I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1417: Is it a pit?

The battlefield is very chaotic, and no one can care about the people around them, even the transcendents, and even the circuit breaker-level powerhouses, can't protect themselves!

In the war of Yin and Yang in the Three Realms, the great world intervenes, and the three parties are fighting, and the blood flows into a river instantly!

As the creatures of the Ancient Road joined the battle, the battle situation suddenly reversed!

Before the three-party world fought, it looked like you were dead and alive, but at this moment the powerhouse of the three-party world is retreating steadily!

Even the strong at the end of the road were injured, and some were almost killed on the spot!

"These people... are they really the so-called green leaves?!"

"Too fierce!?"

"What did I see!? A lower emperor shredded an extraordinary one with his bare hands!"


At this moment, some people started to back up, and their eyes were full of panic.

No one thought that these creatures, known as Luye, would be so powerful in combat!

"I'm here to hone you!"

"If your strength is poor, you will fall here after all!"

"No grievances and no grudges, they are all fighting for peace and harmony, and death... so why not?"


The creatures on the ancient road are very excited, and even more people have blood and tears in their eyes!

Everyone knows that this battle has no source, no grudges, just to make the opponent stronger!

Killing, blood, death, this is the best way to make a person rise in a short period of time!

"Who is that!? The middle emperor, how can he have this kind of combat power, not weaker than my immortal road!"


Suddenly, someone exclaimed and saw a young man who was covered in phantoms of dragons and tigers, tearing apart an extraordinary person!

Many people looked over, with horror in their eyes.

"I am the ancestral court Jiang Chen!"

Jiang Chen screamed, it was him!

"Good boy, I will meet you!"

"Count me in!"


At this moment, a full eight of the creatures on the Ancient Road rushed over, saying that it would be nice for a while, and it would be awkward...that doesn't mean it's a beating!

Rao is Jiang Chen no matter how strong, but in front of these eight creatures on the ancient road, he is also beaten and retreated steadily!

In the end, Jiang Chen's body was blown apart, and he immediately recast his body and flee immediately!

Some people chased it down, but others showed a calm expression on their faces.

It's because they all know that when you enter the road of immortality, you can only fight to the end, otherwise you can't escape, after all, you will have a fight.

"The boss is gone, what are we still doing here? Withdraw!"

"Brothers, you block, let's withdraw first!"


Several great virtues have no morals at all, and they ran away under a few strange calls.

Subsequently, the mortal was severely injured, and the eight ancestors almost fell. If the mortal hadn't taken the shot in time, this guy would fall here!

"These people are so fierce!"

The ancestor of Babu has an ugly face. He has been in the Great Thousand World for several times, commanding tens of thousands of people in Babu, and he has always been an existence overlooking the world.

But just today, at the entrance of this ancient road, he was hit and killed by a person of the same realm!

"This is the road to immortal ancient times... the last trump card of the major planes!" The mortal said solemnly: "The training of blood and life, the contest between life and death..."

In the end, the deceased and the eight ancestors also escaped, without any face.

After half a day, the place was empty, but there were corpses and blood everywhere.

Hundreds of people died in the Three Realms of Yin and Yang, among them there were many transcendents and circuit breakers.

The Great Thousand World has also suffered a lot, but the casualties are not large. After all, Jiang Chen, the "boss", was first afraid, and the others did not hesitate after seeing it, and walked directly!

In contrast, although many people were injured on the ancient road, only three died!

"Three died, one of them was beheaded by the man named Jiang Chen!"

"That guy...very vigorous and worth training. If you meet him in the future...don't show mercy and go to death!" The master raised his eyebrows: "I hope he can reach the end."

"Lord, there is a question I have been wondering...Why are we so powerful, but we want to be their green leaf and support them?" a junior asked.

This question, in fact, many creatures in the ancient road are very puzzled.

"This is a mission. I was born like this..." The world master sighed, "If we don't have them, how come we..."

"But... we are a little dissatisfied." Someone murmured. Although they all know that for the sake of the three big worlds, if they really want to be the green leaf to support, no one will feel good.

Especially after seeing the strength of the monks of the three worlds, many people feel that it is an insult to give the monks of the three worlds a green leaf support!

"You... don't understand, their strength is not what you can imagine." The world master said, and then dismissed everyone, and sent all the powerful men to chase and kill the monks in the three worlds.

At the same time, in a lonely mountain range, Jiang Chen panted hard, his face turned pale, and his heart was even more lingering!

"How could this be? Your own Taoism has been suppressed?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen frowned, very puzzled.

Since entering the road of immortal ancient times, the Dao Fa in his body has been suppressed by half, and even the divine power is not as good as three tenths of what it used to be!

If not, how could those eight people defeat Jiang Chen!

"Damn it! This place is weird, and I can't use my magical powers!"

"I also felt that it was not that the creatures of the Ancient Road were strong, but that we were suppressed too hard!"


On the other side, several great virtues also looked ugly.

In the outside world, their several great virtues joined forces, not to mention invincible, but it was almost the same, at least they could walk sideways.

But on the ancient road, several great virtues teamed up, and they were almost beheaded!

"Too embarrassed! No way! This king must find a way to restore his strength!" Long Dade said solemnly: "This world suppresses us too hard..."

"Do you still want to turn over the laws of order in this world?" Niao Dade said grimly: "Forget it, this is a kind of training."

"I'm not satisfied! I feel unhappy in my heart!" Long Dade felt aggrieved in his heart. He clearly had extremely strong strength, but was suppressed and beaten madly.

Even Dragon Horn was almost broken!

"There is a sentence that is not worth talking about..." Jian Dade's face was very ugly, and asked: "Are you sure...we have no grievances with the creatures in the ancient road?"

As soon as these words came out, several great virtues immediately became a little confused.

Isn't it... not without grievances and grudges?

"I can clearly sense that the creatures of the Ancient Road are very malicious towards us!" Jian Dade said: "That is not pure malice, but with hatred!"

"No way?"

"Could it be that... this is a pit? The Lord of the Ancient Land Mansion opened the road of immortal ancient times. This is killing us in the pit!?"


The complexions of several great virtues looked ugly, and if that was the case, then they would be in danger this time!

It is possible that the powerhouses of the three major worlds will fall within the road of immortal ancient times!

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