I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1372: A promise

After half a day, Jiang Chen came to a familiar place again-outside the gate of the Bi'an Flower Clan.

As soon as I arrived here, several rays of light lit up in the mountain gate of the Bi'an Flower Clan, among them the three strongest ancestors of the Bi'an Flower Clan!

However, when they saw that Jiang Chen was the only one, several killing intents rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Facing the ancestors of the Flower Clan, Jiang Chen was indeed unable to resist, even a few killing intents almost killed him.

In a short moment, Jiang Chen vomited blood and his body exploded. If it hadn't been for the Ten Thousand Transformation Celestial Body, he would be killed on the spot by these murderous auras!

"I'm not here to fight you this time." Jiang Chen recast his body and said weakly: "The Dark Blood Era has opened. As a member of the Great Thousand World, can you fight against the ancient spirits?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Why do I want to help the great world? Is it because we are strong?"

"The strong must protect the weak? What a joke! You are too naive!"


In the Bianhua clan, many clan members shouted, and the words were very unsound.

Moreover, in the face of these rants, Jiang Chen was also unable to refute.

As the Bianhua clan said, should the strong protect the weak?

In this world, the weak eat the strong, but there is no saying that the strong should shelter the weak!

"If the Great Thousand World is annihilated, the mountain gates of the Bi'an Flower Clan will also be destroyed." Jiang Chen said: "When the ancient spirit swallows the essence of the world and the strength reaches the limit, your Bi'an Flower Clan can't help them."

"I haven't seen any big scenes of the Bianhua clan? From ancient times to the present, my Bianhua clan has never declined!"

"It hasn't declined before, and it won't be! It won't be!"


Many people spoke up one after another, confident in their race.

It's no wonder, after all, the Bianhua clan is too special, they can continue to resurrect!

"Tell me a reason for the other side flower family to take action."

But at this moment, the three strongest ancestors of the Bianhua clan spoke.

They didn't speak from the beginning, they just looked at Jiang Chen quietly, as if thinking about something.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's eyes flashed with excitement.

Since the other party said so, there is a possibility of action!

But now, what kind of reason is needed to get the Higan Flower Clan to take action?

"In your eyes, the Great Thousand World is nothing, even if the Great Thousand World is destroyed, you don't care..." Jiang Chen smiled bitterly: "Then...what reason do I have for you to play?"

"Since you know that there is no reason, what are you still doing here? If you don't kill you today, let's go." An ancestor of the Flower Clan said.

However, Jiang Chen stood still and did not move.

He didn't want to just leave like this!

Although he and the Bianhua clan have hatred, and even hate this clan, now that he wants to save the great world, only this clan can do it!

As a person, as a member of the great world, this place is his home!

What's the point of being alive if the home is gone?

"If so... one day I can return for the tenth generation..." Jiang Chen really couldn't think of the reason, and he only asked tentatively. After all, it is not certain whether he can return for the tenth generation.

He had problems in his previous reincarnations, and the return of the tenth world was a joke in the eyes of many people!

"If I can return, how about respecting the other shore flower family?" Jiang Chen said.

When these words were spoken, Jiang Chen also shook his head and laughed at himself: "This kind of illusory promise, change it to me...I won't agree."

However, what surprised Jiang Chen was that after he said this, the light on the three ancestors of the Flower Clan actually flickered brightly and darkly, and it seemed to be touched!

After a few breaths, someone transmitted a voice message and said: "If you can really come back, you only need to promise us one thing."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked hurriedly.

"Amnesty for my family." The man said through a voice message.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but froze in place.


At this moment, Jiang Chen thought a lot, and confirmed some things!

That is, the Began Flower Clan has definitely rebelled, and has gone out of the Big Thousand World!

This is a major sin!

If one day, Jiang Chen the tenth returns, all this will definitely be settled, and then the otheran flower family will definitely be destroyed!

However, even Jiang Chen himself didn't know whether he could return for the tenth generation, so why should the otheran flower family be like this?

"I remember your clan, the one who doesn't believe that I can return for the tenth generation, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I can't believe it." Someone said through a voice transmission: "You don't understand how strong you used to be. I am waiting to have an enemy against you. If you return, the entire Higan Flower Clan will be destroyed!

"Oh? That means... Actually, you also believe that I can come back?" Jiang Chen was stunned, what the **** the other side flower clan was doing?

"If you agree, this time in the Dark Blood Age, my Bianhua Clan will help the world to settle down! If not...where do you come from, and where do you go back."


At this moment, Jiang Chen almost didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed.

After all, for Jiang Chen, he hasn't returned yet. Now that this promise is made, it may end up being empty talk.

He really can't figure it out. Does the Hilan Flower Clan care so much?


However, at the moment Jiang Chen agreed, he felt like there was a cause and effect that was tied to him.

This feeling is very strange, very mysterious, inexplicable.

"You...are you calculating me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not a calculation, it's just to leave a way out for my clan."

"Okay, leave the rest to my clan."


In the end, the ancestors of the Bianhua clan agreed, and even An Heng and An Kun, who were killed before, nodded in agreement.

However, they are very weak at the moment, after all, they have just been resurrected.

As for Jiang Chen, the Bi'an Flower Clan really didn't accept him and sent him away directly.

"It's really spineless, and actually reached such an agreement with the Bianhua clan."

Not long after leaving the Hua Clan, Tianzong suddenly found Jiang Chen, and when they met, it was a mockery.

Jiang Chen didn't give the other side a good face, and said angrily: "You can do it, you go?"

"Give me another ten thousand years, this seat will definitely be in the forefront of the broken road! By then, there will be no opponents for me in this world!" Tianzong was very arrogant.

Moreover, when he said this, an astonishing Taoist rhyme broke out in Tianzong's body, and at the same time, there was a broken circuit at his feet!

It's just that this disconnection is very vague, it just manifests, and it hasn't even stepped out.

But for Jiang Chen, it was already shocked to the depths of his soul!

A physical psychic person, without any background, has actually reached this point! ?

This... is stronger than his body!

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