I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1240: Enemy first

The cycle of rebirth is an invisible road condensing the laws and rules between heaven and earth!

This road was originally discovered by the ancient palace, and then controlled and in charge of the reincarnation of sentient beings, and the name of the ancient palace came from this.

But you have to know that even the ancient palaces back then did not have the ability to forge a cycle of reincarnation!

It's just because the creatures in the world, even the extraordinary, can hardly deduce the true meaning and rules of reincarnation!

But at this moment, Mu Youde doesn't think so!

Because he dug many ancient tombs and knew something about the cycle of reincarnation.

Perhaps a long time ago, the cycle between heaven and earth was thought to be made by casting!

Nowadays, the Three Mountains and Five Seas mostly know something about the cycle of reincarnation, so they want to borrow the power of the great power of the dragon family's ancestors to create another cycle of reincarnation!

Once this circuit of reincarnation is completed, then the three mountains and five seas can master the reincarnation of sentient beings!

At that time, the three mountains and five seas will be the day when the world will be unified!

"If the three mountains and five seas really cast a circuit of reincarnation, the consequences..." Mu Youde felt cold in his heart and sweating on his back!

He knows better than anyone, why the ancient mansion was destroyed!

It's just because the world's creatures don't like being in charge of life and death, and don't like being swayed by others!

Just like this, at the beginning, almost all the monks in the world competed with the ancient palace until the ancient palace disappeared!

Now, if the three mountains and five seas really cast a cycle, then in a short time, the three mountains and five seas can indeed dominate the world.

But after a long time, the three mountains and five seas will inevitably repeat the old road of the ancient mansion!

And what makes Mu Youde's heart cold the most is that he knows how extraordinary the ancestral land of the Dragon Race is!

It is said that the ancestral land of the dragon tribe, as well as the ancestral land of the Phoenix, Suzaku and other tribes, are actually built on the real circuit of reincarnation!

The Three Mountains and Five Seas want to use the cycle of ancestors underground to re-cast a cycle of their own!

Moreover, Mu Youde knows that the Three Mountains and Five Seas are very likely to succeed!

"Mad, if someone controls reincarnation, do you still dare to die? Even if you die, you can rebirth in reincarnation!"

Mu Youde was silent at this moment, but he was thinking about many things in his heart.

Although, in today's world, few people can reincarnate, and if they die, they are dead.

But, what if it happens to be reincarnation, but just enter the cycle of three mountains and five seas?

At that time, the reincarnation was still on the way, but he was intercepted and killed in reincarnation!

"We must fight the Three Mountains and Five Seas with Heavenly Court!" Mu Youde secretly said.

Only when the three mountains and five seas fight with the heavens can the strength of the three mountains and five seas be weakened and the speed at which they can cast reincarnation can be delayed!

Of course, with Mu Youde's character, he naturally hopes that the Three Mountains, Five Seas and Heavenly Court will be harmed, and even both will be destroyed...

But he knows better, whether it is Heavenly Court or Three Mountains and Five Seas, even if it is really fighting, it will be difficult to destroy the other party!

"The background of the three mountains and five seas is too deep, it is really related to the ancient palace!" Mu Youde whispered.

At this moment, Jiang Chen and others certainly didn't know what Mu Youde was thinking.

I saw Long Dade shaking his head and said: "I will take you to the Dragon Clan Ancestral Land first, and then talk about it?"

"Okay, go take a look first." Jiang Chen nodded.

Afterwards, everyone prepared a bit, but Jiang Chen went to find Hongyun first.

"I'm going to the ancestral land of the Dragon Race. This way... I'm afraid it is a little dangerous." Jiang Chen said straightly.

After hearing this, Hongyun frowned and asked, "What do you go to the Dragon Clan's ancestral land? Besides, you are a human race, and the Dragon Clan will not let you enter their ancestral land."

"With Long Dade taking me, I should be able to go in." Jiang Chen said: "After going to the dragon clan ancestral land, go to the Daqian mine burial. Anyway, we have the right to enter. It is the same whenever we go."

"You haven't answered my question yet, what are you going to do in the ancestral land of the dragon clan?" Hong Yun asked again.

"Find a force, a force that can contend with Heavenly Court." Jiang Chen said truthfully.

As soon as he said this, Hong Yun's face instantly became gloomy.

He thought it was Jiang Chen who was going to go to war with Heavenly Court!

"My Supreme Temple can also contend with the Heavenly Court, what are you going to do with other forces?" Hong Yun said grimly.

"It's not me." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly: "It's the ancestor of the Chang'an clan."

When Hongyun heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, only then did he remember that Jiang Chen had a very good relationship with the Changan clan!

However, the Supreme Palace can help Jiang Chen, but it won't help recite the long song!

"Then... you go." Hongyun didn't pretend, and said straightly: "If it's your own business, my Supreme Temple can help you, but this matter..."

"So I'm going to the dragon clan ancestral land, and you...can you **** us?" Jiang Chen asked.

You know, now Jiang Chen, after the First World War of the Star Fields Academy, is mostly famous in the world.

Now, how many people want to kill him in the cradle!

And this time, leaving Tongtianyuan, on the way to the ancestral land of the dragon clan, someone will definitely take action!

What's more, those who want him to die are already squatting near Tongtian Garden at this moment, just waiting for him to go out!

Moreover, this time it was Jiang Chen and the three great virtues, and these three great virtues were all ancestors!

How could the race forces that have enemies with the Dragon, Phoenix, and Suzaku clan let go of such a good opportunity!

This time, once you go out, the road ahead is extremely dangerous!

"I can **** you, but I think... I'm alone this time, I'm afraid it's not enough." Hongyun knew what Jiang Chen was worried about, so he couldn't help asking: "The extraordinary people of the dragon, phoenix, and Suzaku clan, Don't you come to pick up the three great virtues and go back?"

"The answer will definitely come, but I am worried...There are more people who want to kill us than protect us!" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"The great ancestors of the evil races, the three extraordinary monsters, plus me...With our lineup, I am afraid that no one will dare to kill you?" Hong Yun muttered.

Hongyun is strong and confident.

He felt that if these people were escorting Jiang Chen and others, then in this world, I was afraid that no one would dare to kill Jiang Chen and others in front of them.

However, it is better to be careful in all cases!

"Get ready, I'll send you over, and directly across the void, you will be outside the dragon clan's ancestral land within a dozen breaths." Hongyun said.



However, as soon as he finished saying this, he saw that the entire Tongtian Garden was enveloped by a light curtain!

"Enchantment!?" Hongyun stared, looking at the law of the great road encased in the light curtain, his face was extremely gloomy!

Just because the person who arranged the enchantment has a cultivation base that is absolutely extraordinary!

But at this time, there is only one possibility to set up an enchantment in Tongtian Garden!

Someone wants to block Tongtianyuan and kill Jiang Chen and the three great virtues!

"Look at it...we haven't left yet, some people can't help it." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, and his expression changed drastically. "This enchantment... makes the entire Tongtian Garden isolated from the outside world! Have the transcendents of the Great Demon Race come!? Have the ancestors of the evil race come!?"

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