I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1220: Yin and Yang Decline

The Dark Night God's Court is notorious in the Great Thousand World, and Mu Xingyun was hunted down many times because of this incident.

And, now, he was expelled from the academy because of being the saint son of the Dark Night God's Court.

It's a good time, I can't participate in the battle of Star Field Academy.

But Dark Night God Court felt uncomfortable, and he could participate in the battle of Starfield Academy just by looking at it. As a result, at this moment, his son was expelled.

This... can you make trouble! ?

However, the rules of the Star Field Academy battle are like this, even if you have different talents and strengths, as long as you are not a disciple of a certain academy, you can't participate!

Of course, Dark Night and Dark Night had thought about this!

Today, they are not here to make trouble, they come to find an academy for Mu Xingyun and join temporarily!

As long as you join the Academy, you can naturally participate in the Battle of the Star Academy. If you are lucky and win the first prize, you will be able to enter the Daqian Mine!

"Everyone, I will put my words here today, An Ming, which college is willing to temporarily accept Mu Xingyun as a holy son, I am willing to have a long-term relationship with Ni!"

"Yes!" Dark Ye nodded.

However, the Dark Night God's Court is really notorious, who wants to get involved with the Dark Night God's Court?

Furthermore, the academy that came to participate this time all sent disciples of the foundation level!

If he accepts Mu Xingyun now, it is tantamount to replacing one of his own disciple of the inner level.

This...isn't it appropriate?

You know, Mu Xingyun's current cultivation base is only in the godly state, isn't it just a cannon fodder for this cultivation base to participate in the battle of the Star Field Academy!

Not even cannon fodder!

For a while, no one agreed, and the scene became extremely embarrassing.

Even Dark Night and Dark Ming, the two supernatural beings who have lived for countless years, have their old faces blushing at this moment.

As for Mu Xingyun, he had covered his face a long time ago, which is too shameful!

"Come to me."

But, suddenly, a light voice sounded in a joke.

Everyone was stunned, and when they looked back, they just saw Jiang Chen beckoning to Mu Xingyun.

"This guy... also came to participate in the Battle of Star Field Academy?"

"This... the special Divine King Realm dare to come and participate!?"


Everyone was stunned. Before, they thought that Mu Xingyun's cultivation base was the lowest, and never thought that there was a lower one hidden here!

"Don't make trouble, I was expelled by Tongtianyuan." Mu Xingyun said with a black face, "If I don't expel me... I'm probably not allowed to participate in the battle of Star Controls Academy."

"You can add it back after being fired. What's the fear?" Jiang Chen smiled and said: "What? Are you afraid that you won't be able to win the crown with me when you are with me?"

"You? The cultivation base is too low, even lower than mine." Mu Xingyun said angrily.

He also looked depressed, knowing that Jiang Chen's talents were extremely high, and he could be called an evildoer, but the speed of this guy's cultivation was simply ridiculously slow!

Of course, he didn't know that Jiang Chen was very diligent in cultivating, but due to the practice of the Heavenly Sacred Tome and Tiger Soul Art, most of his divine power was used to shed the spirit body and conceive tiger bones.

As a result, the improvement of this cultivation base will naturally be much slower.

But this does not mean that Jiang Chen is weaker than others!

"I can look at it, after all...cough cough...no one wants you now." Dark Ye muttered, glanced at Mu Xingyun, and asked, "What do you think?"

"Is there any way, others don't want me, if you want to participate in the battle of Star Field Academy, now you can only return to Tongtianyuan again." Mu Xingyun smiled bitterly.

"Can you represent Tongtian Court?" Dark Ye looked at Jiang Chen, and the secret road to Tongtian Court was no one? How to send a **** king kid to participate in the competition.

Furthermore, Mu Xingyun was expelled from Tongtianyuan before, but now that Jiang Chen can make Mu Xingyun go back with a word?

Even if it is really back to Tongtianyuan, but... can Mu Xingyun participate in the battle of Star Field Academy?

In short, Dark Night and Dark Ming do not believe it!

Regarding this, Jiang Chen looked up at Hongyun and asked, "Can I be the master?"

"It's up to you." Hongyun whispered softly, not agreeing, but not opposing either.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this.

What's the situation! ?

Now Tongtianyuan, is it really up to such a **** king kid?

"Lin Hao, go down and let Mu Xingyun come." Jiang Chen said to Lin Hao, "It doesn't matter if you stay anyway."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Hao almost exploded!

It is useless for me to stay as an emperor, but it is useful for him as a god! ?

However, this time Tongtianyuan has no disciple of the foundation level, and there is no hope for winning the first prize, and Lin Hao does not want to participate in his heart.

In this way, Lin Hao walked out of the square with a dark face, and Mu Xingyun came to Jiang Chen's side.

"What a weird thing!"

"Three people, a **** king, a **** sovereign, and an emperor... just here... come to participate in the battle of the Star Field Academy? Is this a shame?"


The sounds of ridicule and contempt sounded one after another around, and no one was optimistic about Jiang Chen's side.

Even Hongyun shook his head, secretly saying that this time I am afraid that there is really no hope of winning the first prize.

There is still a glimmer of hope when Lin Hao is here, but now...with a deity, this hope is slim.

"Help me advance to the finals. I don't want to take a shot in the middle. Wait until the finals, just wait for me to win the championship." Jiang Chen and Mu Xingyun briefly talked about their plans.

Mu Xingyun has no opinion on this.

After all, he also felt hopeless this time.


At this moment, the Holy Emperor opened his mouth, waved his hand, and said: "There are eight academies that have come to participate this year. There are three in each academy, and a total of twenty-four people."

"Everyone understands the rules. The opponent chooses at will, you can choose to refuse, or you can agree." The Holy Emperor said: "Twenty people enter 12 people, 12 people enter six people, and so on."

"Okay, we all know it!"

"I heard that the young disciples of the Holy Heaven Dynasty...cough cough..."


At this moment, several transcendents opened their mouths jokingly, and their eyes fell on the holy emperor.

When the Holy Emperor heard this, his old face was dark, and the secret way is really which pot is not opened or which pot!

Under the seat of the Shengtian Dynasty, there is a Shengtian Academy, and in the Shengtian Academy, all the disciples of the Dynasty.

Among them, the three strongest people in Shengtian Academy are descendants of the Emperor Shengtian.

However, those three people are all women!

Those extraordinary people who said those words before, this is only secretly taunting the yin of the holy emperor's dynasty and the decline of the sun!

The Emperor Shengtian was also very depressed about this, secretly saying what was going on, why in this generation, there was a man in the whole lineage, and the others were all women!

The most important thing is that the only man, the prince of the holy dynasty, was born to be unable to practice...

"Previously, there was a female emperor who took the sole control of the world, and now I am the Holy Heaven and the Three Phoenixes can dominate the heroes." The Holy Heaven Emperor said in a deep voice, although he has confidence in his three female descendants, he still feels a little unhappy... …

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