I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1436: The cause of darkness

The Moon God is too strong, and all the magic will be wiped out after a round of bright moon lifts into the sky!

The laws of time are turbulent, they can't be condensed at all, and even the three wisps of chaos are almost shaken away!

The invincible and the lantern bearer kept backing away, with jealousy in their eyes, obviously not daring to shake the Moon God hard!

The same was true for Jiang Chen, with blood spraying in his mouth, and a ray of moonlight, like a sharp sword, had fallen on the center of his eyebrows.

At this moment, Jiang Chen could clearly feel that death was right in front of his eyes!


However, after a few breaths, Jiang Chen was stunned, just because this ray of moonlight never penetrated an inch, and it has been reaching the center of Jiang Chen's eyebrows.

At the same time, a trace of struggle flashed through the depths of Moon God's eyes!

Obviously, the Moon God has not been completely eroded, and there is still a trace of sanity!

"Hurry up!" The Moon God spoke with difficulty, and there was a hint of tenderness and love in the struggle in his eyes.

"good chance!"



But at this moment, the eyes of the lantern bearer and the invincible skyrocketed, and one made a seal with both hands, as if the sky had descended, and the sky full of pictures was like ink painting, covering the round of bright moon behind the moon god.

Another thrust forward, using the luck of the ancestral realm as a guide, a Dharma seal fell, pressing on the center of the Moon God's eyebrows!

Under the double offensive, the Moon God looked in a trance, and the power in his body gradually subsided, until a hint of clarity was revealed in his eyes.

"kill me!"

The Moon God returned to his senses, looking at Jiang Chen with a complicated expression, and said: "You can't suppress me. You will all die when the force in my body wakes up."

"There must be a way!" Jiang Chen said solemnly, looking at the invincible and the lantern-bearer, and asked: "What else is there?"

"Suppress first, think about the way slowly!" The Invincible said in a deep voice: "Hurry up! The strength of the two of us alone cannot completely suppress her!"

When Jiang Chen heard the words, his expression condensed, and he shot immediately.

Chaos air appeared again, dragon and tiger phantom shadows appeared, a rose bloomed, and a thorn flower emerged.

His hands were in the seal, the formation barrier formed out of thin air, and finally turned into a series of obscure runes, printed on the Moon God's body.

Three thousand formations inside and outside, coupled with the magical powers of the three, can be regarded as suppressing the Moon God.

Of course, this is temporary!

They can all feel that there is a special power in the Moon God, which is terrifying and even surpasses the power of immortality!

This power is struggling, and it is slowly waking up!

Once this power awakens, the Moon God will break free!

"What should I do?" Jiang Chen sighed.

They couldn't suppress the Moon God forever, they had to think of a way as soon as possible.

However, the invincible and the lantern bearer encountered this situation for the first time, and they were helpless for a while!

"If you can return, you will definitely have a way!" said the lantern-bearer: "I fell into the darkness at the beginning, and you brought me back to the light! It's just...I don't know what you used at the beginning!"

"If I return, she will be saved?" Jiang Chen said sternly.

"Definitely!" the lantern-bearer nodded.

Others may not know Jiang Chen's ability at the beginning, but the lantern-bearer has a deep understanding.

He was the first creature to enter the Great Thousand World from the ancient world, and the first person in the ancient world to be purified by Jiang Chen!

He knew very well that if Jiang Chen returned, with his all-impossible power, he would definitely help the Moon God return to the light!

It's just...Can Jiang Chen return now?

"He can return, but... I don't know when he will return." The Invincible smiled bitterly: "The return is inevitable, but I don't know if she can wait."

"Return...return..." Jiang Chen whispered, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, as if he was smiling, but in reality he felt bitter.

He also wants to return, but he wants to be himself.

But now, if he doesn't return, the Moon God will completely fall into darkness!

When the time comes, the Moon God will be violent, and darkness will fall, and this great world will really be annihilated!

"How should I return?" Jiang Chen sighed.

Return, what is a return?

Jiang Chen didn't know, the Invincible didn't know, and the lantern-bearer didn't even know.

Perhaps the only person who knows how to return is Jiang Chen himself.

It's just... he's a little confused.


"The ancient realm is destroyed, and the Great Thousand World and the Three Realms of Yin and Yang will be buried with me in the ancient realm!"


Suddenly, a roar came from a distance, and the boundary wall of the ancient world was torn apart. Under the leadership of the source of darkness and the dark man, dozens of dark creatures rushed into the great world!

Someone rushed straight into the Three Realms of Yin through the secret technique, and some rushed into the Three Realms of Yang!

And the Dark Source and the Dark Man, the two stayed in this great world.

"Today, kill you, no one can stop me from waiting in this world!" The killing intent was surging in the eyes of the source of darkness, full of anger!

The ancient world was destroyed for some reason, and his home was gone, he was already annoyed and depressed.

Now, he vented this anger on the three big worlds!

And the source of darkness also understands that in this world now, only these three people can stop him!

Kill these three, the world is in harmony!

"You still want to save her? As everyone knows, if it weren't for her, the black mist would not erode into my ancient world! My ancient world would not change either!"

"Say I am the source of darkness, what is she!? After all, she is the real source!"


The Source of Darkness looked at the Moon God, with murderous intent in his eyes, and said coldly: "Now that you are temporarily awake, it is better to tell them what you did back then!"

Moon God heard this, and his beautiful face was full of bitterness and regret.

She looked at Jiang Chen and lowered her head slightly. In addition to love, there was more guilt in her eyes.

She was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I was forced to wait for the lower realm of six people, and I couldn’t return to the fairy realm again in my life. I wanted to return to the fairy realm, and I kept trying to find a way until I met that one. thing……"

"What is it?" Jiang Chen asked, also curious, what is it that can erode the entire world!

"Then...it should be regarded as a coffin, there is a gap in the coffin..."


Moon God said slowly.

At first, she felt an invincible force in the coffin.

She wants to borrow that power and return to the fairy world.

But who knows... That power is too strong and too evil, she can't control it!

The final result is as it is now, she has been eroded, and the entire ancient world has also been eroded!

"Don't say that people in the ancient world are cruel, but I have also been eroded, and everything I do now is just acting according to my current heart! If you want to blame, blame her!" The Dark Source jokingly said: " But... I have to wait and thank her, if it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t have had such a powerful force!" I have the latest chapter address of nine female apprentices: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/123519.html I have nine female apprentices to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/Me There are nine female apprentices txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/123519.html我There are nine female apprentices to read on their mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/123519/for convenience For the second reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1436: The Causes of Darkness), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Nine Female Apprentices", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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