I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1283: Who can match

Jiang Chen is proficient in everything, and as his cultivation level improves, he has a deeper understanding of various professions.

Especially for the formation prohibition category, Jiang Chen can be said to be very good at using it!

Even the older generations are probably inferior to Jiang Chen in this respect.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's face was contemptuous, just telling Kendo Flower to let him fight with confidence.

As for the formation and the barrier, when he finished saying this, he had already cracked it!

"The elixir is on me. If you want to get it, it depends on your strength." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

The cultivation bases of these people who arranged formations were not high, and in front of Jiang Chen, they were like grass mustard ants.

Seriously, he didn't take these people at all, including the young man who was fighting with Kendo Flower at the moment!

But, Jiang Chen thinks, sometimes I can try not to make a move without making a move, otherwise, what do you do with these little brothers?

Brother, they are all used for the finale!

"Jiang Chen! This is Nine Cities World, not outside! No one here will help you!"

"Today, if you don't hand over the elixir, you don't want to leave alive!"


There were more and more people around. When they saw Jiang Chen, their eyes flashed, and the greed in his eyes did not hide the meaning of it!

Regarding this, Jiang Chen chuckled a few times, and the formation pattern on his body suddenly broke out, intertwining in the air like a colorful cloud.

After a few breaths, the formation pattern formed, and a big killing formation appeared, covering half of the city in!

All of a sudden, it can be said to have alarmed the creatures in the entire city!

Someone stood looking out of the formation, when they saw Jiang Chen, the greed in their eyes was undoubtedly obvious!

Some people are trapped in the formation, some are scared, and some are very indifferent.

"It's nothing more than an inferior creature from the Six Realms. In my eyes, what are you?"

"The six realms have been destroyed by my great world, and sooner or later your remnant will die."


At this moment, the people trapped in the formation are very calm, because they have too many people and their cultivation bases are all very high!

If so many people join forces, this formation can't stop them!

Of course, this is what they think!

"The creatures of the six worlds are inferior?" Jiang Chen whispered, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and said: "I always think that all beings are equal, but... if you have to say something high and low, then... Realm creatures are naturally above all else!"


When the voice fell, I saw sky fires descending, covering the entire formation!

The scorching temperature, even the void is distorting, a flame enveloped half of the city!

Then, another vine emerged, like a chain, locking the formation!

Look carefully, it is Phoenix and Emperor Vine!

The two great souls are blessed in the formation, making it unbreakable, like a furnace of flames wrapped in vines!

"I'm not a murderer. If you want to go, I can let you go, but... if you don't want to go and covet my elixir, then... leave it all!" Jiang Chen said, opening at the corner of the formation. Made a hole.

However, although Jiang Chen is kind and righteous, these people think Jiang Chen is nothing but that.

They have no fear at all, relying on the number of people to cultivate, they are arrogant and arrogant in the formation, and they don't even see this formation in their eyes.



The next moment, I saw someone make a move, and a fist fell towards Jiang Chen like an upside-down Milky Way!

Immediately afterwards, other people also took action, seemingly worried that the elixir would be snatched away by others!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen's eyes flashed coldly, and the last hint of pity had disappeared.

"In that case...then go to death." Jiang Chen whispered, and with a wave of his big hand, the formation rioted, and a series of invisible murderous intent erupted, and then the flames were rolled up in the whole formation with the sword and the shadow of the sword!

The unquenchable fire burns, accompanied by vines like gods and iron, wherever it passes, blood is splashed, even people with extremely strong flesh are cut off at this moment!

In just a dozen breaths of time, all the people in the formation fell, and none of them survived!

"Jiang Chen, this is the ninth city in the world of Nine Cities, and it is the site of Zhao Tu, a disciple of the Heavenly Court Xuanzi rank!"

"Boy! Wait, Zhao Tu will be here soon! By then, your life and your elixir will be Zhao Tu's!"


Outside the formation, a group of teenagers were watching there, wearing uniform robes, clamoring.

When Jiang Chen heard the words, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, staring at the group of teenagers, and asked in a low voice: "It's all from the heavens?"

"I was born in Heaven, and sooner or later I will dominate the entire world!"

"If you are acquainted and hand over the elixir, maybe the Heavenly Court will keep you alive!"


The disciples of these heavenly courts are very aloof, in their hearts, heavenly court is invincible!

However, Jiang Chen snorted and said, "Heavenly Court? What is that? Do you really think that Heavenly Court is invincible?"

"Heaven is not invincible, are you invincible?"

At this moment, a young man wearing a purple-gold robe and holding a long knife as tall as a person walked slowly from a distance.

He seems to be walking very slowly, but under one step, spanning thousands of miles is one of the strongest physical methods of the human race, shrinking into an inch!

"In the outside world, I dare not say that I am invincible, but here... I say invincible, who can match!?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, looked at the boy, and asked: "You are a disciple of the Heavenly Court Profound Character, Zhao Tu ?"

"You don't deserve to let Senior Brother Zhao Tu take the shot." The boy said, "I am a yellow-character disciple, my name is..."

"Don't beep, I'm not interested in the name of the dying person." Jiang Chen curled his lips. When the voice fell, he was like a dragon and rushed out of the formation!

At this moment, without the protection of the formation, people from all around rushed over!

However, this group of people had not even touched Jiang Chen's body, and they were shocked by the terrifying power emanating from Jiang Chen's body!

As for Jiang Chen, with his hands dancing, fist bursts burst out, like a dragon and tiger phantom, to kill the young man holding a long sword!

"That's all." The young man was very confident, calm and comfortable in the face of the storm-like fists.

I saw him waving the long knife in his hand, and a heart-palpiting knife burst out, like a Tianhe, obliterating Jiang Chen's attack.

After that, he carried the long knife and walked, stepping out one step, and he came to Jiang Chen's side in no time!



His combat experience is very rich. He appeared behind Jiang Chen in an instant, and then the long sword slashed down, slashing on Jiang Chen's back!

With a loud noise, a smile appeared on the young man's face, and he chuckled softly: "Jiang Chen? Heh, that's all."

However, when the blade light dissipated, his expression changed drastically!

I saw that Jiang Chen was indeed slashed, but at the moment he was smiling and he was unscathed!

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