I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1208: I am not in a hurry

Some are angry, some are confused, and more are unbelief.

They all know how strong the disciples in the inner courtyard are, and those with the lowest cultivation level are all high-ranking **** kings.

And Jiang Chen, a kid who just entered the Divine King Realm, could kill other disciples in the inner courtyard?

"Believe it or not, follow you, but if you don't let you come out, that's all with me." Jiang Chen jokingly said, still continuously blessing the seal while speaking.

This made the group of people inside look anxious. According to Jiang Chen's sealing speed, even if they joined hands, it would be difficult for them to rush out of the Ancient Pagoda.

Of course, there are some people who are not in a hurry. After all, it takes a lot of divine power to cast the seal, and they don't believe that Jiang Chen can keep the seal like this.

However, three days later, a group of people in Wangu Tower were completely dumbfounded.

Just because Jiang Chen has been repairing the seal, he hasn't stopped for three consecutive days.

The divine power in his body seems to be inexhaustible!

Until this moment, someone had a dark face and said with an urn voice: "How can you let us out?"

"Oh? Compromise?" Jiang Chen said with a light smile: "It's very simple, you swear by your souls that you can't do anything to me after you come out. If you don't... let's just consume it like that."

As soon as this word came out, there were several shouts of anger.

Especially those emperors, how could they suffer such "insults".

The dignified emperor actually wants to swear to a **** king, isn't this a joke!

I'm afraid I won't agree to whoever comes.

"Boy, you have to think clearly, if this matter is known to the elders in the inner courtyard, they can't get around you!"

"If the dean knows about it, I won't drive you out of Tongtian Court!?"


Facing these words, Jiang Chen laughed again, and also laughed out loud.

The laughter was so loud that it fell in the ears of everyone, but it seemed to be mocking them.

"It's been a few days, and such a big event has happened in Wangu Tower. If those elders and deans wanted to intervene in this matter, they would have already intervened." Jiang Chen said.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of a group of people in Wangu Pagoda changed.

They realized that Jiang Chen had been blocking them here for several days, and no elder had come to solve it!

Then, the problem is big!

"He... Does Tongtianyuan value him very much?"

"This kid must have something extraordinary, maybe he is valued by the dean, if otherwise, a divine king would dare to be so presumptuous in the inner courtyard!?"


Under all speculations, someone finally compromised.

Someone spoke directly and said: "We have so many people here, even after I swear, you can't let me go out alone, right?"

You know, Jiang Chen sealed the entire Wangu Pagoda gate.

In the eyes of ordinary people, unless it is the release of the seal, how can an individual go out.

Once the seal is unlocked, everyone in the Wangu Pagoda will definitely be able to get out.

"As long as you swear, I can let you out." Jiang Chen said.

"Can you come out alone as me? How to make me believe it!?" The man frowned, feeling that Jiang Chen was a little unreliable.

You know, the sealing technique is different from the formation method, it is impossible to open a corner to release people out.

If the seal is to be unlocked, all of it must be unlocked!

"You can try, I promise not to lie to you." Jiang Chen's eyes were brilliant, and he was very confident of his seal accomplishments.

After ten breaths, someone finally couldn't help it, and made a soul vow in front of Jiang Chen.

At the moment when he made the soul vow, everyone saw Jiang Chen's hands connecting the seal, and the seal talisman turned into thin threads, and then fell on that person.

Immediately after that, the thin thread suddenly pulled, and it actually pulled the person out of the Wangu Tower alone!

"Boy! You have a kind!"

After this person came out of the Wangu Tower, he stared at Jiang Chen with murderous intent.

But due to the oath, he didn't dare to do anything to Jiang Chen, so he could only stare.

"There is no way, to protect yourself." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen looked at the other people in the Wangu Pagoda and asked: "What about you? Do you plan to stay there for the rest of your life, or make a vow?"

"My dignified emperor, swear to you, a **** king, how can my face be saved!? If you don't shame us, just your cultivation base, I can suppress you by turning my hands!"

"Boy! Don't go too far! Let us go out now, we will not blame the past!"


Regarding this, Jiang Chen was too lazy to speak, and began to condense the seal again.

All of a sudden, the people inside were completely anxious!

"Because you have a bad attitude towards me and are very disrespectful, now I have changed my mind." Jiang Chen whispered: "Before you wanted to come out, you just need to make an oath and don't do it to me. Now...I have to add conditions!"

"If you think of it, you can't do it to me, but you can also wait to protect me! Of course, it's not a long time, just one year." Jiang Chen said.

"What are you talking about!? It's impossible to find death!? I really thought it could keep us here forever!?"

"You are looking for death!"


Many people shouted angrily, feeling that Jiang Chen was humiliating them.

Regarding this, Jiang Chen raised his brows, shook his head, and said, "I have changed my mind again, two years!"


"Shut up! Stop talking! If you go on, I will protect him for the rest of my life after I go out!"


At this moment, many people hurriedly discouraged.

Moreover, someone directly swore to agree to Jiang Chen's request.

If there is the first, there will be a second, and if there is a second, there will be a third.

In this way, after more than ten breaths of time, sixteen people made a soul vow and walked out of the Wangu Pagoda.

As for the rest, the cultivation base is generally in the **** emperor, and there are also several emperors.

These few relied on their own profound cultivation, and were unwilling to bow their heads to the **** king Jiang Chen!

And they also believe that it will not take long for the elders of the inner courtyard and even the dean to come forward to resolve the matter!

"I'm not in a hurry, you are not in a hurry, then slowly consume it." Jiang Chen whispered, and simply sat down cross-legged, then half-lying Jieyin...

This laid-back and unrestrained posture almost didn't vomit blood to the popularity inside!

And those people who had already come out of the Wangu Tower were standing beside Jiang Chen at this moment, and they couldn't tell how painful they were. Don't even mention how awkward they were.

They thought that after coming out of the Wangu Pagoda, they didn't talk about dominating the inner courtyard, but the inner courtyard was definitely calling for the wind and rain.

But who would have thought that others would be blocked.

The most important thing is that they were forced to make an oath not only not to be able to do anything against Jiang Chen, but to protect Jiang Chen for two years!

What does this mean?

It means that in the past two years, they will be Jiang Chen's free thugs and bodyguards!

"Ten days...none of the elders of the inner courtyard came, and the dean did not appear."

Ten days later, someone sighed and felt even more jealous of Jiang Chen.

After all, there was such a big noise here, and as a result, none of the upper levels of the inner courtyard appeared. Many people naturally guessed the hidden reason for this!

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