritable, I won't play with you anymore."

Lin Shu turned around and closed the boulder. He would not really help Black Bart, a lizard kid, fend off the pursuers. He finally encountered a scapegoat and had to let these people focus their firepower on it.

He came to rescue him, and it was nothing more than that. Just to form a good relationship with this young dragon, he might be able to"collaborate on big things" in the future.

With a whoosh, Lin Shu ran away from another cave and was about to run away to catch the dragon. Black Bart also reached the end of the cave, turned around and saw that the pursuers were gone, and felt relieved.

He was angrily:"Mad, these brats dare to attack you, Lord Long, wait until I can take a breath." , I won’t beat you up when I get back!"

As a powerful sixth-level monster, it was chased and beaten by a group of black iron brats. This is simply a shame and humiliation!


At this time, it is near the cave wall.

Everyone was bombarding the boulder, which was immediately smashed into pieces, and they were about to catch up.

However, when they opened the stone, one person and one egg had disappeared. In front of them were several different cave entrances, leading to different places.

"I'm going to let these two bastards run away!" Shabike gritted his teeth and was very upset.

Not only him, but also people from other forces. They were so angry that they beat the cave wall, wishing to peel off the skin of the two guys.

In their view, one person and one egg, They're all equally hateful

"All my belongings are gone now!"

"Who do you think you are? My wife, Ben, is all in there. I am even worse off!"

Many people were kneeling on the ground, looking like they were about to cry without tears.

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