I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1289: Nothing extraordinary here

The three great virtues were proud of their faces. They not only destroyed a few heavenly sub-rudders, but also brought back a large group of younger brothers.

It's all right now, take the enemy's disciple over as a little brother for them to send, don't even think about how comfortable it is.

"Say the long song?" Jiang Chen asked, he was not interested in these little brothers in Tianting at all.

Even, every time he thinks of chanting a long song, Jiang Chen will inevitably have a murderous intent on the people of Heaven!

"He's right here," Long Dade said, and then a radiance appeared in his body, as if he had opened his body treasure!

Looking carefully, in Long Dade's body, Nian Changge sat cross-legged quietly, as if sleeping.

His injury was almost healed, and he was pregnant by Long Dade, and the aura exuding from his body was stronger than before!

Now, there is no need to worry about reading long songs, just wait for him to wake up.

"Boss, what should we do next?" Bird Dade asked, pointing to his feet, and said: "We took charge of the Ninth City, and originally planned to visit the Eighth City."

"Don't go to the eighth city for now." Jiang Chen said solemnly: "All the peerless arrogances of the Great Thousand Worlds are gathered in the small world of Nine Cities. If you rush out, you may fall!"

"Then...we have been staying in the Ninth City?" Huang Dade frowned and smiled bitterly: "There is nothing in the treasure house of the Ninth City, it's too hip!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Chen's face also darkened.

He knew the Ninth City was very poor, but he didn't expect it to be so poor!

There is nothing in the huge treasure house! ?

No wonder those peerless Tianjiao don't like to come to Ninth City!

"Cultivate here for a while now, and then go out and have a look at that time." Jiang Chen suggested.

Jiang Chen's cultivation base has improved too fast during this period of time, he wants to retreat and stabilize his cultivation base.

At the same time, even though Jiu Tianxia emerged from the greedy ghost, the state had not been quite right.

Although the memories of Jiu Tianxia have been restored, sometimes they have been silent, with confusion in their eyes.

This worries Jiang Chen. Could it be that the spirits and souls of Nine Worlds have been severely damaged, causing occasional unconsciousness?

"I will take a break in the Ninth City, I will retreat and stabilize my cultivation base, by the way, take a look at the situation in the Nine Worlds, and wait for the birth of the long song," Jiang Chen said.

"It's okay, anyway, this is our site now, as long as the formation of the Ninth City does not land, no one can come in." Long Dade said.

After all, Long Dade looked at Kendo Flower and Yao Dade curiously, and asked, "What are these two?"

"This is the great virtue of Yao, and the immortal medicine said by the outsiders is her." Jiang Chen said, and there is nothing to conceal from these three great virtues.

However, as soon as these words came out, Yao Dade's face turned black.

It's just because these three great virtues suddenly pasted, and they hooked up with her, each of them looked weird and looked like smiling but not smiling.

"Yao Da De? Ha ha ha, that's a good name! There is one more person in my Da German army!"

"From now on, there will be the four great virtues! No! Counting the thief and Taoist Mu Youde will be the five great virtues!"

Long Dade laughed wildly, seemingly excited, and then introduced themselves.

After Yao Dade heard the words, his face was completely dark!

She glanced at Jiang Chen like a little bitter woman...

"This...the culture is limited. I didn't think much about it when I first named it. Now I can't change it if I want to." Jiang Chen touched his nose, also quite embarrassed.

"By the way...you don't seem to have given a name yet, right?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up and he suddenly looked at Kendo Flower!

After hearing the words, Kendo Flower's expression condensed, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, his legs were trembling, and he almost didn't kneel down!

"Big brother... if you have something to say, give it a name, don't mess around!" Ken Daohua cried and pleaded.

However, Jiang Chen thought very openly. Since there are five great virtues, it is better to follow the meaning of the six ways and do six great virtues!

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen directly used the master-servant contract, and under the scream of the kendo flower, he successfully named the sword great virtue!

"It was a blade of grass in the world, looking across the road into a sword frost, but one step went wrong, since then the swordsmanship has become a great virtue..." Jian Dade lamented again and again.

The Yao Dade on the side is comfortable, after all, someone is with her!

"Huh? What is this?"

Not long after giving the name, Jiang Chen's expression condensed, and he felt a slight change in his body!

Under careful observation, I saw that the second ray of chaos has changed in Jiang Chen's soul world!

At the same time, even the greedy ghosts have changed!

A ray of chaos and greedy ghosts entangled together, and at the same time a ray of green sword light appeared in Jiang Chen's soul!

After a few breaths, Chaos suddenly exploded, and a weapon that looked like a sword but not a sword, like a sword but not a sword, sank and floated in Jiang Chen's soul!

Take a closer look, this weapon is green all over, and the hilt is wrapped with a chaotic blue mist, and at the same time, the blade is flashing with scarlet meaning!

"This... greedy ghost, chaotic aura, plus Jian Dade's sword aura?" Jiang Chen looked dumbfounded and didn't know what was going on!

"After the name is given, some of my magical powers will merge with you, how much I can feel what happens in your body." Jian Dade explained: "Is there a sword type?"

"Sword type? Isn't that something a sword cultivator will have?" Jiang Chen asked.

The sword repairer, and the person with advanced kendo attainments, the sword will be born in the soul!

The sword species is like a godhead, not only contains the true meaning of kendo, but also can conceive a "sword" that suits you!

It's just that Jiang Chen didn't expect that he, a person who didn't practice swordsmanship, would have born a sword type because of the sword intent of the sword master!

"Maybe it has something to do with the Qi of Chaos. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to give birth to a sword species by relying on your sword intent alone." Jiang Chen said.

"It should be." Kendo nodded, but couldn't tell.

After all, the Qi of Chaos is too mysterious, and few people in this world know what the mystery is.

"Okay, what should I do, take a break."

In the end, Jiang Chen entered the city lord's mansion in the Ninth City and began to retreat after setting up the formation.

He wants to stabilize his cultivation base and foundation!

As for Long Dade and others, they also began to practice in retreat.

They all know that if they want to gain a foothold in the small world of Nine Towns, the only hard condition is cultivation!

As time passed slowly, Jiang Chen and others retreated one after another, guarded by the formation, they were very safe.

And while they were in retreat, something big happened to the outside world!

On a certain day, no matter which dynasty, which family, which force, and the supernatural beings of the sect, suddenly disappeared!

They seemed to have received some order, went to the same place, and no news came back!

After a short while, the world's most powerful sacred place declared the world, there is nothing extraordinary here!

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