I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1301: Fierce Fighting Evil King Bell

After a young lady yelled out, who knew that the woman slapped it directly, Jiang Chen didn't even have a chance to react, she was shot and fell to the ground!

At this moment, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

Could it be that it's not easy to be sweet these days? !

"Call me general." The woman said sternly: "You will be my general from now on, and I will be your general. Don't mess up the relationship!"

When Jiang Chen heard the words, there was a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, thinking about his tenth reincarnation, his identity is extraordinary, and now he wants to become this woman's warrior! ?

What is the difference between this and a servant! ?

However, Jiang Chen received a slap before, and he also understood in his heart that the strength of this perfect woman is definitely not something he can handle!

Even if the other party is willing, one look may be able to kill him!

"Hold it! The big man doesn't care about the little girl!" Jiang Chen secretly said. After standing up from the ground, he asked: "That... General, do you have anything we need to do?"

"My weapon ran away, you go and catch him back." The woman said, and then she pointed out **** and landed on Jiang Chen and Di San's eyebrows.

Suddenly, a map appeared in their minds. There was a mark on the map. The mark was probably the seat of the woman's weapon!

"General, why would your weapon still run away?" Di San asked puzzled.

"It was damaged before, and then I was conceived here, but it turned out to be psychic, and then ran away." The woman explained, "You go, and I will take care of her."

After all, this woman directly detained Tianxue by her side, and then looked at Jiang Chen and Di San calmly, and said: "You are my warrior, this is your first mission, so...it must be A military order must be made."

"If you can't bring back my weapons, your lives will be lost."

Jiang Chen and Di San are willing to make military orders, aren't they pitting themselves!

However, unable to tolerate the reaction of the two, two military orders appeared in front of them.

Afterwards, a powerful force erupted from the woman, and directly signed a military order according to Jiang Chen and Emperor San!

At this moment, Jiang Chen and Di San were completely desperate.

Being branded by people, I was a little desperate, but now it's better, and even the military order has been made!

This Nima? !

"Hurry up, before he breaks my mark, his strength is still limited." The woman reminded.

Jiang Chen and Di San didn't dare to neglect at this moment, so they rushed their legs toward the coordinate direction.

With this coordinate, Jiang Chen and Di San will naturally not get lost, and even they now know how to get out of the foggy forest.

But they knew better that even if they left the misty forest, they couldn't escape the palm of the woman's hand!

What's more, if the snow is still in the hands of that woman today!

"Damn! How could there be such a creature in this foggy forest!?"

"Although it looks very good-looking, but... it is really unbearable!"


Jiang Chen, Jian Dade, and the emperor were unhappy, and at the same time they were a little flustered!

They can all feel that the woman is too strong, she is definitely a prehistoric figure!

Especially Jian Dade, he had been in contact with the owner of the Daqian mine burial, and he knew better how powerful the great figures in prehistoric times were!

And the aura on that woman, like the aura on the owner of Daqian Mine Burial, is definitely from prehistoric times!

Such big shots are not something they can contend!

"By the way... Did she just say what her weapon was?"

After half a stick of incense, when a few people came to the coordinate location, the faces of the three of them were completely broken!

Jiang Chen asked in a daze, the hairs all over his body stood upside down!

Just because, at the coordinates, an ancient clock that was as dark as ink stood upright, and before the ancient clock, there was a strange-looking creature sitting cross-legged quietly!

Obviously, that woman's weapon is the Evil Spirit King Bell!

"My God... the total of the three of us is not enough for the Evil Spirit King Zhong's teeth, right?" Jian Dade's forehead dripped with cold sweat, even standing far away, you could feel the Evil Spirit King Zhong's. The momentum exuded by Qi Ling is simply terrifying!

"I'm still in the realm of emperors, don't worry too much." Di San said solemnly: "But...I am no longer in peak state now, my strength is greatly reduced!"

"It's a long-term plan!" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen and others concealed their breath, Emperor San began to adjust his breath to heal his injuries, while Kendo Flower was contacting Yao Da De, hoping to merge with Yao Da De.

As for Jiang Chen, he started to deploy in secret!

In this way, the three of them did their own things, and the plan seemed organized.

It was not until a day later that Emperor San’s injuries were basically healed, and Jian Dade also contacted Yao Da De. The two were originally one, and Yao Da De soon found Jian Da De!

And Jiang Chen, also in this day, arranged several big killing formations around the Evil Spirit King Bell, and there were hundreds of forbidden enchantments!

Until everything was ready, a few people stepped out and came before the spirit of the Evil Spirit King Zhong!

"Your master let us take you back!" Jiang Chen stared at Qi Ling with an extremely solemn expression.

The same is true for Emperor San and Jian Dade, his whole body is tight, and he dare not care about it at all!

"Master? Oh, how many people in this world are qualified to be my master!?" The spirit of the evil spirit Wang Zhong said contemptuously: I and she are both prehistoric creatures, and she can be a general, why can't I be the king? ? "



The moment the voice fell, an extremely evil and **** aura exploded!

At the same time, the bells rang, confusing!

The sound of the bell spread like a ripple, and the void exploded one after another, and even the enchantment that Jiang Chen arranged was shattered a lot in an instant!

"Get up!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen didn't dare to be careless, he directly activated the formation, several big killing formations fell, trapping the Evil Spirit King Zhong in it!

Afterwards, the divine light in the sky turned into an edge, drowning the Evil Spirit King Zhong!

The barriers and restrictions were also opened, and the brilliance fell down, like the Milky Way hanging upside down, and like the stars falling, the place became gorgeous!

However, after only three breaths, a shocking bell rang, and the formations, barriers, and restraints in this place collapsed in an instant!

Even Jiang Chen was implicated, his mind was unstable, his face was pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

"No! I can only do it hard!" Jiang Chen said solemnly, the Emperor Vine, the Immortal Bird, and the Wanhua Celestial Lights all came out together, and the dragon and tiger phantoms rose on his body, and his blood rushed into the sky, like a cloud of blood!

At this moment, the emperor three rushed out, one after the other with Jian Dade towards the evil spirit king Zhong!

"A mere mortal, want to shake this seat?" The spirit of the evil spirit king bell said contemptuously, and the black ripples spread, and the bell sound is more like a hundred ghosts crying, very harsh!

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