I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1271: First task

There are several undead medicines in the world, but they are all controlled by the top powers and races. Now that an undead medicine suddenly appears, and it is still in the hands of a person with a low cultivation level, it will naturally cause competition.

However, since the Holy Land has come forward, Jiang Chen doesn't have to worry about those extraordinary people doing something against him.

After all, the Holy Land is the strongest power today, and the words of the Holy Land are like imperial edicts.

But Jiang Chen also knew very well that some transcendents could not be so obedient, and they might secretly act on him!

"I can't remember the practice, the most urgent thing is to find a place to settle down." Jiang Chen sighed lightly.

"Where are you looking for? You are the strongest wage earner in my black market right now. You can't go anywhere except to go to my black market!" The third tycoon of the black market walked over, with a dark mist on his body and an unstable breath.

In the previous battle, many extraordinary people took action, and the third giant on the black market didn't get any benefits, and even almost got injured!

"Does the black market want to steal people from my Supreme Temple?" Hongyun looked ugly, staring at the third giant in the black market, and said solemnly: "The black market is not yours alone!"

"The boss and the old man have agreed to this matter! If you are not convinced, go and talk to the other two big brothers in the black market!" The third tycoon of the black market provocatively said: "Your Supreme Temple has a profound background, but you dare to move my black market. ?"

As soon as he said this, Hong Yun's face went dark immediately.

The water in the black market is too deep to be tampered with!

You know, even the Heavenly Court must give face to the black market!

"Can Ping Ba be brought back to the Supreme Heaven Hall? He has the ancient scriptures of time. I am afraid that he will not be safe enough in Tongtian Garden." Jiang Chen said to Hongyun.

Tongtianyuan is strong and has a deep background, but now too many people are looking at them!

In addition, Pingba is not an official disciple of Tongtianyuan. Once an extraordinary person finds Pingba, Tongtianyuan will not necessarily shelter Pingba!

"It's okay." Hongyun nodded, and then if he looked at Yao Dade deeply, he seemed to have guessed the identity of Yao Dade.

Yao Dade is very indifferent. She came from Daqian's burial. Now even with Jiang Chen, there is Daqian's burial behind her back.

Just like before, if someone were to take her away, she would not believe that the one in the Daqian Mine Burial would not make a move!

"What are you looking at? I look good?" Yao Dade squinted at Hongyun, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, and said: "You are not a big deal at the peak of this seat."

"Um..." Hongyun was taken aback for a moment, and it really surprised him that he was so despised by a little woman.

Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly on the side, and hurriedly explained, "This one also came from the burial of Daqian Mine. He has a strange temperament and personality, so don't care."

"Don't care about the little kid." Hongyun waved his hand, and then got up, preparing to take Pingba back to the Supreme Temple.

As for Jiang Chen, he stayed in place, waiting for the third giant in the black market to take off!

"Boss! Hurry up and make a contract with me!"

The Kendo Flower on the side was very anxious at the moment, a wisp of soul was sent to Jiang Chen, and his face was full of expectation and desire.

Jiang Chen chuckled. After the kendo flower was collected in the dark road, there will be a strong thug at his side in the future!

Even Jiang Chen wondered, if Kendo Flower followed him, would he be able to compete with the third giant in the black market?

At that time, return the token of the strongest wage earner to the black market, so as to get rid of the black market!

"Boy, he is not my opponent."

Who is the third giant in the black market? I don't know how many years he has lived, and he can see Jiang Chen's thoughts at a glance.

I saw the black mist surging on his body, and a terrifying aura suddenly appeared, rushing to the sword flower!

Kendo Flower's expression condensed, and the long sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed, staring at the third giant in the black market.

However, the breath of the third giant on the black market soon calmed down, and with a hint of teasing, he asked: "How about? Do you think you will be my opponent?"

"If you work hard, no one will live or die." Ken Daohua said.

As soon as this statement came out, it meant that Kendo Flower admitted that he was not an opponent of the third giant in the black market.

However, just as he said, when it comes to the battle of life and death, the ending is really uncertain!

Afterwards, Kendo Flower ignored the third giant in the black market, and finally Yu Jiang Chen made a master-servant contract.

At the moment when the contract was made, Jiang Chen's face went black on the spot!

Just because Jiang Chen's cultivation level has soared from the lower **** to the upper god!

And the cultivation base of the kendo flower fell directly to the next **** emperor!

"This Nima?!" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded. He thought he had accepted a strong thug, but who would have thought that Kendo Flower, like Yao Dade, would give him his cultivation base!

Now that's all right, there are no Xeon thugs around, and the words are not hard to speak!

"I knew that, it would be better not to accept you." Jiang Chen sighed.

After hearing the words, the kendo flower smiled and said: "It's all like this. We are born extraordinary. Once we make a master-servant contract with other creatures, we will feed back to the master."

"However, my cultivation level will be restored soon."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen felt a little balanced in his heart.

"Is it all solved? Now I will assign you a task. This is your first task in the black market. You must do it beautifully and stop the mouths of other high-level black market!" said the third tycoon of the black market: "I will wait for it. When you enter the black market, other high-level executives are not very happy, so you must complete the first task beautifully!"

"Cut, they are not happy, am I happy?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

However, when he heard about the task given to him by the third giant in the black market, Jiang Chen's eyes brightened!

It was because the third tycoon of the black market asked him to go to the Southern Star Territory and go to a clan named Liuyunzong to inquire about a news about the Dark Blood Age!

The age of dark blood is about to come, and all major powers are preparing, and the black market is no exception!

If you are fully prepared, the black market may be able to survive the dark blood age safely!

Similarly, the black market can also use this news in exchange for many treasures!

And the third tycoon on the black market also told Jiang Chen one thing that he has a friend in Liuyun Sect now!

"Who is it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"As you know, those creatures who came out of the Six Realms and entered the Great Thousand Worlds did not live very well. Some people were constantly changing sects, and some were being traded as goods." said the third tycoon on the black market: "So... which friend of yours is that person in the Liuyun Sect, I really don't know that."

"Then why don't the high-levels of the black market personally go to find out the news?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If we wait for me to take action personally, it will not be as simple as inquiring about the news! Whether the entire Liuyun Sect can exist is a question!" said the third giant in the black market.

After all, the third giant on the black market directly opened a portal and said, "Go in, and send you directly into the Southern Star Territory."

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