I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1218: Temporary return

Jiang Chen's figure stopped immediately, covering his head with both hands, feeling like it was about to explode!

Hong Yun's expression condensed, and he mistakenly thought that Jiang Chen had made a mistake in his practice, and hurried over.



However, when he just approached Jiang Chen's side, a terrifying wave erupted from Jiang Chen's body, and it shocked him out!

"Huh!? What kind of power is this!?" Hong Yun was shocked, he was a transcendent, and one of the strongest combat powers in the world.

Even if it is a creature of the same level, it is difficult to shake it back so easily!

"What's the matter with you?" Hong Yun looked solemnly, staring at Jiang Chen, his pupils suddenly shrank!

At this moment, I saw Jiang Chen put down the hand covering his head and slowly opened his eyes, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was unruly and arrogant.

"You..." Hong Yun's eyes widened. This smile, this look and gesture, is too familiar to him!

"Long time no see, Xiaoyun." Jiang Chen smiled and walked forward, like an elder, and stroked Hongyun's head very fondly.

If this picture is seen by other people, it must be shocked to drop the chin!

A kid with the cultivation base of the **** king called Hongyun this extraordinary person Xiaoyun, and he even dared to touch his head! ?


However, Hongyun was full of excitement. He looked at Jiang Chen blankly and whispered: "Master...you...returned?"

"It's not a return, it's just a temporary awakening." Jiang Chen smiled.

Do not!

Jiang Chen at this moment, to be precise, should be called his sky star!

Perhaps Jiang Chen himself did not expect that after losing the memory of previous lives, the memory of Tianxing would suddenly wake up!

"Master, the memories of your previous lives... do you need us to help you retrieve it?" Hongyun asked.

Hearing the words, Jiang Chen smiled and shook his head, then turned around and looked up to the space outside the hall.

After a few breaths, he sighed: "It's not time yet, the day has not changed, people have not yet come out, and the world is still peaceful."

"Master... Disciple has a question..." Hongyun frowned and asked slowly: "Many people say that you can't come back, the road is broken, and you are isolated in another world, in a mist. , This matter..."

"Well, maybe I really can't come back." Jiang Chen whispered, his expression indifferent, without a hint of panic.

That's right, Jiang Chen's first life was indeed trapped!

It was a place unimaginable for ordinary people. Time and space were reversed, and the chaos was like a tide. Even if it was Jiang Chen's first life, it would be difficult to return!

Therefore, he left behind!

He knows that once he can't return, then someone needs to replace him!

And this person is Jiang Chen in this life!

Cut off all the memories of the past, just to make Jiang Chen in this life a person in this life!

Don't be moved by other things, don't worry about previous lives, don't worry about this world.

However, after Tianxing at this moment awakened, he also understood Jiang Chen's meaning.

He knew that he was thinking too much.

After all, Jiang Chen is him and his first life!

After all, it is the same person, the same soul, and the physical body regenerates, even if the memory is not there, it is the same after all.

The obsession of the first life back then affected Jiang Chen in the dark!

"Xiaoyun, you don't need to worry, maybe I can come back." Jiang Chen smiled: "After all, there are not many places to trap me in this world, unless I don't want to come back."

"Master...you don't want to come back?" Hong Yun was stunned, completely wondering what Jiang Chen meant.

"Do everything, listen to the fate." Jiang Chen whispered, then patted Hongyun on the shoulder again, and said: "Go, see you next time, maybe it is the return of memory, or the return of the first life... or even... …Jiang Chen is Jiang Chen!"

The voice fell, Tian Xing's consciousness disappeared, and Jiang Chen's consciousness recovered.

At this moment, Jiang Chen felt like a dream.

He looked at Hongyun, whose eyes were reddened in front of him, and his expression was excited, and he asked in confusion: "What's the matter with you?"

"I... it's okay. I thought of some things in the past and felt a little emotional." Hongyun calmed down quickly, waved his hand, and said, "Go and prepare."

"Yeah." Jiang Chen nodded, but he was very puzzled about what happened just now and why he suddenly lost consciousness.

But he didn't think much, and soon left the palace of the elders.

After Jiang Chen left, Hong Yun's expression became very solemn.

He stood in place, pondered for a long time, and finally sighed: "Master, do you not come back in your first life, or you don't want to come back..."

At the same time, in a small world.

There are clouds and mists, ancient trees and mountains into the forest, the whole small world is full of the atmosphere of the avenue.

In the center of this small world, surrounded by mountains, there is a simple and vicissitudes of life palace.

There is no plaque in the palace, and there are no living creatures around it. Only at the gate of the palace, there is a white-haired old man standing.

He squinted at the moment, his eyes seemed to penetrate time and space.

"Tianxing? Are you back?" The old man whispered, and then shook his head with a wry smile: "Go away again?"

"You came before, but you left again. What surprises did you bring to this world, and how many surprises you buried."


After a few breaths, another old man walked out of the palace, stood side by side with the old man before, and sighed softly: "The world is still peaceful. He probably doesn't want to come back now. After all, there is nothing to do when he comes back."

"Hey, this is like his character, I like to be a hand-scraping shopkeeper." Another old man smiled bitterly.


The screen turns, back to Tongtianyuan...

At this moment, Jiang Chen found Jiang Zixiu, the prince and others, and asked about Nalan Meier.

"Your apprentice is doing well with the evil race, don't worry." The prince said: "Don't get me wrong, my evil race didn't use her to threaten you."

"As you know, the Big Thousand World is very concerned about you people who come from the Six Realms. If you leave her alone, you will end up miserably." Jiang Zixiu said.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he also sighed, somewhat resentful in his heart.

The Great Thousand World treats the creatures of the Six Realms as goods and feeds them like livestock, leaving no trace of dignity to the creatures of the Six Realms!

Sometimes, this feeling is more uncomfortable than death!

"One day, I will rectify the name for the Six Realms!" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"By the way, if you hear about someone, you might be interested." The prince said: "A fat Taoist, who claims to be an ancient mansion, is now swaggering everywhere in the Western Star Territory, and no one dares to provoke him for the time being."

"And... he has been inquiring about your whereabouts."

"Fat Taoist? A man who claims to be from the Underworld? Could it be..." Jiang Chen's expression was condensed, without even thinking about it, that guy is definitely Mu Youde!

At first, Mu Youde disappeared after entering the door, but after today, he finally reappeared!

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