I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1250: send troops

There are many kinds of ancestral dragons, but under the baptism of time, the surviving ancestral dragons are basically invisible.

You know, the Dragon Clan can have its current status, all relying on the ancestors of the Dragon Clan to fight it out!

Those ancestor dragons in the past have paid a lot for the dragon clan, and they have basically died in battle!

Nowadays, an ancestral dragon has finally appeared, which is undoubtedly a treasure for the dragon clan.

However, because the ancestor dragon has disappeared for a long time, the dragons do not know some secrets of the ancestor dragon.

Just like the great magical powers of Ancestral Dragons, the dragons know very little about them.

And now, when the old dragon heard Long Dade's supernatural powers, he knew that this time the dragon was really wrong!

At this moment, this old dragon didn't know what to say, but looked at Long Dade blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Long Dade didn't want to speak at this moment either, his magical powers fell like light rain, shrouded in a ray of true soul chanting the long song.

As time passed, the light rain turned into silk, wrapped the true soul, and turned into a cocoon.

Afterwards, Long Dade put away the cocoons and walked directly outside the dragon clan's ancestral land without looking at the old dragon.

By his side, the close followers of Bird Dade and Huang Dade also left without saying a word.

Until the three great virtues left the ancestral land of the dragon clan, no one in the dragon clan dared to stand up and stop them!

This is the majesty of the ancestors!

"Patriarch, your honor just left?"

"I haven't done anything to wait..."


At this moment, many dragons were surrounded by the old dragon, with doubts in their eyes.

Hearing this, the old dragon looked at the dragons around him, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Your ignorance may be the real reason for your honor to leave the dragon clan." Lao Long sighed.

He knew very well that the reason Long Dade left the Dragon Clan was not because the Dragon Clan didn't use Tianquan to chant long songs, but because the Dragon Clan thought that he was very good to Long Dade, in fact it was all superficial.

If you are really good to Long Dade, you can see before that Long Dade wants to help recite the long song.

If you are really good to Long Dade, you don't need Long Dade to speak, the strong of the dragon will go to the Southern Star Territory to help recite the long song.

However, everything does not develop like this!

In the end, Jiang Chen blamed Long Dade. Long Dade felt miserable in his heart, until the anger in his heart suddenly erupted!

"I think I am!" Old Long sighed, looking at the group of people around him, the disappointment in his eyes became more and more intense.

Long Dade is gone, but this group of people still don't know where they are wrong.

At this moment, outside the ancestral land of the Dragon clan, the strongest of the Suzaku clan and the Phoenix clan are all there.

The Suzaku and the Phoenix clan had a good relationship with the Dragon clan, so they must know what happened in the dragon clan right away.

Now, the two monster races know that Long Dade has left the dragon race!

"My honour, your two brothers are both in the Phoenix and Vermilion clan, then you... If you have nowhere to go now, why don't you come to our clan?"

"My honour, my Phoenix family is always waiting for you!"


Obviously, the two monster races came here this time to win Dragon Dade!

Although the races are different, if you can draw an ancestor dragon into your race... then the result is quite ideal!

"I'm bored, I want to go out alone to see this big world." Long Dade sighed.

To him, he is after all a dragon born in the six realms, and he is a creature belonging to the six realms.

For Daqian World, he was just a guest.

Now, he figured it out, no matter how strong the race is, it's useless!

Only if you are strong can you be truly strong!

"It seems that our three great virtues are still the same as before. Let's go to the world."

"Brother Long, I'll accompany you!"


At this moment, Huang Dade and Bird Dade also made a decision.

They don't want to return to their respective races, but want to accompany Long Dade together!

As in the Six Realms before, the dragon clan and the phoenix clan, the three of them are different at first, so why bother to classify them!

"Sir! You mean..."

"Please think twice!"


The expressions of the strong men of the Phoenix and Suzaku clan suddenly changed. They could hear the meaning of the bird and the phoenix. This is also about to leave the race!

"You don't need to say much, we are not separating our own seeds, we just think... this day is very big, I want to see it later." Huang Dade said sternly: "When Brother Long will come back, we will come back whenever. "

"Everyone, goodbye."


In the end, the three great virtues, with a ray of true soul chanting the long song, just left like this.

After the three great virtues left, the Phoenix clan and the Suzaku clan were completely furious!

They did not blame the bird and the phoenix, but vent their anger on the dragon clan.

Just because they are not fools, they all know what happened this time!

If it were not for Long Dade to leave the dragon clan, Bird Dade and Huang Dade would not leave them!

Now, the cause of all this comes from the dragon clan!

"Dragon! Look at what you do!"

"It's fine if you can't keep your own ancestors. Now even the ancestors of my two races are also angry at me! This matter, your dragon family can solve it!"


The strong men of the Phoenix and Suzaku clan rushed into the dragon clan’s ancestral land, speaking harshly, even as if they were about to do something!

"This matter, my dragon clan will solve it." The old dragon sighed, and after the voice fell, he disappeared in place.

After half a day, a message came from the Southern Star Region!

An old true dragon shot out in a rage, killing more than a dozen emperors in the heavenly court, and even beheading an extraordinary person in the heavenly court on the spot!

The fall of the emperor would shake the Quartet, and this time, an extraordinary person died!

This kind of thing rarely happens, even in the fiercest battle, it is difficult to see the extraordinary fall!

And this time, the old dragon of the dragon clan was really angry!

He showed terrifying strength, and he can cut the extraordinary!

And he did this, perhaps to tell Long Dade that the dragon would always be on his side!

Or maybe, he wants to tell Heavenly Court that my Dragon Race is fearless!

However, he knows better than anyone else that things have already happened and everything is too late!

The three great virtues, perhaps from now on, will never come back again.

"Dragon! Are you going to fight my heavenly court!?"

On this day, someone in the heavenly court roared out, and the sound of the sound even penetrated directly from the southern star field to the dragon ancestral land!

"send troops!"

The Dragon Clan’s response was very simple. The word "departure" resounded like a thunder shadow, resounding throughout the entire world!

On this day, the major tribes of the Dragon Clan, as well as the affiliated races under the Dragon Clan, one after another sent emperor and transcendent level powerhouses to gather in the Dragon Clan's ancestral land!

At the same time, the Phoenix and Suzaku clan also sent strong people!

At this moment, it seemed that the entire monster race had joined hands, and the great powers gathered in the Dragon Race ancestral land. A decree was still in the starry sky, and it was a battle book against the heavenly court!

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