I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1419: Not the ancient road

A punch was like a mountain, magnificent, but when it fell on Jiang Chen, only a real dragon phantom erupted, smashing the punch directly!

Immediately, Jiang Chen shot out with a palm, and suppressed the extraordinary.

"How...how can you have this kind of combat power?" The extraordinary person was horrified, and his eyes were full of unbelief.

He knew very well that after outsiders entered the Immortal Ancient Road, their cultivation and Taoism would be suppressed.

Don't say it is the same realm, even if it is one realm higher than him, it is not necessarily able to beat him!

But now, a high-ranking emperor actually suppressed him with a slap...

"If there isn't something wrong with the order and the heavens here, I will be able to suppress the top transcendents with one hand." Jiang Chen said coldly, "Say, why are you so afraid of the heavens?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression of this transcendent changed drastically, he pursed his mouth, and chose to remain silent.

Jiang Chen smiled and pointed out, using the secret technique, his divine consciousness rushed into his soul, and he began to find the answer by himself!

After more than ten breaths, Jiang Chen's expression became weird, and in the end he was even more shocked!

He knew from the memory of this extraordinary person that the creatures in the ancient road were afraid of the catastrophe, as if they were born with restraint.

There are even more rumors that the creatures in the ancient road are dead souls!

The soul of the dead is yin, and the catastrophe is yang, so naturally it is fear!

However, this extraordinary person in front of him is a living person who is alive, how could he be a dead soul! ?

"By the way...How can a part of your memory have been sealed?" Jiang Chen said curiously, "Is there any secret?"

"Even if there is a secret, I can't say that the memory is sealed, if I say it, and the seal blows up, I will die too!" This extraordinary person is very honest.

It's just because he knows very well that he can't tell some secrets even if he wants to!

It's just a pity that he met Jiang Chen today!

At this moment, Jiang Chen directly used the Qi of Chaos to hit the deepest part of the soul of this transcendent, and even more easily broke the seal on his memory!



However, before Jiang Chen explored his most important memory, this transcendent man showed a hideous face and chose to self-destruct!

Under an explosion, a generation of extraordinary people fell!

"What's the situation? What's the secret? I don't hesitate to destroy myself and don't want to tell it." Jiang Chen frowned.

At this moment, Jiang Chen felt a little bit. He raised his head and glanced at the sky of the Immortal Ancient Road, as if he could see a pair of invisible eyes staring at him.

"The lord of the ancient palace... is what you said is true or not?" Jiang Chen whispered.

Immediately, Jiang Chen left quickly. He couldn't stay in one place for a long time. After all, the creatures of the Ancient Road were chasing and killing them.

After half a day, outside an ancient city on the Ancient Road...

The ancient city is magnificent, but also with a mottled breath of time.

The city wall was cast from unknown black stone, and it was engraved with sword marks and blood stains.

Around the city wall, there are restrictions and barriers everywhere. It seems that this ancient city is a very important place.

"Have you heard that people from outside the world have come in! Our chance is here!"

"It's a pity, our cultivation is not enough to hunt those outsiders."


Jiang Chen hid his breath, hid outside the city wall, and heard a lot of things.

And the more he listened, the more he panicked!

"If I can kill a person from outside the world and seize his body, I can leave this ghost place later!"

"Return to the world!"


"Seize the flesh? Return to the world? Are the creatures in the entire Immortal Ancient Road really dead?" Jiang Chen was shocked, feeling the seriousness of this matter.

He wants to retreat, after all, this place is too dangerous.

But at this moment, a chariot stepped into the air in the distance, pulled by three dragons and three phoenixes, which was quite extraordinary.

On the chariot, a young man holding a Fang Tian painted halberd stood proudly, with a trace of domineering spirit between his brows.

With his arrival, the creatures in the ancient city couldn't help being excited, and some even shouted: "It's a headhunter!"

"The leader among headhunters, Huang Shangfang!"


As everyone shouted, the chariot came to the ancient city, and then the young man standing on the chariot slowly spoke and said, "I am the headhunter Huang Shangfang, come here today to declare!"

"There is an order from the Gosei Sect. Anyone who finds a trace of a living being outside the world can directly enter the Goshen Sect and become an inner disciple!"

"If someone can hand in the corpse of an outsider, he can become a true disciple and enjoy all the cultivation resources in the biosect!"


Following Huang's words, the people in the ancient city became excited.

Some people screamed towards the Shengzong, while others screamed strangely, seemingly very excited!


But at this moment, Huang's expression condensed, his gaze suddenly moved horizontally, and it happened to land in Jiang Chen's hiding place!

At this moment, Jiang Chen did not hesitate, got up to tear the void, and was about to flee here!

"In front of my Road Breaker, a mere emperor wants to leave!?" Huang Gaofang said contemptuously, with one hand slowly falling, the space around Jiang Chen actually began to twist, as if it was about to turn into a cage!

"What!? The law of space!?" Jiang Chen was shocked, this supreme law and order, few in the past can be mastered!

But now, one unexpectedly appeared here!

"I want to go, you can't stop it!"

Jiang Chen roared, dragon and tiger phantoms appeared, his hands suddenly rushed out, tearing a piece of void!

Afterwards, he flees directly!

This scene left Huang Shangfang stunned for a long time.

He really did not expect that an emperor from outside the world could escape from his space law!

"This person is extraordinary... if he can get his physical body... he will surely make my way to extraordinary!" Huang Shangfang's eyes flickered.

He comes from the Past Life Sect, knows a lot of Xin Mi, and even more importantly, how important the bodies of creatures outside the world are to the creatures in the path of immortality!

"I booked this person's body!" Huang Gaofang whispered, and then drove the chariot all the way to chase!

At this moment, Jiang Chen was uneasy, and secretly said that what he had guessed was about to come true!

If the Ancient Road is a scam, then who can set up this scam and deceive the number of people in the world! ?

Is the Lord of the Ancient Mansion?

Or... someone else! ?

But anyway, they have entered the game since they entered the road of immortal ancient times!

What green leaves, what is for the outside world, all nonsense!

The creatures in the road of immortal ancient times completely want their bodies!


"This is not the ancient road!"

On the same day, there was a strong man at the end of the broken path in the Yin Three Realms.

Before the fall, a voice filled with panic and unwillingness resounded everywhere!

It was also on this day that many people discovered the clues, and even more people were taken away from their bodies on the spot!

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