I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1206: Really mess up

What is Tongtianyuan? It is the first college in the Eastern Star Territory.

Since the establishment of Tongtianyuan, it has been in a brilliant state and has never been lonely.

In Tongtian Court, although there are many elders with profound cultivation skills and deans with unfathomable cultivation skills, do you think that Tongtian Court can stand tall with these people alone?

Obviously impossible!

All the major forces dare not come to Tongtian Garden to provoke troubles, not because they are afraid of the major elders of Tongtian Garden, nor are they afraid of the dean, but because there is a more terrifying force above Tongtian Garden!

That power is rarely born, and even few people in this world know the name of that power.

But anyone who knows is terrified of that power, even fearful!

At this moment, the old man in Commoner is very depressed, why does that force value Jiang Chen so much?

What if Jiang Chen's talent is excellent? Before he grew up, he was an ant after all.

But today's dean, but a long-established great power, looking at the entire Eastern Star Territory, how many people dare to challenge him?

It's not bad now, that force actually wants to abandon the dean and replace it with another person!

"You only know that there is such a power, but you don't know the name of that power." The dean whispered, a trace of reverence and yearning flashed in his eyes, and then he smiled bitterly: "With my achievements in this cultivation, I can't enter. The gate of that power."

"After all, I'm just showing them the door."

As soon as these words came out, the look of the old man in Commoner changed drastically!

He really couldn't imagine, what kind of background that power could make Dean Tongtianyuan come to be a gatekeeper! ?

Could it be said that if you want to enter that power, your cultivation level must be transcendent? !

However, although this world is big, how many people are there?

Is it possible that the creatures in that power are all extraordinary people! ?

"President, is that force really that terrifying?" asked the old man in Commoner.

"What do you think of the power in the name of supreme?" the dean said: "That kind of power is by no means ordinary, just listen to its name, not see its body."

"But you have to know that the name alone can stun many creatures, even those who are extraordinary, dare not arrogantly stand in front of that power!"


"That force...what's it called?" the commoner old man asked.

"Supreme Temple." The yearning in the dean's eyes became more intense.

A long time ago, when he stepped into the Tongtian Garden, by chance, he learned of the power of the Supreme Temple.

He asked many questions, and didn't know how terrifying that force was until he became the dean of Tongtianyuan!

He has always wanted to enter the Supreme Temple, wants to be a part of the Supreme Temple, even if he just shows the gate of the Supreme Temple, he is happy!

But now, his cultivation has reached this level, but he has never stepped into the gate of the Supreme Heavenly Hall!

Even the people of the Supreme Temple, just regarded him as a gatekeeper guarding the Tongtian Garden!

"You have to be so strong to have such arrogance." The courtyard sighed long, not to mention how envious Jiang Chen was in his heart.

You know, this time, the Supreme Heavenly Hall personally made an order to focus on cultivating Jiang Chen!

This is a kind of supreme glory for any creature!

"President, I have never heard of the Supreme Temple, but after hearing what you say, I can probably also think of the foundation and strength of the Supreme Temple." The old man said.

However, just after these words were said, a cold light burst out of the dean's eyes, with a look of contempt, and said coldly: "Can you think of it? Oh, you are not worthy, you are not even qualified to think about it! "

"Uh..." The old man in Commoner was immediately dumbfounded, and his heart was even more chilly.

He realized at this moment how terrifying the Supreme Temple!

"Go on, look at Jiang Chen, and help him if necessary." The dean waved his hand, not wanting to mention the matter again.

In the end, the old man in commoner left, and the dean stood quietly in the pavilion, looking up to the sky, a hint of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

He really wants to enter the Supreme Temple!

"If one day, give me a chance, I will go in to the death!" The dean said sternly.

At this moment, outside of Wangu Tower.

Jiang Chen has always been curious about what place Wangu Pagoda is, and now he has come here, one is to see what the Wangu Pagoda looks like, and secondly...I came to step on it!

Jiang Chen knew very well that he had killed so many people before, and some of them had a deep relationship with the people in the Wangu Tower, very good!

When Wangu Pagoda opens, someone will definitely come to trouble him!

Then, since he knew that someone would come and ask for trouble, Jiang Chen had to make preparations first!

"This place has been transformed by the world, and it has become a realm of its own. It is too difficult to set up a formation here."

After half a day, Jiang Chen looked sad, thinking about arranging the formation to cover the entire Wangu Pagoda.

At that time, anyone who dares to trouble him will not be able to get out of this Wangu Pagoda!

But now...

"The formation can't be arranged... that can only be..."

In the end, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up and his gaze fell on the gate of Wangu Pagoda!

Since the formation can't be arranged, then...seal the door of the Wangu Pagoda!

If people can't get out, they won't be able to trouble Jiang Chen!

"Hey, don't blame me for this, I also want to protect myself." Jiang Chen sighed lightly, and then came to the gate of Wangu Pagoda, connected the seal with both hands, and sacrificed runes and appendices one by one!

The runes and appendices fought around in front of him, and along with the weird trajectory, they turned into seal runes!

As Jiang Chen's sealing speed became faster and faster, the seal runes fell like stars, densely scattered on the gate of Wangu Pagoda!

A day later, Jiang Chen frowned and looked at the gate of Wangu Pagoda that had been sealed for three floors, always feeling that the seal was not strong enough!

After all, the people who can enter the Wangu Tower are all true Tianjiao evildoers!

Those people are cultivating in the Ten Thousand-Year Pagoda, and at a glance, the ghost knows how far those people are today!

"In case!"

In the end, Jiang Chen restlessly stood in front of the gate of Wangu Pagoda and continued to condense the seal!

"This kid... can really do it!"

"Tsk tusk tusk...If I read correctly, the seals on Wangu Pagoda already have eight layers, and the sealing methods are special and very high. Even if I want to untie these seals, it will take ten and a half days. month!"

"Look at him like that...I want to continue to bless the seal."

"Ouch... Thirteen layers are sealed!"

"He's still adding it!"


Not far away, a group of inner courtyard elders stared at Jiang Chen secretly. When they saw Jiang Chen's continuous condensing seal, they all looked strange.

Even the old man in commoner who was hiding in the dark was dumbfounded, secretly asked, is this planning to seal all the creatures in the Wangu Pagoda?

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