I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1427: From the dark

The three of them ran out with a look of horror. It was obvious that they had encountered something extremely terrifying in the tomb.

After a few breaths, I saw several other great virtues also escaped, all of them pale incomparably.

"Where is Mu Youde?" Jiang Chen asked in confusion. Several great virtues ran out, leaving only one Mu Youde.

In the surrounding area, the strong faces at the end of the broken road looked ugly. They wanted to hunt down a few great virtues, but they were even more worried about the tombs below the rift!

That is the tomb of their ancestors, and it is related to the luck of their entire clan!

If there is an accident here and the luck is cut off, the sect is likely to be implicated in it, or even encounter an accident, and eventually be destroyed.

"You said it's all a group of dead souls, what's the point of establishing a sect here?" Tianzong said angrily.

"The key is... has become a dead soul, why should I be buried? What was buried?" Jiang Chen doubted.

Hearing this, Tianhong laughed a few times, pointed to the crack in the distance, and said: "The one buried underneath is not a dead soul, but a creature. Like you, he came from outside the world and has no soul after death. , Only the body was left, and was buried here."

As he said, Tianhong frowned, and muttered: "It is said that this creature has a great background. He was willing to enter the Immortal Ancient Road at the beginning. I really want to have a deep relationship with Gudifu."

"It has a deep relationship with the ancient palace? Could it be... you died here deliberately?" Jiang Chen was stunned. If this is the case, then the routine of the ancient palace is a bit incomprehensible.

"damn it!"

At this moment, Mu Youde's voice came from under the crack.

Immediately, he rushed out covered in blood, with a blood-stained arm in his hand, which looked very scary!

"It's you bastard!"

"Grave Robber Dog Thief!"


At this moment, several strong men at the end of the broken road roared out, one of them pointed out, and a mysterious light fell, as if to calm the universe!

The surrounding space is cracked, the sky is raining down, and the wind is rolling!

"Fuck!" Mu Youde stared, and the blood-stained arm in his hand waved out, and the black mist jumped up, shattering the attack of the strong man at the end of the broken road!

Even the flood of flowers and rain disappeared!


"what is this?"


At this moment, everyone exclaimed that it was not Mu Youde's power, but from the blood-stained arm!

It's hard to imagine, whose arm it is, it contains such power!

What kind of character is the owner of this arm! ?

"It's the arm of the ancestor!"

"Thousands of swords! Even if you rob the tomb, you still destroy my ancestor's body!?"


Someone reflected, and rushed over with a roar, trying to regain the arm.

When Mu Youde saw this, he did not run. Instead, he stood near the crack with a cold face, pointed at the bottom of the crack, and said, "You are facing great disaster!"

"What do you mean? What happened down there?" A circuit breaker said in a deep voice, stopping the people around him who were trying to do something.

The other broken circuit-level powerhouses also looked solemnly, because they felt that a terrifying force was slowly waking up!

This power is very strange, it is not a divine power, nor is it a fairy power, it does not seem to belong to this world!

"The people of the dark world are buried here, but you call him the ancestor!? They are not dead! They are just absorbing your wishes! Now, he is going to get up! The road is about to be broken!"

Mu Youde's face was extremely gloomy. He thought this was the tomb of the creatures of the Ancient Road, but who would have thought that the people buried underneath were not "people" at all!

The breath of that creature, like the breath of the source of darkness, does not come from this plane!

"The humble world, humble creatures, your purpose is for my use."

"Now that everything is over, a great era will begin, and this era will end!"


At this moment, magnificent voices came from below the crack.

The sound was shocking, but it gave people a feeling of extreme disgust.

After a few breaths, I saw a man flying up from under the rift, black hair dancing with the wind, and a black funeral gown that was a little bit weird!

He was missing an arm, and now his eyes fell on Mu Youde, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Who are you? Why did you hurt my body?" the man asked.

"Me? I am the lord of the four underworlds, and I am the lord of the underworld!" Mu Youde's body was trembling, and he was also scared!

I didn't leave before, because I wanted to see the man clearly, and even more wanted to figure out what this man had.

And now, Mu Youde regrets a bit.

Facing such a man, he didn't even have a chance to survive!

If I knew this, I should have just ran away before!

"So that's it." The man whispered, with a relieved expression on his face, and said: "The place closest to my world has powers very similar to ours. No wonder it hurts me."

"Sure enough! The so-called source of darkness, the so-called dark world, is that piece of the world!" Mu Youde seemed to know something, and his eyes were full of unkindness.

But soon, Mu Youde tore the void and wanted to escape from here!

He knew better than anyone, where this man came from and what power he possessed!

On the contrary, many of the creatures in the ancient road were kneeling on the ground at this moment, worshiping the man, shouting "Ancestor" in their mouths.

This made Mu Youde want to laugh. I'm afraid this group of people still don't know what kind of terrifying existence the ancestor in their mouth is!

"Leave things, people can go." The man whispered, one hand slowly reached out, seemingly slow, but in fact he caught Mu Youde in an instant.

He wants to get his arm back!

"Don't think about it! If your physical body is not complete, it will be difficult to return to the peak!" Mu Youde roared, struggling, and threw the arm in his hand towards where Jiang Chen was, shouting: "Take it. It, run quickly!"

"Fuck! I don't want it!" Jiang Chen was startled, Mu Youde is really not a person!

With this arm, this man will let them go?

With Jiang Chen's current strength, wanting to escape from this man is simply a dream!

But Jiang Chen still knew the importance of this arm, and said no, but he still took the arm off, and then ran towards the distance without looking back.

It's just a pity that in front of this man, it's so ridiculous to shrink one inch.

In just three breaths time, a finger dropped, and Jiang Chen was suppressed in the void after a long distance, unable to move!

At the same time, the arm was touched by the finger and pulled back.

"You dare!"

But at this moment, a sound of anger came from the depths of Jiang Chen's soul! I have nine female apprentices and the latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/123519.html I have nine female apprentices to read the full text: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/I have nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/123519.htmlI have nine female apprentices to read on mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (the 1427th Chapter comes from the dark) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookcase! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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