I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1247: Finally shot

The skinny old man didn't know what real awakening was, but looking at Jiang Chen's appearance in front of him, he didn't even find a ray of memory in the past. It was obviously not an awakening.

But Three Mountains and Five Seas had agreed with Jiang Chen in a certain life that Jiang Chen had to wake up before he could give his memory box to him.

"Forget it, since you refuse to give it, there is no way." Jiang Chen whispered, looking at the skinny old man, and asked: "Are you really forging a new circuit of reincarnation?"

As soon as these words came out, the skinny old man's expression changed slightly.

He glanced at Long Dade next to him, and said solemnly: "Did you say it?"

"This is my boss, did I tell my boss that there is a problem?" Long Dade said with slanting eyes, full of confidence.

Although Long Dade's cultivation is not good, his status is very high, he is an ancestor dragon!

Rao is that this thin old man is extraordinary, and he dare not do anything to Long Dade.

What's more, this is the ancestral land of the dragon clan, as long as Long Dade screams, some dragons will help him!

"Don't tell other people about this." The skinny old man said solemnly: "What we have done is just to leave a way for future generations to survive."

"Leave a way for future generations?" Jiang Chen curled his lips, naturally not believing what the skinny old man said.

You know, the ancient land mansion at the beginning controlled the world precisely because of the control of the ancient reincarnation!

Now that the Three Mountains and Five Seas are about to forge a new cycle of reincarnation, it is also the same as the original purpose of the ancient palace, and also wants to control the world!

"You may not believe it, but what I am doing now is really for the people of future generations." The thin old man sighed, "This world will eventually collapse, and everything will turn into nothingness at that time. If there is no cycle of reincarnation for all beings," the skinny old man sighed. If you can go, then this world is completely dead!"

"Oh? What you said... Why don't I believe it." Jiang Chen said grimly: "If you want to control the world with reincarnation, you just say, why do you say it so boldly."

"The ancient land was not the same at the time. It mastered the cycle of rebirth and controlled the world."

Hearing this, the skinny old man turned dark and explained: "You have no memory at all now, and it's useless to tell you this. You don't believe it anyway."

Come on, the skinny old man looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Is there anything wrong with us? If you have something to say, please."

"Heavenly Court is born." Jiang Chen said straightforwardly: "I heard that the Three Mountains and Five Seas and the Heavenly Court are rivals."

"Oh? Heaven is born?" The skinny old man was taken aback, as if surprised.

Immediately, the skinny old man asked: "Does the Heavenly Court do anything?"

"Long Song is in the Southern Star Territory. After Tian Ting was born, he planned to start with Long Song." Jiang Chen said truthfully.

After all, Jiang Chen was about to continue speaking, the skinny old man's expression condensed, and he said solemnly: "Are you sure? Heavenly Court really intends to make a move in the Southern Star Territory?"

"Yes." Jiang Chen was puzzled and asked: "What's wrong? Is there anything weird?"

"Of course it's weird!" The skinny old man looked more and more solemn, staring at Jiang Chen, and asked: "Do you know... what's in the Southern Star Territory?"

Before Jiang Chen could speak, the skinny old man pointed to the top of his head and said, "The ruins of the ancient heavenly court are there! And the gate to enter the ancient heavenly court is also there!"

"According to legend, only through the Southern Heaven Gate can you enter the real ancient Heavenly Court! If the court was born today, you have to do it in the Southern Star Territory... Could it be that... they have found the Southern Heaven Gate and want to enter the ancient heavenly court!?" The thin old man Whispering softly, the fear in his eyes is getting stronger!

He no longer paid attention to Jiang Chen, but directly turned and entered the cave.

Before long, only a few exclamations came from the cave, and then a few more terrifying auras erupted!

The breath is like a long dragon, tearing the void and breaking open the sky, as if to break the shackles and shackles of the sky!

After a few more breaths, the skinny old man walked out, looked at Jiang Chen, and said, "I will solve this matter from three mountains and five seas, and I will never let Heavenly Court succeed!"

"Oh...that's fine." Jiang Chen whispered, secretly saying that the Three Mountains, Five Seas and Heavenly Court are really rivals!

In this way, Jiang Chen felt much more relieved.

With three mountains and five seas, it is relatively safer to recite long songs.

However, Jiang Chen was also worried. If Heavenly Court really wanted to kill Nian Changge at all costs, then... who could stop it! ?

But after thinking about it, Jiang Chen felt that he was thinking too much.

The skinny old man said very clearly that Heavenly Court was born only for the South Heaven Gate!

They want to kill and read the long song, it's just a cover.

However, just when Jiang Chen thought so, something big happened in the Southern Star Territory!

The ancestor of the Chang'an clan, that is, chanting the long song, was severely injured by several strong men in the heaven today, and then fled and disappeared, life and death unknown!

As soon as the news came out, it swept across the entire world in an instant!

After all, the Southern Star Region today is the most chaotic place in all the Star Regions, and many people are paying attention here!

Especially for long songs, even the extraordinary are paying attention to him!

"What!? Nian Changge was injured!? Still being chased!?"

After half a day, Jiang Chen also got the news, and his expression became weird.

He was not only worried about reciting the long song, but also wondering why Heavenly Court wanted to chant the long song so specifically! ?

It stands to reason that Heavenly Court only cares about Nantian Gate, and in Heavenly Court's eyes, Chanting Long Song may be just an ant.

But now... this thing seems a bit weird!

Seeing that Heavenly Court is like this, it is intended to really kill and recite the long song!

What hatred and grievances are there between these two parties! ?

"Has the people from the three mountains and five seas made any moves?" Jiang Chen asked.

Half a day ago, Sanshan Wuhai agreed to take action against Heavenly Court.

But now, half a day has passed, and there is no movement in the three mountains and five seas.

"No news, no one came out of the cave." Long Dade said with a black face, "Could that skinny old man be lying to us?"

"It's a bit unreliable..." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

However, as soon as the voice fell, I saw a streamer volley from the cave, then burst out of the air, and flew toward the south!

After a few breaths, three more streamers flew out, with a clear purpose, approaching the southern star field!

"Finally it's a shot!" Jiang Chen sighed lightly, thinking that the three mountains and five seas were fooling him.

However, Jiang Chen also had some doubts. Three Mountains and Five Seas had dispatched so many people this time! ?

Can this person contend with the heavenly court?

"Would you...you let a few transcendents from the Dragon Clan also come and help?" Jiang Chen said to Long Dade.

When Long Dade heard the words, he smiled bitterly, and shook his head: "I have asked it a long time ago. Those old dragons in the clan refused to agree, saying that he didn't want to provoke the heavens."

"Dignified Dragon Clan, can you still be afraid of Heavenly Court?" Jiang Chen stunned, the dark road Dragon Clan is such a powerful race, really afraid of Heavenly Court?

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